Mario kart 8 traction vs handling

Handling is how tightly you can turn and drift. Higher handling also causes you to lose less speed when turning.

Lower traction causes you to skid more when turning and drifting. Do a few laps of Rainbow Road with minimum and maximum traction setups and it should be clear as day just what it does. A low traction stat makes it much harder to control your turns and hug the insides of corners.

Both handling and traction are reduced when driving on certain terrains (like sand and ice), and when inked by a Blooper. This effect is more severe the greater your weight is.

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  2. Mario Kart 8
  3. I don't understand the difference between handling and traction

PKNintendo 8 years ago#1

What are they? Which stat is more important? Which stat helps me make tight turns better?

I've heard that handling only helps you turn your vehicle outside of drifting, is this true?

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KingIceSonic 8 years ago#2

Traction is basically drift from the old games. Low traction means less sharp turns but only in certain places

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Apollo_VI 8 years ago#3

I thought traction was the same as off-road in MKW.

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PKNintendo (Topic Creator)8 years ago#4

Slave 1 posted...

I thought traction was the same as off-road in MKW.

I hear this a lot too. Seems like nobody really knows.

You want the worst? Well you gon' see the worst, because I'm the best; the best at being the worst!

Alakazam_fan 8 years ago#5

Traction relates to how your car handles on main racing roads that aren't asphalt, like water road in Donut Plains, ice covered Sherbet Land, and sand surface in Dry Dry Ruins.

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OMEGA_RUGAL 8 years ago#6

Alakazam_fan posted...

Traction relates to how your car handles on main racing roads that aren't asphalt, like water road in Donut Plains, ice covered Sherbet Land, and sand surface in Dry Dry Ruins.

are you 100% sure on that? Cuz I myself am confused what this stat does.

One of the great challenges in this world is knowing enough about a subject to think you're wright, but not enough about the subject to know you're wrong.

HeroFlyChao 8 years ago#7

Traction does two things:

It influences your handling on non-road terrain, like sand, underwater, wet roads, ice, etc. More Traction = less sliding and makes your kart handle more closely to how it does on normal road.

It, combined with handling, influences the tightness of your drift. Having high in one or the other will give you passable drift, and having high in both will give you insane drifting.

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SirPikachu 8 years ago#8

Traction definitely helps with Drift. I have tested it. With an outward arc vehicle; less Traction means you slide way further out in the drift. With more Traction; it slides A LOT less, letting you drift right on the inside edge without sliding anywhere.

I'm not to sure about how much it affects inward bikes.

And Handling is simply how well it turns; mainly when not drifting.

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ssjremuko 8 years ago#9

Traction is called grip in the EU version according to a stream I watched

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  1. Boards
  2. Mario Kart 8
  3. I don't understand the difference between handling and traction

Does traction matter in Mario Kart 8?

The Grip stat in the European version of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Traction (known as Grip in Europe and Oceania) is how much a kart or bike slides when turning. When traction is high, the kart's tires have a better grip on the road surface and as a result, the kart slides less and makes tighter turns.

What's the difference between handling and traction?

Traction. So from what I've read, it seems like the Handling stat determines your Kart's ability to turn normally, and Traction is your ability to turn while drifting.

What does handling affect in Mario Kart 8?

Handling is a stat in Mario Kart DS, Mario Kart Wii, Mario Kart 7, Mario Kart 8, and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. It represents the capacity of a kart or bike to make small turns. The higher the handling is, the better the turns are.

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