How to infect Kaitlyn The Quarry

Kaitlyn Ka is one of the nine main protagonists and a playable character in The Quarry. She is one of the nine counselors at Hackett's Quarry summer camp. She was voiced and motion captured by Brenda Song.


  • 1 Appearance
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 The Quarry
  • 4 Possible Deaths
  • 5 Possible Infections
  • 6 Relationships
    • 6.1 Ryan
    • 6.2 Dylan
  • 7 Killed Victims
  • 8 Trivia
  • 9 Gallery


Kaitlyn has mid-length dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, black eyeshadow, and fair skin. She is 5'2". She wears a bee earring and her hair is styled into a side part.

Throughout the game, Kaitlyn wears a cropped yellow Hackett's Quarry hoodie with white drawstrings, a long-sleeved black shirt which is rolled up to her elbows, and black gym leggings with a subtle pattern on them. She also dons worn white sneakers as well as a large gold bee earring.

With the 80's DLC equipped, Kaitlyn wears a white and pink polo shirt tucked into loose ripped jeans with a rose print. She has a thin brown belt around her waist alongside bracelets on her right arm and one gold hoop earring. Her hair is now adorned with a single silver hairclip, and she wears charcoal lace-up converse.

With the 50's DLC equipped, Kaitlyn wears a white shirt tucked into green plaid pants. She has a beige belt around her waist.


“Kaitlyn embraces the idea of living out loud; always going toward the fun and never afraid to stir the pot a little. Her amiable nature and ingenuity means she can adapt to any social environment, often allowing her to slip into the de facto role of 'leader,' though she sometimes struggles to express her own needs in stressful situations.” 

— The Quarry website

Kaitlyn is described in-game as Quick-Witted. Headstrong. Cunning.

The official website describes Kaitlyn as the wild card of the group and also kind of mischievous. She lives loud and can fit into any social environment. She always seems to lean towards being the leader of her friend group, but sometimes struggles to express her own needs and worries in certain stressful situations.

The Quarry

Possible Deaths

Possible DeathsChapterCause of DeathCaused ByConditions9Throat ripped out, eatenSilas (Werewolf)Kaitlyn fails to hide or shoot.Neck mauledWhile hiding in the car Kaitlyn fails to shoot.Throat ripped out, eatenKaitlyn fails to adjust the container.Crushed by a containerHerselfKaitlyn did NOT get infected; Kaitlyn fails to release the rod in time, causing the container to fall on her.
(if she got bitten prior to that and still cursed, she will live)10Broken Spine, mauled and eatenCaleb (Werewolf)Kaitlyn not infected AND is alone; Kaitlyn does not run and fails to shoot or misses Caleb.Fatal fall from wooden beamHerselfKaitlyn is not infected, chooses to cross the wooden beam, fails QTEs to dodge Caleb and grab the beam.Broken Spine, mauledCaleb (Werewolf)While running from Caleb, Kaitlyn chooses the window path and fails to fall down correctly.Broken Spine, mauled and guts eatenKaitlyn chooses to hide in the bedroom and fails to Don’t Breathe.Frozen to deathHerself (indirectly)Kaitlyn not infected; Kaitlyn hides in the fridge and closes the door behind.Broken Spine, mauled and guts eatenCaleb (Werewolf)Kaitlyn chooses to go into the kitchen, chooses to either run or fail to Don’t Breathe.Strangled to death and spine brokenKaitlyn hesitates to do anything at the freezer door and gets slaughtered by CalebSlaughteredKaitlyn is NOT infected. Kaitlyn fails to close the freezer door in time after luring Caleb with a toy. She gets dragged inside and murderedMauled and eatenKaitlyn not infected; Kaitlyn fails to shoot or misses Caleb.

Possible Infections

Possible InfectionsChapterTypeCaused ByConditionsTransformationCure9Leg BiteSilas(Werewolf)Dylan fails to move the car quickly over the top of the werewolf, resulting in Kaitlyn getting bitten in her leg.Can not transform into a werewolfLaura shoots SilasKaitlyn is alone and hiding in the car. Kaitlyn fails to hold her breath so Silas bites her leg.



