How to use iron nuggets in Minecraft

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For a list of iron-related objects in Minecraft, see Iron (Disambiguation).

An Iron Nugget is an item in Minecraft that was added in update 1.11.1. It is made by putting an Iron Ingot into a crafting grid, which breaks down the ingot into nine nuggets, or by smelting iron and chain Armor, or iron tools, in a Furnace. Since iron nuggets can be obtained from iron ingots, they are renewable, since Iron Golems (and occasionally zombies) drop iron ingots upon death. Village chests may contain iron nuggets in them. Iron Nuggets are also used in creating lanterns.


Iron Nugget

Iron Ingot
None None None

Iron Nugget

Iron Nugget

Iron Nugget

Iron Ingot

Iron Nugget

Iron Nugget

Iron Nugget
None None None

Iron Nugget

Iron Nugget

Iron Nugget


Iron Nugget

Iron Nugget

Iron Nugget

Iron Nugget


Iron Nugget

Iron Nugget

Iron Nugget

Iron Nugget


  • The iron nugget texture is essentially a palette swap of the Gold Nugget after it has been rotated 90°.
  • Iron nuggets and Ghast Tears are often mixed up because they have similar appearances.
  • Iron nuggets, gold nuggets, and ghast tears are the smallest items in the game, with only 6 pixels.


Iron Nuggets - Minecraft Micro Guide

How do you turn iron nuggets into ingots?

In Minecraft, players can combine nine iron nuggets to make one iron ingot.

How do you smelt an iron nugget?

1. It is made by putting an Iron Ingot into a crafting grid, which breaks down the ingot into nine nuggets, or by smelting iron and chain Armor, or iron tools, in a Furnace. Since iron nuggets can be obtained from iron ingots, they are renewable, since Iron Golems (and occasionally zombies) drop iron ingots upon death.

How do you use iron ingots?

Iron ingots can be smelted from iron ore and drop 3–5 iron ingots. Iron ingots can be used to craft iron blocks, flint and steel and iron swords, shovels, pickaxes and axes. Iron ingots are now used to craft arrows.


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