How to get window paint off car

    • Posted on
    • in Auto Repair
    • on October 7, 2013

    Car window paint is used to write on or otherwise decorate car windows. People often use it to write “Just Married” on the back window of a couple’s vehicle. Sometimes people use it to decorate their own car windows with their school colors or their children’s school colors. Very often parents will write the names of their children on the windows of their own vehicles to celebrate a happy occasion such as a graduation.

     The process of car window paint removal can sometimes be a difficult one. There are two different types of car window paint, water based and oil based. The steps listed below can be used as a guide when attempting to remove both types.

    Tools Required:

    • Paint dispenser
    • Paint removing razor
    • Hand broom
    • Dust pan
    • Water based liquid detergent
    • Clean towels
    • Rubber gloves
    • Spray can of WD40
    • Container of acetone
    • Water based liquid detergent
    • Clean, dry towels

    Step 1: Type of Car Window Paint

    Determine what type of car window paint you are dealing with. Check whether the paint is water based or oil based.

    Step 2: Remove Debris

    Use a razor designed to remove paint to scrape off as much of the paint as you can, removing the debris as you go. The razor will not totally remove the paint, but will simply make the next two steps more effective.

    Step 3: Clean Car Window Paint

    Thoroughly clean the painted area using a solution of warm water and a water-based liquid detergent. This alone will remove any water-based car window paint.

    In the case of oil-based car window paint, you can either go for the WD40 method or the acetone method.

    WD40 Method: Thoroughly wash the painted area with a solution of warm water and water-based liquid detergent. The goal here is to remove any surface dirt and grime. Use a clean cotton towel to apply a light coat of WD40 to the car window paint. Allow 10 to 20 minutes for the WD40 to deactivate the paint. This may take more than one application. Clean the painted area once again with the warm water and a water-based detergent solution. Repeat if necessary.

    Acetone Method: To use this method you will need a well ventilated area, preferably outside. Thoroughly clean the painted area with a solution of warm water and a water-based liquid detergent. Take the rags and the acetone outside to the vehicle. Put on the rubber gloves. Use a clean and dry rag to apply the acetone to the window. Be careful not to inhale the vapors put out by the acetone. The paint should begin to come off immediately.

    Step 4: Wash the Window

    Both types of car window paint can leave a nasty residue that, if not cleaned properly, will tend to linger for a long time. In order to get the windows absolutely clean you must complete this last step. Thoroughly wash the area of the window that has been painted with water-based liquid detergent.

    Car window paint is definitely fun to use when celebrating a special occasion, and removing it once the celebration is over does not have to be difficult.

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Ugh! I HATE people that do this! I have seen cars damn near ruined by it! Its GLASS CHALK FOR GLASS PEOPLE, DON'T WRITE ON THE PAINT!!

That rant aside, if you are very careful, gasoline and a rag will do it if the gentler solutions don't work: put some gasoline in a bucket, wear some thick rubber gloves, and go at it with a rag. Work in sections, cleaning off the gasoline when finished with each section, I used dish soap to clean it off... Once done wash again normally and wax the hell out of it, and tell your friends not to be fucking idiots anymore. :-)

You may have used paint to make special announcements on your car, or it may simply be an act of vandals in your area. In this article you can find out how to remove paint from car windows with a few easy steps.

Scenario 1: You probably are one of those people who likes everyone to know when it’s time for celebration. Whether it is your marriage, the birth of your child, the graduation of your little one, or any other announcement, your way of doing it is by painting your car windows. However, when the news becomes stale, you simply must get rid of the paint.

Scenario 2: You wake up one morning to find your car windows colored in some random ‘modern’ design. Obviously, it is the work of some vandals who derive great pleasure in ‘expressing’ themselves by means of their art on automobiles. You simply cannot take your vehicle out with it looking like this, and you must get rid of the hideous graffiti.

If you have ever faced any of the above scenarios, you are probably aware of the dilemma of dealing with them. However, you must also know that getting the paint off is actually easy. So whether it is your own piece of art, or a creation by vandals in your locality, follow these tips, and get rid of the paint without damaging your vehicle.


Materials Required

  • Rubber gloves
  • WD40 spray, 1 can
  • Razor
  • Paint dispenser
  • Acetone, 1 container
  • Liquid detergent, water based
  • Clean towels
  • Hand broom
  • Dustpan


  • Begin the removal procedure by first checking the kind of paint that has been used to decorate the automobile. The method of removal of water based paint is different from that of the oil based variety.
  • Take the razor, and try to carefully scrape away the paint. Use it till you can remove as much as possible. This step will ease the process of removal.
  • If the colors are water based, then use the water based liquid detergent (you may also prepare a homemade cleaner) for the removal. Do this by means of a sponge. Use a towel to clean the window dry.
  • If the color is oil based, then you can resort to the use of either acetone, or WD40 to remove it. Before using either, follow step three. If you wish to use WD40, spray some on to a towel, and rub the colored surface with it. Let it remain for about 20 minutes, and then proceed to wipe it clean. If there are still any remnants, repeat the entire process of first washing with the liquid detergent and then spraying and cleaning the WD40.
  • If you prefer the acetone method, ensure you perform this step outdoors. After washing the window with the detergent, wear the gloves, and dip old rags into the acetone. Then rub it on the surface. Keep your nose covered during this whole process to prevent yourself from inhaling the acetone. Be careful not to destroy your car’s paint during this process.
  • Finish off by washing the windows and removing any debris with the liquid detergent. Once completed, clear up the area by means of the hand gloves and dust pan.

As you go for a complete car wash, you will find your automobile as good as new. Hopefully these tips have helped.

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How do you get paint off a car without damaging it?

Get any brand non-acetone nail polish remover. It's formulated to take the enamel layer off fingernails, which is essentially what you're attempting to do with your car's finish. Pour some liquid onto a terrycloth towel. Rub very gently to remove spray paint.

What removes glass paint?

Hot vinegar is a natural way to remove paint from glass. Simply microwave the vinegar until boiling, then don a pair of thick rubber gloves to protect your hands from the heat. Use a saturated rag to scrub the paint until softened, then follow with dish soap and water.


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