Incline vs flat bench skull crushers

I do it flat, As for the difference, Im not sure am only a beginner, Ask the more experienced bros, "I think" you've gotta hit it with the full range of motion i think for optimum gains,

I also do the decline dumbbell triceps extension, Really gives a good sore, First time i did it, became a little light headed, But thats just me.

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Thread: skullcrushers ? flat vs. incline

  1. 12-01-2003, 06:18 PM #1

    Registered User

    skullcrushers ? flat vs. incline

    anyone think one is more beneficial than the other. Because I used an incline bench today and for the first time ever my elbows werent killing me which allowed me to use more weight . Cause when i use a flat bench my elbows just kill me

  2. 12-01-2003, 06:32 PM #2

    Fallen to Ruin

    Interesting. I don't see how doing them on an incline would feel different for your elbows. I'm pretty sure that one is not more effective than the other.

  3. 12-01-2003, 06:48 PM #3

    Registered Sex Offender

    hmm i guess you could do flat, incline, or decline. If you do incline though, you would probably want to bring the bar down above your head, which makes it more of an overhead tricep extension, or french curl i call it.

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  4. 12-01-2003, 07:26 PM #4

    Sleepy moderator

    Originally posted by ****brickhouse
    hmm i guess you could do flat, incline, or decline. If you do incline though, you would probably want to bring the bar down above your head, which makes it more of an overhead tricep extension, or french curl i call it.

    ye think flat is the best tho and safest adn proper way of doin it...

  5. 12-01-2003, 07:29 PM #5

    Number One Man

    i like decline. I'm used to it.

    "Knowing is not enough, one must apply" ~ Bruce Lee

  6. 12-01-2003, 07:56 PM #6

    I do flat and incline, I find incline are easier overall though.

  7. 12-02-2003, 07:17 PM #7

    Registered User

    3 heads

    As we all know, there are 3 heads of the TRIceps. To work all 3 of them i usually do machine pushdowns, French Press or one armed db triceps extension, and cambered bar skullcrushers.
    Anyway, if you think about it, incline skull crushers are really just part french press and part skullcrusher. The more you incline it the more it focuses on the head that is worked out when you french press . So i would recommend sticking with flat to be able to focus on that head more.
    I just started doing skullcrushers today and they are great. I didn't do them before because I don't like most barbbell exercises, but then I realized you can do skullcrushers with a cambered bar

    17 years
    200 lbs
    5' 11"
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Are incline Skull Crushers effective?

Incline skull crushers are a terrific tricep exercise because they place the long head (by far the biggest head of the triceps) under a tremendous, growth-stimulating stretch.

What is the best angle for skull crushers?

Typically, you'll see people aim to keep their upper arms perpendicular to the floor; I want you to be at a 91- or 92-degree angle instead. That slight shift places more tension on the triceps when you straighten your arms and prevents the straight-armed position from being a position of rest.

What muscles do incline skull crushers work?

Skull crushers work your triceps — the muscle on the back of your upper arm. The triceps, as the name implies, is a muscle with three heads. The long head originates above the shoulder joint on the scapula, or shoulder blade.

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