How will you prepare 1N HCl to 0.1 HCl?

How can we prepare 0.1 N HCl solution?


Step1: Molar mass for HCl = 36.4611g/mol

The volume will be in 1 litre and the specific gravity of HCl is 1.189

Step 2: Volume= Mass/Density

Step3:Compound required in grams = (0.1 N)(36. 4611)(1Litre) = 3.3461

Volume of concentrated acid required = (3.3461)/l0.375×1.189)=8 .1774ml

Therefore,8.1774 ml of 37.5% concentrated HCl is required to prepare 0.1 M HCl

How will you prepare 0.1 normality of HCl?

37 ml of solute/100 ml of solution. Therefore add 8.3 ml of 37% HCL to 1 liter of D5W or NS to create a 0.1N HCL solution.

How would you prepare 1N of HCl?

So, 8.33 mL HCl should be added to 100 L, to get a 1N HCI solution.

What is 1N of HCl?

1M of hydrogen ions is equal to one equivalent of hydrogen ions. Therefore, 1M HCl is the same as 1N HCl, but when we take sulphuric acid, 1M of sulphuric acids gives 2M of hydrogen ions into the solution. Therefore, normality of hydrogen ions will be 2N for a sulphuric acid solution.

How can we prepare 0.1 N HCl in 10 ml water?

To prepare 0.1 N HCl from concentrated HCl, you will need to dilute an amount of HCl to water. we will need to obtain 8.33ml of concentrated HCl and transfer it to a 1 L volumetric flask, then dilute to volume (1 L) with water. To check the true concentration of the prepared HCl solution, titrate it with .


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