As early as Chapter 1, it is established through dialogue with Jacob that Kaitlyn has a thing for Ryan, citing a catty line in which she sarcastically comments on Ryan's “sexy, brooding, loner” personality doing "nothing for her, at all". She then reveals that she and the campers of Cabin 7 ranked Ryan the hottest counselor on the first day of camp, followed closely in rank by Kaitlyn herself and Dylan.

Kaitlyn appears wholly unfazed by Jacob's prodding over her apparent feelings for Ryan, though when asked why she didn't "seize the moment" between them, she laments the said "moment" never happening in the first place.

After nightfall, during a game of Truth or Dare, if Ryan chooses Dare, he is dared by Emma to kiss either Kaitlyn or Dylan, to which he humorously responds that he guesses kissing both is out of the question. Much later on, when Laura and Ryan are traversing the abandoned quarry beneath the Hackett property, picking Laura's patient response results in her asking Ryan about his friends, and depending on who he chose to kiss during Truth or Dare, Ryan either reveals that he knows Kaitlyn "has the hots" for him, or states that he is closer to Dylan. However, it appears that Ryan is ultimately unsure of how he feels himself.

Regardless of this, Kaitlyn and Ryan often act as co-leaders of the group, working well together to formulate decisive plans of action time and again, as well as protecting and guiding their respective groups when necessary. Kaitlyn is often the voice of reason, a levelhead amidst the chaos—both someone Ryan can rely on to get the rest of their friends to safety in his absence and someone whose judgement he turns to in the heat of the moment. They also seem to be the only other person each other trusts with a gun.


From the first moment they are seen truly interacting, it is apparent that Dylan and Kaitlyn have an easy comradery, though to what degree is determinant, as they take turns coaxing conversation out of Ryan and jeering each other along the way.

Though they share feelings for the same man, Kaitlyn is especially supportive of Dylan's crush on Ryan, being an ear to anything from Dylan's concern for Ryan's well-being and his curiosity about their development that took place during Truth or Dare, to sometimes even his insecurity over his missing hand or Ryan's sudden interest in Laura—all of which Kaitlyn humors and gives good-natured feedback.

When she notices Dylan's hand is gone, Kaitlyn is beside herself with concern and the person most reactive to his condition, immediately taking stake of his disoriented appearance and assessing that he's in a state of shock. Once in the pool house, she investigates the wound further, deciding that it doesn't seem to be infected before relinquishing the last available painkillers to Dylan.

During the later chapters, there are many opportunities for Kaitlyn to protect Dylan from onslaught after onslaught of the werewolf variety. However, if Kaitlyn slips up, Dylan doesn't hesitate to put himself between his friend and the impending danger, which leads to both counselors saving each other's lives a number of times in a number of ways. One such way is when an infected Emma attacks the group outside of the lodge. Regardless of whether or not Dylan has been infected, he will all but sacrifice his well-being to shield Kaitlyn from an attack with nothing but his body.

If succumbing to his infection in the Scrapyard, Dylan let's loose incessant, blood-curdling screams for Kaitlyn to get away from him, to leave him, which she struggles to do in an uncharacteristic show of hesitation and frantic refusal to leave her friend behind.

It is also worth noting that through further examination of the book found in Chris's office desk that Kaitlyn worked as an Activities Manager over the summer while Dylan was tasked with scheduling activities when he wasn't doing the PA announcements. With this, it can be inferred that they often had to work alongside each other to complete their camp-related duties on the clock.

How does Kaitlyn get infected in The Quarry?

Infecting Kaitlyn In Chapter Nine Then he must choose to slam the car. Dylan will get a quick time event to drop the vehicle on the werewolf. If he fails, Kaitlyn will get bitten. This is the only way for Kaitlyn to get infected.

Can Kaitlyn turn into a werewolf in The Quarry?

Kaitlyn can be infected in Chapter 9 while confronting werewolf Caleb at the scrapyard. She will never turn into a werewolf, but will have protection against Caleb in the next chapter. Kaitlyn will be free of the curse if she kills Caleb or Laura kills Silas.

Who is the hardest person to keep alive in The Quarry?

Emma Mountebank With at least five potential deaths in the highly-anticipated horror game, Emma is a pretty tough character to rescue.

How do you save Kaitlyn The Quarry?

Chapter 9: In the scrapyard when operating the crane as Dylan, select Lift Car - Slam Car then pass the quicktime event to drop the car on the werewolf, saving Kaitlyn.

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