Is there different endings to we were here?

2017年2月8日 21時00分

Alternative Ending? (Spoilers)

So the ending of the game is that you are either left behind or you escape. However as a few people have pointed out the game teases of an alternative ending by asking if there was another way. However if you play as the librarian and you pull the lever on the second floor it brings the chandelier which you can then jump onto and it will slowly go back up. Angle it right it shows a hidden message of "A Cat In The Narrow Makes Strange Jumps". Now is this some form of easter egg I'm not sure or is this related to it. On our second playthrough me and my friend tried a few other methods but nothing seemed to work. We tried timed jumping and we didn't make it in time. My friend glitched with some tiles we tried dropping on the button and that didn't work. We tried turning all the torches off/on and nothing happened. We even tried the silliest one which was standing where the gate comes down to see if it stopped it midway (hey you never know! XD). The problem is you don't have infinite time to try all the different methods as you evenutally die which is comical because you get a message along the lines of cause of death unknown. And the checkpoint is redoing the theatre puzzle.

Now I was wondering if anyone else had any ideas? Or any luck trying for both of the players escaping. Granted there is no achivment for it so it may be impossible but it could be interesting to see if anyone has had any luck or if anyone has any ideas.

投稿日: 2017年2月8日 21時00分

投稿数: 50

Here's how to get both endings in We Were Here Forever, quite the task for even the experienced puzzler.

You'll surely want to get both endings in We Were Here Forever after all the effort it takes to get through the game's difficult puzzles. Naturally, getting both endings isn't easy.

Our guide will provide you with both endings in We Were Here Forever and experience a complete story wrap-up. Both players will have to work in synergy to be able to solve these extremely difficult puzzles and finish the game.

We Were Here Forever: Chapter 5 Ending

In this stage of the game both players need to work together to be able to cook some crystals, using the directions found on the blackboard.

Unfortunately you will have very limited time to complete this puzzle, so you need to coordinate your actions precisely the way they are described below.

First, players need to take these steps:

  1. Player 1 needs to fill the plate with the root.
  2. Player 1 now sends the filled plate.
  3. Player 2 needs to make cones, using green substance.
  4. Player 2 now sends two cones, one crystal, and a green substance.
  5. Player 1 needs to grind two cones and one crystal, using red and yellow substances.
  6. Player 1 now sends red substance.

Now both players are ready for cooking the substances for making more crystals:

  1. Player 1 needs to use green substance to make two concentrates.
  2. Player 1 now sends two concentrates and two grinded cones.
  3. Player 1 can now cook one blue crystal, using green and yellow substances and one mushroom.
  4. Player 2 can start cutting roots and cooking two red jars.
  5. Player 2 now sends three crystals and a red substance.
  6. Player 1 can grind one crystal to make one concentrate.

When all these components are ready, you can finish the job and solve the puzzle of the Assembly:

  1. Player 1 sends one mushroom, one concentrate, and one grinded crystal.
  2. Player 2 can start cutting mushroom and cooking one green jar.
  3. Player 1 can now make the other two blue crystals.

When you have all three blue crystals, two red jars, and one green jar ready, you can finally put them inside the Astrolabe and pull the lever in the center, which will complete the mission.

We Were Here Forever: Chapter 6 Ending

If you did it all right, you'll be unlocking Chapter 6 and can work towards its ending. It requires both players to assemble a concentrated light at the Astrolabe, which will open the portal and provide players with an escape route.

First, you need to assemble the correct light spheres by following these steps:

  1. Player 1 needs to go upstairs and rotate a crank.
  2. Player 2 needs to step inside the elevator and pull the lever.
  3. Both players now go down and pull away the wood plank.
  4. Both players need to go upstairs on the left side and pull the levers one by one.

Use the levers to manage the lights of the spheres so that they shine on each other. After that do the following:

  1. Player 1 needs to go down and pull the lever next to a sphere.
  2. Player 2 needs to pick up the cog and put it back into the mechanism.
  3. Player 1 needs to pull the lever once again.

Now comes the hardest part, and the final sphere of light should be established in the following way:

  1. Both players need to enter a niche under the ladder in the right side.
  2. Player 1 needs to step onto the platform and fall down, grabbing the ledge.
  3. Player 2 must assist Player 1 to move closer to the levers.
  4. Player 1 can now pull the levers.

Lastly, both players need to repeat the first trick with the elevator but on the left side. When one of the players arrives at the three switches on top, they should turn them on one by one from right to left.

When this is done, both players need to go back to the Astrolabe machine and pull the two levers on both of its sides in order to open the escape portal, which ends the game as it was intended. 

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Now you can finally solve both endgame puzzles in We Were Here Forever, and escape the Rockbury Realm via an open portal.

Published May. 23rd 2022

Is there multiple endings to we were here?

This is where the two different endings come into play. If player 1 chooses to sacrifice their partner player, they will earn the achievement "We Were Here." If they decide instead to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their partner, they will earn "Together."

How do you get the good ending in we were here too?

Stage 1 – First Playthrough – Good Ending. For the first playthrough, you will be grabbing the good ending, this is done by finding and turning on all 12 levers hidden throughout the game. You must also do this run without dying as this resets the levers.

Is we were here forever the last one?

We Were Here is a franchise of cooperative first-person adventure video games, created by the Dutch studio Total Mayhem Games. ... We Were Here (series).


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