Is shiny skin good or bad

Updated 12/1/17. For those that produce oil, shiny skin comes with the territory.  If you use the right products formulated to get your skin to produce less oil, your skin will be less shiny. However, what if your skin is shiny, yet you don’t really produce much oil? Could it be from something else?

Many people notice will notice their skin looking shiny in photos and find it to be bothersome. Applying powder to the skin may reduce shine, but it’s important to look at the possible underlying causes. In the photo above, this is a client who experiences exactly this. Shiny skin, not from oil production, can be very common in fair skin types as you’ll learn why in this post.

Are you exfoliating too much? While regular exfoliation with the use of facial scrubs and acids, along with and prescription retinoids is certainly very beneficial to the skin, over-exfoliated skin removes so much of the surface skin cells that it loses the layers of the skin that give it texture. The skin then appears shiny since light reflects off the skin easily. Also, when the skin has been exfoliated too much, powder and liquid foundations may not stick very well since there is less surface cell texture to attach to making it harder to keep the shine down. Those with fair, thin skin with virtually invisible pores will experience this a lot—especially if they are using prescription retinoids for many years. The skin almost takes on a waxy look. I’ve heard some people refer to it as “barbie doll skin.”

What is the right amount of exfoliation? When it comes to acids, enzymes and scrubs, the general rule is five times a week. Read the Beginner’s Guide To Using Retinol Or Prescription Retinoids and the Beginner’s Guide To Exfoliation to learn more about how to safely use these type of active products.

A professional chemical peel should be performed every other month and an at-home professional-strength peel should be used once a week.

Of course, every skin is different so it’s important to use the right exfoliating products for your skin type. Look at these nine skin types or take the Skin Type Quiz.

How do you know if you’re over-exfoliating? Aside from the skin appearing shiny, if you’re experiencing redness, tightness, dryness and the skin gets easily irritated, these all might be signs that you’re over-doing it.

Is your skin dehydrated? When the skin cells don’t have the water they need, dehydrated cells can appear shiny. Watch this video to see how dehydrated skin gives off a shine. Note: Dehydrated skin is very, very different from dry skin and each require special treatment. Read here to learn more.

Tips to reduce shine:

  • Don’t exfoliate too much. Your skin needs those protective layers to keep moisture in. Again, read the beginners guide to using retinol or exfoliants for the proper usage.
  • Acid serums (that get left on the skin) should not be used daily. Instead, they can be used every other night or preferably three nights on, three nights off alternating with a hydrating serum.
  • Use mild, soap-free, sulfate free cleansers that don’t leave your skin feeling tight or dry. Bar soaps are an no-no. See my sulfate-free cleanser recommendations.
  • Always use moisturizer. Never skip it thinking that your skin will “breathe.” Respiration doesn’t happen in the skin. The concept of your skin breathing is false. Your skin cells always needs water and without moisturizer, the skin will instantly dehydrate which will certainly lead to more oil-induced shine.
  • Always use an alcohol-free toner after cleansing, but be sure to leave it damp before applying moisturizer to seal in the hydrating benefits it offers. See my alcohol-free toners.
  • Use a gel based mask the night before a special event to reduce shine in photos. This gives your skin cells intensive water-based hydration to prevent shiny, dehydrated skin.

Bottom line: Don’t think that shiny skin needs to be treated with products formulated for oily skin because as you now have learned, the shine doesn’t always come from oil!

Read: Are you falling for these 35 common skin care myths?

Which skin care products are best for you? See our nine skin types or take the Skin Type Quiz and get products recommended.

Need expert advice from a licensed esthetician? Schedule a virtual consultation to get customized advice in person, over the phone or online via Skype or FaceTime.

For more expert advice check out the blog. Also, sign up for our skin tip e-newsletter, follow Renée Rouleau on Twitter and Instagram and join the discussion on our Facebook page. You’ll be your own skin care expert in no time. Get the #ReneeRouleauGlow!

Lately I've noticed that my forehead is always super shiny. All of my face is kind of shiny, but my forehead is especially bad. It's gotten to the point where it's a little embarrassing. I've stopped wearing sunscreen everyday, and that's helped a little bit, but should I try switching up my cleanser and toner too? Maybe the products I'm using are making it worse, is that a thing? Anyway, I'd like to find a way to get it back into ~natural glow territory. What are some ways that I can manage my stupid shiny forehead, both so that my makeup stops sliding off and so that the shininess stops in the long term? I'm willing to go see a dermatologist, but I'd like to do it on my own if that's possible. PS - this is kind of related, I've noticed right after I wash my face that it's shiny, but in a way that's clean and shiny, rather than shiny forehead oily shiny. Any idea why that happens?

Thanks for writing, Brenda! You've got a ton of great questions in there. We'll break them down, one by one to help you manage your shiny skin more effectively.

What causes a shiny forehead to be shiny?

Shiny skin can be related to a plethora of factors. Dr. Cheryl Rosen, Director of Dermatology at Bowtied Life, shares,"Acne, rosacea, seborrhea, and psoriasis are all conditions that may cause the skin to look shiny. Additionally, oily skin can cause the skin to look shiny. Excessive sweating can also make the skin look shiny." Celebrity Event Designer and Licensed Cosmetologist Samantha Goldberg adds that shiny skin can also be related to genetic heritage: "Some people naturally have oily skin by descent from eastern countries."

Can skincare products cause shiny skin?

