How to propagate String of turtles in sphagnum moss

level 1

Hi everyone! I got some string of turtles cuttings about two weeks ago. I’ve had them in some sphagnum moss since and I’ve seen a lot of little roots coming in! I was wondering how long/well developed the roots have to be before transitioning them to a pot (I have a 50:50 mix of perlite to cactus soil).

level 2

I’d say wait a little bit longer, then prop that on top of the new soil!

level 2

I would give them a little more time. Tip: I’m my experience, SOT’s root really well in water, even faster than it does in sphagnum moss.

level 1

Wondering the same thing! I have very baby cebu roots

level 2

Usually for that type of plants, 1-2 inches root before you transfer!

Can you propagate with sphagnum moss?

A sphagnum moss mix can help ease that transition, or you can use it right from the start. It's also the medium I like to use for my plastic plant propagation box. It holds the moisture well but doesn't stay too wet. Perfect!

How do you propagate string of pearls in sphagnum moss?

You can use sphagnum moss when propagating a string of pearls , you need to wet the moss and then put the string of pearls on top of it, and cover them in a very small layer of wet moss. Keep it moist and in a warm place with plenty of indirect sunlight and roots should grow quickly over the next few week.

How do you propagate turtle strings?

Strip off some of the leaves that are close to the base to create some bare nodes, and stick the base of the cutting into a pot with moistened potting mix. There should be at least one node under the surface of the potting mix because the nodes are where the new roots will sprout from!

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