How to keep chickens from freezing

For new chicken owners, winter can be a scary time. You may be wondering if your chickens will be warm enough or if they will still keep laying eggs. Don't worry—these tips will keep your hens happy and healthy in even the coldest months.

Tips to Keep Chickens Warm in Winter

  • Don't Add a Heater

    The Spruce / Steven Merkel

    Don't put a heater in your chicken coop for winter warmth. Think of all that bedding—you're asking for a fire. Plus, chickens don't need it. They huddle together for warmth. And don't seal up the coop completely.

    Ventilation is key to prevent moisture buildup.

  • Provide Deep Litter to Help Keep Them Warm

    The Spruce / Steven Merkel

    The deep litter method is a way of allowing bedding material and chicken poop to build up in the coop over the spring, summer, and fall so that by winter you have roughly a foot of composting material on the floor of the coop. This composting poop and bedding will give off heat, warming the coop naturally.

  • Provide Supplemental Light for Laying

    The Spruce / Steven Merkel

    Some birds are great layers right through the winter. Buff Orpingtons seem to lay no matter how short the days. But in general, supplemental light is required if you want to keep your family or customers in eggs all winter long. However, there are some downsides to supplementing light—it stresses the birds and can shorten their laying life. So consider both pros and cons.

  • Give Them Evening Corn to Keep Them Warm All Night

    The Spruce / Steven Merkel

    Giving your chickens a nice feeding of cracked corn before bed gives them something to digest during the night, keeping them warmer. It's their favorite food, and they'll be happier with full bellies.

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  • Hang Cabbage for Exercise and Entertainment

    The Spruce / Steven Merkel

    Just like humans, chickens can get a little bored and stir-crazy in the winter. They sure seem to enjoy a head of cabbage on a string in the coop. They go wild pecking at it while it bobs around. Give this simple trick a try to keep your hens happy.

  • Offer Passive Warmth With a Sunroom

    The Spruce / Steven Merkel

    If you’re worried about your girls not having enough space in the coop, you can build a kind of cold frame or greenhouse-style addition to your structure, covering it in clear plastic. They will wander out into it and have a bit more space on nice days, and you can rest easy knowing they aren’t too cramped and are getting some fresh air.

  • Use Petroleum Jelly on Combs and Wattles to Fend Off Frostbite

    The Spruce / Steven Merkel

    In the coldest winter climates, you may find that breeds with large combs and wattles are prone to frostbite. To protect them, you can smear their combs and wattles with petroleum jelly. However, if your chickens do get frostbite, it is usually nothing serious as just the tips of the combs are affected—but it can look a little icky.

  • Scatter Hay or Straw

    The Spruce / Steven Merkel

    Generally speaking, once temperatures are in the 20 degrees Fahrenheit range, chickens won’t walk out into the snow. You can scatter hay or straw on the ground and this will make it more palatable for them. When the temperature is a little higher in the low 30s, they don’t seem to mind walking on the snow as much.

    Continue to 9 of 10 below.

  • Don't Force Them Indoors

    Johner Images / Getty Images

    If chickens don’t want to be outdoors, they'll head into the coop. Just let them do what they want. They're hardier than you might think and aren’t as averse to cold as people often assume.

    Don’t waste your time and energy trying to shoo them indoors during rain or snow.

  • Allow Plenty of Space for Roosting

    The Spruce / Steven Merkel

    Chickens will roost together and fluff themselves out. This is what keeps them warm. It also keeps them off the cold ground—roost should be raised at least 2 or 3 feet above the earth. So make sure you have plenty of space for all your chickens to comfortably roost. Check on them in the evening with a flashlight—if a bird is on the ground, there’s not enough space.

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  1. “Establishing a Backyard Poultry Flock.” Small Farm Sustainability, Iowa State University

What temperature is too cold for chickens?

Warm weather chickens should not be kept at or below the forty-degree mark, although short periods of a few minutes outside to stretch their legs is okay if you have the time to herd them back into the coop before they freeze.

What can you put in water for chickens to keep it from freezing?

The salt-water bottle trick can be an effective way to keep your flock's water from freezing during cold temperatures. You do NOT add salt to your flock's drinking water! Drinking saltwater will kill your chickens. Instead, enclose saltwater in a secure bottle and place the bottle in your flock's water source.

What to use to keep chickens warm?

To help small coops retain heat, cover them with blankets or tarps during the coldest months. In a huge coop, you might lower the ceiling or erect temporary walls to shrink the space occupied by your chickens. Finally, provide a warm, dry floor with biodegradable bedding.

Do chickens need a heater in the winter?

Although chickens can tolerate colder temperatures, it is still important to keep coops warm and dry throughout the winter to improve laying and prevent disease. Remember, chickens like it warm, but not hot!


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