Military school for troubled youth Australia

Should you need help finding schools for troubled teens, military schools, teen challenge schools, therapeutic boarding schools, therapeutic programs or boarding schools with therapy, please let us know. The best therapeutic schools and behavior modification programs providing treatment for troubled teens are listed here. This directory includes the best therapeutic boarding schools, best residential treatment programs for teens, best wilderness programs, outdoor therapeutic and adventure therapy programs, and other behavioral health programs working with troubled teens. Boarding Schools that are Emotional Growth Schools and Therapeutic Boarding Schools provide therapy for at-risk teenage boys and girls. If you are searching for troubled youth homes, summer camps for troubled teens, troubled teen schools, or troubled teen therapy boarding schools, you have found a list of them.

Military Schools For Troubled Teens - Best Therapeutic Boarding Schools

Military schools once helped troubled teens, but today most don't take troubled teens anymore -- we know whiich ones that do, and other options

What Can These Australian Boarding Schools Offer You?

You are the one in control of which boarding school in Australia will you apply.  You can choose and enrol yourself in your preferred boarding schools that will support your overall self-development. These schools not only focus on improving your academics but also in enhancing your social, psychological, emotional, and also your spiritual development during your stay. These boarding schools offer the students different programs that you can choose from. You can be a full-time boarder, a semi-boarder who goes home every weekend, or a day type of student. You can choose the set-up that you want while studying at school.  

Benefits Offered for Day Students

There are some activities that a day type of students can also experience, such as study services, serving daily meals, and also school outings. All students, whatever you are a full-time border or not, can enjoy these services offered by the school during the school year.   

What Can Students Expect Inside the Boarding School? 

Both local and international students are warmly welcomed so you can feel safe and at home with its caring and supportive residential environment. Boarding in Australia as a student will expose you to people with different cultures, religions, and also linguistic backgrounds. It will diversify your knowledge and perspective and will help you learn to be flexible while being independent. 

Benefits of Having a Non-English Speaking Background

These Australian boarding schools help students that have no-English speaking background by exposing you to a supportive English speaking environment. Through this immersion, you will slowly learn how to speak in English and communicate with other students that will greatly help you in the long run.

Offers That You Can Have for Scholarship Programs

Scholarships can greatly help you save more money as long as you can achieve the qualifications the boarding school requires. Two most common scholarships that are offered to students are:

  • Academic fees
  • Boarding fees

Scholarship programs are both open to boarding and day-school type of students as long as you can academically qualify to the school’s standards. It will help you practice being academically competitive, enhance your time management, and also be active with different school’s activities. Normally, scholarships programs for boarding fees are decided based on your need and if you must be granted with this award that will help in supporting you academically.   

If you are looking for a boarding school that offers services for primary and secondary education, Australia is a good country to stay and learn. You can find various boarding schools according to your preference whether you like to enrol yourself in a Catholic, Uniting Church, Lutheran, or other types of schools. These schools will help you learn and develop yourself by being independent, exploring different things, studying other cultures, and interacting with other people. 

Enrol yourself before the school year starts! You can learn, build friendship, and also open your mind to different cultures while staying in Australia.  If you are interested in enrolling yourself in this Australian boarding school program or have further inquiries, you can contact [email protected] for more information.

The teenage years are tough. Many teens do not have the coping skills in place to deal with the trials they may face. But there are places and programs that can help. The term "troubled teen" refers to adolescents who are struggling mentally, emotionally or behaviorally. They may be depressed, suicidal, angry or sad. They may do drugs, drink or participate in other dangerous behavior. Programs exist all over the world to help these kids. In Australia, you will find the following programs for troubled teens.

Learning Unlimited

Learning Unlimited helps students who want to drop out of school. They have several different programs, one of which is a wilderness program. Find more about them through Mission Australia.

Summit to the Sea: A REFS Wilderness Journey

REFS (Regional Extended Family Services) has a 21-day wilderness experience for troubled teens. It involves 10 days of walking from the top of Mount Kosciusko, 9 days of rafting, and the last 2 days canoeing, ending at the ocean.

Teen Challenge

Teen Challenge is a Christian-based, non-profit organization that has several different ways to help troubled teens, one of which is a 12-month residential rehabilitation program.

Teen Challenge Grace Academy

Teen Challenge Grace Academy is a 40-bed residential detox and rehabilitation program. Along with academic courses, TCGA offers courses in auto, audio recording, computers and graphic design.

Triple Care Farm

Triple Care Farm is residential treatment and vocational program for teens with "complex backgrounds." They teach farming and woodworking as part of the program. This is a program of Mission Australia.


Connections is a program for teens who have dropped out of school. Connections provides educational and personal growth programs and is a program of Mission Australia.


Headspace is a place for teens to learn about their mental health issues. There are several centers located around Australia that offer support, guidance and programs, but Headspace is primarily an online tool.

Do military schools exist in Australia?

The Royal Military College, Duntroon, also known simply as Duntroon, is the Australian Army's officer training establishment.

How old do you have to be to go to military school Australia?

If you are over 12 years and 6 months of age, you can join our youth development program – the Australian Defence Force Cadets. In the Cadets, you'll develop leadership, team-building and survival skills while having great fun.

Does Australia have military high school?

This Australian military school is located on the British Royal Ship Creswell near Jervis Bay. Also, this school provides students with different kinds of courses, such as liberal arts, science and engineering degree courses. The academic education of RANC is provided by The University of New South Wales.

Can your parents send you to military school?

Yes, they can and do. Military schools have kids who want a military career and hope that a military high school will be a good training ground for a service academy or military college.


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