Some skincare products can contribute to shiny skin. Goldberg shares, "The skin might be overactive due to cleansing with a harsh surfactant such as sodium laureth sulfate. This one ingredient is used in laundry detergent but at a lesser grade. Less invasive cleansing might correct the shine issue overall." Goldberg has come to refer to the phenomenon of harsh cleansers causing skin to produce excess sebum as "product induced shine". Lesson learned: switching to a cleanser with a less harsh surfactant might help your skin better regulate how much oil it produces.

While they won't stimulate oil production in the same way that harsh cleansers do, some products add shine to the face, worsening any pre-existing shininess. Dr. Rosen advises, "Products that contain silicone oil or dimethicone can cause the skin to look shiny. Sunscreen products that contain titanium dioxide or zinc oxide can also cause the skin to look shiny." While these products likely won't cause your skin to become more oily long-term, they may cause your face to appear shiny until they are rinsed off.

What's the difference between a natural glow and shiny skin?

"Healthy skin shines from within, whereas oily or dry skin can look more like a reflective surface," shares Dr. Rosen. "One of the key differences between shiny skin and natural glow is that shiny skin usually has a greater contrast between the highlight and shadow areas, whereas a naturally glowing face will have less of a contrast." Goldberg adds that glowing skin typically is because the skin is in good condition and moisturized, whereas "shine is generally some form of oil or sweat production on the skin's surface."

Jenni Swedlund, a representative of the medical professionals at Viva Day Spa + Med Spa, shares, "We all know that celebrities pay good money to have an ethereal glow to their skin and beauty companies certainly profit from all types of products to add a more luminous complexion to skin. But there is decidedly a difference between 'glow' and 'shine'. Shiny skin can feel greasy, almost as if oil is dripping off your face. In contrast, that celeb glow is light, airy, and has just a touch of iridescence."

Is shiny skin always a bad thing? 

Contrary to popular belief, shiny skin actually has quite a few advantages. Per Goldberg: "It does have benefits, one being the skin tends to be tougher and two, aging is not so rapid you won't exhibit fine lines as early as someone with a dryer skin type. I would say this skin type, while a pain for some, can be managed and has its own form of a healthy shine." While shiny skin can certainly feel inconvenient, it's not exactly a bad thing to have a built-in moisturizing system working for you around the clock. 

What's up with the kind of shine that you get sometimes right after you wash your face, where your skin doesn't look oily, it's just... shiny?

If you've experienced the phenomenon of your skin looking squeaky-clean shiny right after you shower, you're not alone. Per Swedlund: "That shiny look you get right after you wash your face is simply the water soaking your epidermis. That moisture will quickly fade though if you don't add products to help keep it in place. That's why your face always feels moisturized just after you wash your face but starts to feel tight after a few minutes." 

This healthy-looking shininess may be even more dramatic if you've just exfoliated. Goldberg says that's because "when you cleanse your skin with an exfoliant type cleanser, it tends to remove the top layer of the skin releasing a new layer which can tend to shine without the extra oil production." To get this effect, she advises using a powder exfoliator since they are less harsh and good for most skin types.

Should you see a doctor/skincare professional to help with shiny skin?

"The first thing I would suggest is going to a dermatologist or aesthetician!" shares Goldberg. "We need to figure out if you're caring for your skin the right way.  Meaning, we can tell under the lamp and scope if your skin is properly nourished. Once we make a diagnosis your skincare may change to reflect your skin's needs." If the skin is shiny because of excessive sweating or excessive oiliness, your doctor may be able to help by prescribing a topical medication.

How do you stop makeup from melting off of a shiny forehead?

Managing shiny skin can be a challenge, but with some tips and best practices, it can be manageable. Dr. Rosen recommends three main strategies for wearing makeup on shiny skin: "Use an oil-free or lightweight foundation primer before applying your makeup. This will help to absorb any oils on the skin and help to mattify the complexion. Avoid using too much powder as it can cake on the skin and make it look even shinier. Try using a translucent powder instead. If you have oily skin, avoid using heavy cream-based products as they will only make the problem worse. Try using lightweight products that are water-based instead."

What skincare products should you use on shiny skin?

Swedlund has several recommendations for skincare products. "Look for a cleanser that has a foaming quality to it, they're best for combating oil. Stay away from cream and oil formulations. Toner is also a great skincare staple for oily skin. It can help banish sebum and adds important skincare elements back into skin to help regulate oil production. Be sure your moisturizer isn't too heavy; you'll want something light. A serum-style moisturizer is a great fit for oily skin. You can also carry blotting papers with you on the go for spot treatments during the day." Goldberg adds, "A little tip I learned was a puff of rice powder, kaolin or cornstarch on your face, are just a few powders with no color and are fabulous one-stop shop ingredients used to absorb overly oily glands." Such powders can be helpful for on-the-spot touch-ups during the middle of the day.

Why is my skin shiny but not oily?

It may be hormonal, medical, emotional (anxiety) or environmental i.e. living in a warmer climate. If the skin “feels” oily, but after accurate skin analysis is found not to “be” oily. Then chances are excess sweat may be part of the problem causing your face to be shiny.

How Shiny Should skin be?

When Shiny Skin is Good. All healthy skin has some shine and natural glow, except for dry skin, which has little not not shine. That natural glow and shine means that sebum production is normal. A natural shine or sheen is a good sign.


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