I dont feel safe with my family

If you’re feeling unsafe at home, because of issues with family or a partner, it’s a pretty intense thing to have to deal with. If this is happening, it’s really important to reach out for advice and support.

1. Acknowledge the problem

The number one thing to remember is that you have a right to feel safe and secure in your own home. It can be strangely easy to adjust to living in an environment that is unsafe and unpredictable, but it’s important to recognise if your home situation is – or is potentially – harmful for you. Read more about violence and abuse, and how to recognise it, here.

2. Talk to someone and ask for help

If you’ve realised that things at home are pretty bad, it’s important to tell someone about what’s going on. A really good place to start is by calling or chatting online to 1800RESPECT. This national service specialises in domestic and family violence and sexual assault. They operate a 24/7 phone and chat line that you can access at any time from anywhere. They’ll be able to give you information, referrals to other services that can help you, and provide counselling. If it’s an emergency, dial 000.

3. Put some supports in place

Dealing with an unsafe home environment can trigger stacks of emotions. You might feel upset, stressed, reactive, angry or just plain exhausted. It’s common to feel scared, ashamed or worried about how people will react when you tell them, but it can be really helpful to talk and unload a bit of the weight.

Reach out to friends, extended family members or a trusted teacher, and let them know what you need – even if that’s just someone who will listen.

You can also head to the ReachOut forums if you want some anonymous support from supportive young people.

4. Get professional support

Feeling unsafe at home is a really tough thing to deal with. Even though it‘s not your fault, the situation can affect your mental health, and you may need to put some professional support in place. A counsellor or a psychologist can help you cope with the situation and deal with your emotions. Read up on different types of mental health professionals and how they can help here.

5. Build your own coping skills

When you’re dealing with really tough times at home, it may feel like things are totally out of control and it can be hard to know how to cope. While it can sometimes be tempting to block out the pain, it’s important to take positive steps so that you don’t actually end up making yourself feel worse. Find out how to build your coping skills here.

What should I do if I don't feel safe at home?

Feeling unsafe at home is never OK. Here are a few places you can go if you need to get away. Your safety is important..
a friend's house..
a youth shelter..
a relative's house..
the mall..
the library..
a park, garden or other public green space..
a community or drop-in centre..

Why do people not feel safe at home?

These days, citizens are feeling unsafe either at home or in public. The main causes these are watching too much violence on tv programs and people having disbelief in one another human being.

Who do I call if I dont feel safe at home?

Explain to them that someone at home is making you feel unsafe and you're not sure what to do. If you don't feel comfortable talking to someone in your life about this, you can call a local helpline (find one here) or the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-7233 where you can speak to someone 24 hours a day.

How do you feel safe when you feel unsafe?

Tips to Strengthen Your Personal Feeling of Safety:.
Don't deny your feelings. Awareness is key. ... .
When you feel unsafe, speak with someone, seek support, don't keep your thoughts to yourself. A human voice can help you calm down, organize your thoughts, and think more clearly on an action plan..


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