Is Spec Ops The line a good game?

I've heard Spec Ops is a great game but I don't really like COD/BF style shooting games. I enjoy the Tom Clancy series and Sniper Elite, would I enjoy Spec Ops?

Edit: I just bought it on steam, thanks for help guys.

level 1

Besides an original moment story-wise, it's quite a generic third person shooter in my opinion.

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I'd argue that that's actually a crucial component for the game's message.

level 2

Because of this, I never finished playing it. I've read about the ending. Meh.

level 2

It's not generic at all the story alone is worth a replay there are many little details found throughout the game the voice acting is superb and the gameplay get your adrenaline moving I'd go so far as to place it up with kojimas works

level 1

As someone who has played my fair share of the games that you mentioned, I really enjoyed Spec Ops: The Line. I thought the story was very good, the mechanics were good, and the graphics were great. It's worth every penny of whatever price it's going for at the moment. I think with your interest in Sniper Elite and Tom Clancy games, you'll feel right at home playing this. I cannot see you regretting buying this game.

level 1

It plays like a generic 3rd person shooter, which surprisingly helps the game make its point across. The game is short, so if you don't like it for whatever reason, you can breeze through it in a few hours. Definitely worth a play. I consider one of my favorite games of all time. Play it blind, without spoiling yourself.

The game is somewhat closer to a tactical series like Tom Clancy than CoD, as you have 2 guys that back you up throughout most of the game.

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You need to go in knowing as little as possible. Do that, and yes.

I've played games for 35 years now of all sorts, and Spec Ops is continually in my Top Ten list for recommendations (just behind Journey, The Last of Us, Shadow of the Colossus, etc).

But stay spoiler-free. That's the key.

level 1

Story, setting and music are very nice.

But the gameplay is plain awful.

It makes sense with the story, repetitive, boring heartless killing of anything.

But it is not fun.

level 2

it's not meant to be fun.

level 1

Overrated, but a good game nonetheless. Worth playing.

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it's short, just play it.

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It will fuck you. It will fuck your brain. It will fuck your sister and then kill her, while making you watch the entire time.

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It is a generic first person shooter where the story is quite literally a modern transplant of Apocalypse Now (itself a Vietnam-era transplant of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness). In it, you shoot brown people, you shoot white people, your character has a mental breakdown, and to put it plainly without any spoilers, you are railroaded into doing a very, very bad thing and then the game goes ahead and practically tells you to feel bad for doing it and for playing games like it.

Avoid. Just watch Apocalypse Now.

level 1

If you're only in it for the gameplay, then it's not particularly outstanding in any way. But the story is fantastic and pretty thought provoking at some points, so if you like that, it's very much worth playing for only that.

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It's all about the narrative so I'd recommend playing on easy. I played on medium and stopped playing after a few of the tedious late game sections outlasted my patience.

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It's decent. The story was good, but it's anti-war message is sort of contradicted by the fact that 99% of the game is just mowing down every person you see. It does have a few original ideas thematically which may make it worth it to some, but it's not the best thing ever like some people make it out to be.

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I found it to be typical, and boring. Would never recommend unless you can stomach AAA style games. I regret playing it all the way through.

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While the gameplay is generic itself, it's intentional so you wouldn't get distracted by an awesome gameplay from the story itself. You cannot be given "fun" from fun gameplay system and be distracted from your actions. This game itself is a mocking of wanna be patriots and heroes. Wanna be heroes who wants to "shoot the middle eastern looking baddie and save other middle eastern looking goodie who looks oppressed". Like in a game like MW your first instinct would be shoot'em up. Well, wouldn't you want to? YOU are the hero, YOU save the day, NOTHING is your's the baddie's fault, YOU can never make a wrong choice cuz what is this a visual novel? no it's an TPS with a scripted story following a HERO. Well since this was posted 7 years ago I guess I shouldn't worry about spoilers so I'll just go ahead and type. At the start of the game you're literary given the "Stop" sign right there but no you can't quit the game there. You're here to shoot the baddies and save the day. Then you start killing middle eastern looking baddies, then you fight American baddies, then you use White Phosphorus and brutally murder the tiny and big dots on the screen whoops I meant the "baddies" you're supposed to kill and the "civvies" you're suppposed to save. There, the game stops with its' facade and bares its' fangs at you. Walker says its' Konrad's fault and its' him that made Walker do this and you go along with him. Not because you're actually convinced but you're afraid to take responsibility of the atrocity you committed. How could you? you're the hero. You make no wrong choice. And then the game starts sinking its' fangs that it bared at you with the hallucinations and visions and loading screens. Now some players complain that they were forced to use the White Phosphorus, they're not just doesn't matter. At the end of the day they still enjoyed shooting and slaughtering "baddies" prior to the White Phosphorus section. They still enjoyed taking lives so why should they complain about taking a few more lives? this is what this game is about. It's doesn't ask the question "why violence exists in this fictional world?", it asks "why do you choose violence as a method in the first place?". You had all the chance to put down the game and stop after that section but no. You wanted to find satisfaction by killing Konrad "the monster that's responsible for all the atrocities" only to find he was dead the entire time and you're forced to look back at your own actions that you so tried to push the responsibiity of.....on to a dead man. It doesn't matter which ending you the end of every ending all the people you killed, are still dead. So overall its' a phenomenal game. Not because it did something groundbreaking or earthshattering. Because it did something all the other miitary based games shyed away from. Forcing the player to look back at their actions and answer for their heroic complex. Force the player look at the atrocities they committed. The level doesn't cut back into a cutscene after you're done with the White Phosphorus you get to walk through the path of death, pain and suffering YOU created. All because you wanted to feel like something you're not.......a hero. So tell me after 7 you feel like a hero yet?

Should I play Spec Ops: The Line?

It absolutely deserves to be played; go into it knowing nothing, and you'll get the most out of it. To steal a line from one of my favorite reviewers, if you don't feel it's worth your money, I can almost promise you that Spec Ops: The Line is worth your time.

Is Spec Ops: The Line underrated?

Despite its cult following, Spec Ops: The Line remains one of the most overlooked and underrated third-person games in recent gaming history. Admittedly, it was a comparatively obscure addition to a packed field with similar titles reaching their prime, or about to make waves.

Is Spec Ops: The Line disturbing?

Overall, this game is extremely depressing and difficult to play, and it has an incredibly nihilistic tone. Spec Ops: The Line is a violent and dark story surrounded by themes of moral ambiguity, Post-traumatic-stress-disorder, and guilt.


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