Is there a Black Moon in 2022?

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The first New Moon Solar Eclipse of the year is set to arrive on April 30 and spoiler alert: it’s full of surprises. If you are open to it, this supercharged New Moon Eclipse in Taurus could provide just the boost you’ve been needing. The partial solar eclipse will be visible only in certain parts of the world, such as Antarctica and much of South America. Eclipses have a way of creating sweeping change, while new moons are all about setting fresh intentions. Whether you aim to tackle your finances or connect with a lover, the New Moon Eclipse is a perfect time.

This New Moon is known as a Black Moon, thanks to the Old Farmer’s Almanac. A new moon occurs whenever the sun can only illuminate the part of the moon we can’t see from Earth—so basically, it’s invisible to us. In ancient times, people would often time their harvest around the lunar calendar. They would plant all their seeds under a new moon, at the beginning of the cycle, when the sky was at its darkest. When the moon is hidden in the sky as it is during a new moon, it’s much harder for critters to discover seeds that haven’t yet had the time to sprout. If you think about it, it’s interesting how this same thinking applies nicely to our intentions.

“New Moon Eclipse in Taurus energy is all about your ability to make the intangible tangible.”

Cierra Miller.

Often it is said that by planting seeds or initiating an intention, you must first create in your mind, in the dark, before whatever you want can be created in the physical world. When we take steps towards our intentions, dreams and goals under a new moon, we are able to tap into a little window of time when the universe is most receptive to initiation. 

The New Moon In Taurus & Solar Eclipse

This new moon, charged with the protection of the darkness, can provide the right sustenance to nurture our intentions to fruition. This is doubly so when the new moon is closest to the nodes, creating an eclipse. The Black Moon should peak around 4:40 p.m. EST on Saturday, April 30. 

MORE: Five Solar Eclipse Rituals To Help You Harness That New Moon Magic

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

In astrology, the nodes are tied closely to our purpose, destiny and past. Very often whatever comes up during an eclipse tends to be far-reaching, highly influential and deeply tied to our higher purpose in some way.

With a New Moon Eclipse in Taurus, you could anticipate a push to dive deep into your values. New Moon Eclipse in Taurus energy is all about your sense of purpose, your self-esteem, your ability to make the intangible tangible and your overall sense of self-worth.

Key questions to ask under this eclipse: what’s most important in my life? When do I feel most confident and aligned with my power? Am I receiving what I’m worth and communicating my needs effectively? 

Use This New Moon Eclipse To Re-Prioritize

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Don’t be surprised if this new moon eclipse brings up some feelings for you. Fortunately, this new moon is fairly harmonious with Uranus and Mars throwing a little support your way. Uranus close to this new moon eclipse can bring a surprise. Uranus energy is all about owning your uniqueness, marching to the beat of your own drum and providing the atmosphere for change.

You might find an out-of-the-box solution to an issue or block you’ve been dealing with. Plus, Mars will be sextiling the new moon allowing you to drive forward on whatever comes forward for you. Mars represents our willpower and ability to drive forward in life. 

Whatever comes up this new moon, it’s highly likely the effects could be felt for up to six months after the eclipse. If you are looking to make some serious strides toward your future goals, be sure to pay attention to all synchronicities, epiphanies and insights then set those intentions! Don’t be afraid to write them down to maximize this Taurus energy, as putting pen to paper is one of the best ways to manifest.

What is a Black Moon 2022?

A rare black moon will occur on April 30 and cause the first partial solar eclipse of 2022. Black moons are not an official astronomical term, but one common definition of them states they occur when a second new moon falls in a single calendar month.

How rare is a Black Moon?

A rare occurrence that only happens roughly every 29 months, two alternative definitions of Black Moons, according to, include when there's no new moon in the month of February and when there are four new moons in a season — the Black Moon is the third new moon in that sequence.

What time is the Black Moon tonight 2022?

When is the Black Moon in 2022? The Black Moon will occur on April 30 and be visible at 2:45 p.m. ET.

Where can you see the Black Moon 2022?

This year's Black Moon will occur on Apr. 30, 2022. Across the southeast Pacific and southern South America, the Black Moon will partially eclipse the sun. Roughly 64% of the sun's disk will be blotted out at most, according to NASA (opens in new tab).


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