How would the force of gravity change between two objects if the the mass of one object doubles?



Hint: Relation between gravitational force, mass and distance is,
Where G is Newton’s gravitational constant
${{m}_{1}}$ and ${{m}_{2}}$ are the masses
r is the distance.

Complete step by step solution:
Newton stated that in the universe each particle of matter attracts every other particle. This universal attractive force is called “Gravitational”.
Newton’s law:- Force of attraction between any two material particles is directly proportional to the product of masses of the particles and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. It acts along the line joining the particles.
$F\propto \dfrac{{{m}_{1}}{{m}_{2}}}{{{r}^{2}}}$
Where G is the proportionality constant and it is universal constant.

(i) If the mass of an object is doubled:
$m{{'}_{1}}$ = ${{m}_{1}}$
$m'_{2}$ = $2{{m}_{2}}$
$F'=G\dfrac{{{m}_{1}}'{{m}_{2}}'}{{{\left( r{{'}^{{}}} \right)}^{2}}}$
$F'=G\dfrac{{{m}_{1}}\left( 2{{m}_{2}} \right)}{{{r}^{2}}}$
$F'=2\times G\dfrac{{{m}_{1}}{{m}_{2}}}{{{r}^{2}}}$
$F'=2\times F$
When the mass of an object is doubled then the force between them is doubled.

(ii) The distance between object is doubled and tripled:
When $r'=2r$
Then $F'=G\dfrac{{{m}_{1}}{{m}_{2}}}{r{{'}^{2}}}$
$F'=G\dfrac{{{m}_{1}}{{m}_{2}}}{{{\left( 2r \right)}^{2}}}$
When the distance between the objects is doubled then force between them is one fourth.
When $r'=3r$
Then $F'=G\dfrac{{{m}_{1}}{{m}_{2}}}{{{\left( r' \right)}^{2}}}$
 $F'=G\dfrac{{{m}_{1}}{{m}_{2}}}{{{\left( 3r \right)}^{2}}}$
When the distance between the objects is tripled then force between them is one ninth.

(iii) The masses of both objects are doubled:
When $\begin{align}
& m{{'}_{1}}=2{{m}_{1}} \\
& m{{'}_{2}}=2{{m}_{2}} \\
Then $F'=G\dfrac{m{{'}_{1}}m{{'}_{2}}}{{{r}^{2}}}$
$F'=G\dfrac{2{{m}_{1}}\times 2{{m}_{2}}}{{{r}^{2}}}$
When the masses of both objects are doubled then the force between them is four times.

Note: This law is true for each particle of matter, each particle of matter attracts every other particle. Students should use the gravitational force formula carefully and write its term properly.

What happens to the gravitational force between two objects if the mass of one object is doubled and the distance between them is also doubled?

This question was previously asked in

CDS 01/2022: GK Previous Paper (Held On 10 April 2022)

View all CDS Papers >

  1. The force would remain the same
  2. The force would be doubled
  3. The force would be halved
  4. The force would increase by a factor of 4

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 3 : The force would be halved


Electric charges and coulomb's law (Basic)

10 Questions 10 Marks 10 Mins


  • Newton's law of gravitation states that any two bodies having masses (mand m2) keeping at a distance (r) from each other exerts a Force of attraction on each other.
    • This force is directly proportional to the masses of bodies and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. 

\(\Rightarrow F \propto \frac{M_1M_2}{R^2} \Rightarrow F = \frac {GM_1M_2}{R^2} \)

Where G = 6.674 × 10-11 m3Kg-1s-2 is a universal constant

  • The dimension of the force is MLT-2 and the SI unit is Newton (N).


Given: Mass of the one body (M1) = M, Mass of the another body (M2) = 2M, initial distance = R, Final distance = 2R,F = Initial Force, F' = Final force

M1 = M M= 2M, R' = 2R

\(\Rightarrow F \propto \frac{M_1M_2}{R^2}\)

\(F'=\frac{GM_1M_2}{R'^2} =\frac{G M_1(2M_2)}{(2R)^2}=\frac {2GM_1M_2}{4R^2}=\frac {1}{2}F\)

Hence, the Force would be halved is the correct answer.

Last updated on Nov 29, 2022

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the NDA Result I 2022 (Name Wise List) for the exam that was held on 10th April 2022. 519 candidates have been selected provisionally as per the results. The selection process for the exam includes a Written Exam and SSB Interview. Candidates who get successful selection under UPSC NDA will get a salary range between Rs. 15,600 to Rs. 39,100. It is expected that a new notification for UPSC NDA is going to be released.

Let's discuss the concepts related to Gravitation and Universal law of gravitation. Explore more from Physics here. Learn now!

What happens to the force between two objects if both the masses are doubled?

Hence, if the masses of both objects is doubled the force of attraction will become 4 times of its original value.

How does the force of gravity between two masses change if one of the masses is quadrupled?

The gravitational force between two masses is directly proportional to each of the two masses. If one of the masses is quadrupled, the the force is multiplied by four; if both masses are quadrupled, then the force is multiplied by sixteen.

What happens to the gravitational force between two objects if mass of one of the object is halved class 9?

Expert-verified answer Gravitational force decreases by half when the mass of one object is halved.

How would the gravitational attraction between two objects change if the mass of one of the objects decreased?

It becomes weaker and weaker.


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