Is Gaping Dragon the easiest boss?

I never even knew there was a grab attack. If the head was up, I went around back. If the head was down, destroy the head. Arms wind up, dodge toward the back. If flying or vomit, run away. I didn't even get hit once.

Actually, I had a little bit of difficulty with Taurus Demon because I kept try to go up the watchtower. Once I stopped doing that, Taurus knew I had him and jumped off the bridge for me.

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  1. Boards
  2. Dark Souls
  3. Gaping Dragon: Easiest. Boss. Ever.

Svartingr 10 years ago#1

I'm disappointed, Dark Souls.

I'm very disappointed. Took me ten minutes, but I got your tail weapon, killed you, and you didn't hit me once.

Asylum Demon hit me once. Therefore, Asylum Demon > Gaping Dragon.


Cloud20390 10 years ago#2

For me it's Sif. I'm on NG++, and all three times I've beaten Sif without getting damaged once. That wolf is a terrible guardian.

SpacePirateSeal 10 years ago#3

Pin Wheel may be the only boss in the game capable of dying in only 2 hits ( I got him in 4 with 3 Great Combustions and a rolling slash).

PSN/CFN: TheReal_Seal | Rank: Unbreakable Diamond | Main: Vega when I win, Sagat when I lose.
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Oni_Tatsujin 10 years ago#4

Yeah, Gaping Dragon is the Tower Knight of this game. Intimidating as all hell but disappointingly easy in the end.

"Just remember... Losing means you never should have tried at all."

BillCash 10 years ago#5

wait til you get to the Catacombs's boss. Killed him in 3 hits while he was doing some stuff not related to the battle.

lakerspsg4 10 years ago#6

Iron Golem is the easiest by far.

Kobe died for our sins

Toxic_Crusader 10 years ago#7

Svartingr posted...
I'm disappointed, Dark Souls.

I'm very disappointed. Took me ten minutes, but I got your tail weapon, killed you, and you didn't hit me once.

Asylum Demon hit me once. Therefore, Asylum Demon > Gaping Dragon.

Yeah the last few times I've killed it I've managed to not get hit at all. Still doesn't take away from the fact that it's one of the cooler and impressive looking bosses in the game (with all those teeth!).

ramzariot 10 years ago#8

Easy enough. I'd prefer if Solaire wasn't quite so suicidal when fighting it though.

I grow tired of the foolish foolery of foolish fools.

Lain_Coulbert 10 years ago#9

ramzariot posted...
Easy enough. I'd prefer if Solaire wasn't quite so suicidal when fighting it though.

Anytime I'm summoned for GD and they summon Solaire as well I make it my personal mission to ensure that he survives the fight.

bdavis93 10 years ago#10

SpacePirateSeal posted...
Pin Wheel may be the only boss in the game capable of dying in only 2 hits ( I got him in 4 with 3 Great Combustions and a rolling slash).

2h'ing dark knight sword and doing a plunging attack on taurus demon does that too.

  1. Boards
  2. Dark Souls
  3. Gaping Dragon: Easiest. Boss. Ever.

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  1. Boards
  2. Dark Souls
  3. Is gaping dragon suppose to be easy?

MagamisI 3 years ago#1

Like seriously, this is my first playthrough and didn't know nothing about the boss. I was also cursed because I got spat on from behind and in front so I died and got cursed. This boss, so far was the easiest compared to the Gargoyles and the Capra Demon.

UAZaqwert 3 years ago#2

He's def. easier than those other two fights as you mentioned.

He's only difficult to new players who don't know what he does and just blindly try to attack him.

The arena you fight him in is quite large and his moves are very telegraphed. He's def. one of the easier bosses in the game.

Big_Bawss 3 years ago#3

He's easy if you just run behind him and attack his tail/tail stump, because from there all he can do is tail swipe or jump. Both easily avoidable.

Most of the non humanoid bosses in this game are like that. They'll only use specific moves depending on their position relative to the player, making them easily exploitable.

If you try to fight Gaping from the front it's pretty tough. Same with most of the other bosses. It's why they all have some sort of jump/backstep move to allow them to reposition facing the player, but with the exception of Sif it's generally not very effective.

Great_Khan 3 years ago#4

He's easy, but he's also a lot of fun to co-op and gives a massive amount of souls, that's why he has so much summon activity for his difficulty.

gamemaster712 3 years ago#5

Cut that tail off and it gets even easier

Lord of gaming!!!(probably) and definite vibe gamer. OGTG/DEG retired hax breeder
Life's too short for silly worries, have fun.

waelreow 3 years ago#6

I'm also on my first play-through, but maybe a bit further along(?) in

Anor Londo with Ornstein & Smough.

I agree with you entirely. Both before and after, Gaping Dragon has been the only boss I've successfully one-shot.

Turn down your lights (where applicable)

Sera67 3 years ago#7

This is one of those....

Oh s***, oh s***, oh s***! I'm gonna die!!!!!!!!!!!

*GD slowly walks closer*
Oh... this isnt to bad....

*GD slowly attacks*
Oh! this is gonna be easy and kinda fun!

*GD grabs player*
OH GOD, NOOOOOOOO f***! NooooooHoOoooooNOoooo!!!

*player learns lesson about being in front of GD*

*GD pukes*
*sadface player*

Choco Cookies!

Depressionism 3 years ago#8

In my experience gaping is never easy

I'm so miserable without you it's almost like you're here

Ikorus13 3 years ago#9

Hes not hard once you learn his very obvious tells. Can be slow though. Doesnt leave himself open much.

FGO NA: Ikaros (055,832,829) - Arts Hipster; meme-ing since before it was COOLU!! [Caligula is my Spirit Animal]
*Ereshkigal Familia*

Toiletbrush_Tripweed 3 years ago#10

Gaping Dragon can be very easy, but there are a few issues.
1: Definitely cut his tail. This thing can likely 1-shot you.
2: I've seen way too many people who don't kill the channeler. Why would you make it needlessly difficult for yourself? Kill the channeler. Srsly, why didn't you?
3: He indeed doesn't leave himself open too much. The best way to inflict damage is if he drops on all... six? and you can twack him on the head a few times, then roll aside. Then hit his leg once he stops and roll back.
Don't bother taking risks, bugger deals a lot of damage.

Also, Gold Pine Resin.
Definitely use Gold Pine Resin.


  1. Boards
  2. Dark Souls
  3. Is gaping dragon suppose to be easy?

Is the Gaping Dragon an optional boss?

Drops. The Gaping Dragon is an optional boss in Dark Souls.

What is Gaping Dragon weak to?

The Gaping Dragon has several weaknesses that can be taken advantage of. First and foremost, it qualifies as a dragon, meaning that it's weak against lightning damage. Second, managing to strike the head will do extra damage, though this can be risky. Lastly, its tail is also a weak point.

How much HP does Gaping Dragon have?

Gaping Dragon
Health *
NG: 4,401
NG+: 15,550
Souls *
NG: 25,000
Gaping Dragon | Dark Souls Wiki - › Gaping+Dragonnull

How do you get the best Gaping Dragon?

Use ranged attacks, particularly Heavy Soul Arrows, when the gap between the two of you is large. The best time to engage in physical attacks is directly after it charges at you. Move out of the way of the attack and the Gaping Dragon will be stunned for a few moments.


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