Is it OK to shave 3 hours before laser hair removal?

Does laser hair removal work on all skin types?

A consultation is necessary to determine the specific laser treatment needed to meet your hair removal needs.  The settings on our lasers can be adjusted depending on your hair and skin color. Glow Med Spa offers the latest hair removal technology, so limitations are minimal. In fact, our new Candela GentleMax TM laser is specifically designed for use on light AND dark skin tones.

*Note: if you have blonde or red hair, laser will not be nearly as affective, because the laser picks up the contrast between the hair follicle and the skin pigment. With blonde and red hair, the hair to skin pigmentation difference is much less.

Is laser hair removal painful?

During laser hair removal, patients report a snapping feeling. For the most part, the ice that comes out while the laser is on will cover the laser sensation. A small number of patients report minor itching, redness or swelling in the treatment area that subsides within a few days.

How many treatments do I need?

Due to the staggered nature of the hair growth cycle, in which some hairs are actively growing while others are dormant, laser hair removal requires multiple treatments to catch each hair as it enters the “active” growth phase. The number of laser hair removal treatments necessary for complete hair removal varies from person to person, and is best determined during consultation. Most patients require 4-6 hair removal treatments, spread out between 4-6 week intervals.

How does the laser target the hair for removal?

Lasers use light and electric pulses to heat the hair follicle and destroy its roots without damaging the surrounding tissue or skin. By targeting the follicle, laser hair removal treatments inhibit any future hair growth.

What areas can I laser?   

Basically everywhere, except eyebrows. We prefer not to get too close to the eyes. Be sure to come in for our painless eyebrow waxing instead!

How long after waxing can I get the Laser Hair Removal done?

You need to wait at least 6 weeks after your last wax. DO NOT TWEEZE.

Is there any down time for laser hair removal?

After your treatment you should be ready to go back to work or go on with your day. In terms of hair removal, you will notice some hairs falling out during or directly after the treatment. This trend will continue for about 21 days – just when it is about time for you to reschedule your next appointment. Rare after effects include: redness in the area that was treated. If you were exposed to the sun without sunscreen, you may also notice a skin discoloration.

How do I prepare for my laser hair removal?

  • Before your first session, it is important for you to avoid waxing for six weeks. This is also the case with the use of tweezers. The laser needs to be able to identify the hair follicle. During this time period, shaving is acceptable.
  • You MUST stay out of the sun. Any tanning of the skin can result in pigmentation in the areas you laser.
  • If you are prone to nervousness, you should avoid caffeine for 24 hours before your session.
  • On the day before your treatment, you should shave with a clean, new razor. By shaving, the lasers will be able to locate the follicles. Using a clean, new razor ensures there is no lingering bacteria that could cause contact dermatitis after your laser treatment. (Contact dermatitis is a delayed type of allergic reaction of the skin resulting from skin contact with a specific allergen.)

When exactly should I shave before my laser treatment?
Shave within 24 hours of your laser appointment. Your Laser Technician will not be able to go over areas with hair that’s above the skin. They can’t even go over areas with hair that has a rough stubble because it damages the laser and increases the chances of getting burned/pigmented, as well as makes the laser treatment hurt more.

Should you miss any hairs while you were shaving, your Glow technician will either need to avoid doing laser on those areas, reschedule the session to another time, or you will be given the opportunity to have your laser Technician shave the missed hairs for a fee of $10.00.

*Note: This $10 charge is for any accidentally missed hairs.  Clients must come in clean shaven to the appointment. Should a one-off incident require the Laser Technicians to shave the entire area from start to finish, the price of this additional service being provided will range anywhere between $20.00 to $50.00 as determined by your Laser Technician.

The time slot reserved for you only allows for enough time to do your laser session, so should you need to be shaved in advance prior to the treatment, please make sure you let our Front Desk Coordinators know while booking the appointment so they can set the correct amount of time aside for you.

What should I know following my laser hair removal treatment?

Immediately following your treatment, and for two weeks after your session, you should avoid unprotected sun exposure. If you have to go out into the sun, then you will need to apply sunscreen with Zinc, 20 SPF, or higher. Clients obtaining laser hair removal treatments need to refrain from waxing and/or tweezing as a hair removal option. While receiving laser treatments, please shave to remove remaining hair in between laser sessions.

And remember, just because you aren’t getting in the sun, doesn’t mean you have to be pale. Try our Fake Bake Airbrush tanner. It goes on smooth (not streaky or orange) and looks great.

Can I get laser hair removal treatments while I’m pregnant?

It is not recommended.

What should I expect during a hair removal consultation?

You will need to shave the area prior to the visit. Once you are in the treatment room, your Laser Technician and Master Esthetician will explain everything to you about the laser and what to expect during the treatments. A photo of the area will be taken (if this is Brazilian, only the thigh will be in the shot and cleared by you to be filed). Our Medical Director, Dr. Redman, is available to review and recommend laser settings and procedures for clients who may have more questions or unique situations. Please discuss with your Laser Technician, if you are interested in his services.

Do you offer laser hair removal packages at a discount rate?

Yes! Buy a package of six or more and save 10%!

Please review our Spa FAQs and Appointment Cancellation Policy.

Laser Hair Removal Prices | Waxing| Facials | Massage | Tinting

Can I shave hours before laser?

“When Should I Stop Shaving?” When you're getting ready for your laser hair removal procedure, make sure you shave the night before or the morning of your treatment. The reason for this precaution is simple – you want to remove as much hair as possible so that it doesn't absorb most of the laser's energy.

How long should you not shave before laser hair removal?

Shave within 24 hours of your laser appointment. Your Laser Technician will not be able to go over areas with hair that's above the skin.

What happens if you don't shave 24 hours before laser?

As we mentioned a little earlier, if you don't shave before your appointment, the laser will singe the hair resulting in a burn to your skin. In addition, if the hair hasn't been shaved properly, treatment will not be as effective, and it may result in small temporary grazes on the top layer of your skin.


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