How to get stars in mario kart 8

Getting three stars in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe's Grand Prix mode is as hard as ever. With the added 200cc mode built-in, racers in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on Nintendo Switch don't make it easy to do well, which is what you'll need to do when fighting for first. If you're just not sure how to obtain three stars in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, here's what you need to do.

How to get 3 stars in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Grand Prix

Qualifying for three stars in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe will net you a gold trophy. But getting a gold trophy doesn't automatically get you three stars. So what's the difference?

To get three stars at the end of a Grand Prix cup, you'll need to place first in all four races. Coming in first will get you 15 points to add to your overall score once a race is finished. Getting 60 points overall will ensure you three stars. 

Obviously doing this in 50cc is much easier than 150cc or the breakneck 200cc engine classes. If you're feeling confident in the easy settings of 50cc and 100cc, go with a heavy character so you can really pick up speed. If you're in one of the more difficult engine classes and still starting out, you may want to choose a light or medium-weight character if you foresee yourself bumping into a lot of walls. Get good enough, and you may even unlock Gold Mario while you're at it.

Check out more Mario Kart 8 news, tips and tricks

If you're anxious to get racing in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, check out our video gameplay of the first 20 minutes of the game and find out the eight characters the game needs ASAP. Check out the best techniques to race with and learn how you can buy the game bundled with the console, including one bundle from Nintendo. Find out if we're expecting DLC and our initial impressions of the new console it's on from back in January. Or you can play Mario Kart 64 on a newer console instead, if you're looking for some nostalgic throwback. And when all else fails, back that thang up. 

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Mario Kart 8 (Wii U)

What are the stars earned at the end of each cup for?

  1. I'm talking about the three stars you get if you come in first on all four races.

Top Voted Answer

  1. 54-56 points: *
    57-59 points: **
    60 points: ***

    Up to three stars are obtainable, however only one star is required in all cups/classes for the reward.

    42   20


  1. They're just a ranking system for the Grand Prix, besides one unlockable.

    In previous games (MKW, MK7), if you achieved at least 1 star rank in all cups you'd have a star next to your name online, at least 2 star rank in all cups... two stars next to your name, 3 stars in all cups... 3 stars next to your name online. Sadly, this was not included in MK8. Maybe in a future update this will change.

    Achieving AT LEAST 1 star in all cups in Mario Kart 8 will unlock the Gold Standard kart.

    19   22

  2. They show how well you did.

    20   30

  3. You'll unlock the gold kart if you earn at least one star in every cup.
    Otherwise they are bragging right rewards, if you happen to have three stars everywhere.

    12   24

  4. Basicall you get stars based on how many points you got over all 4 races. If you get all 60 points you get all three stars. Im not sure on the amount of points you need for one or two, but I believe you need at leased 55 to get a star but Im not sure on the lowest point value you need for the first star, or the second.

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Mario Kart 8 (Wii U)

What is the 0/6 stars for?

  1. At the upper left after a race, there's a 0/6 stars function. What is it for? What does it do? Does it concern star rankings or something else?

Accepted Answer

  1. They are for marking your favorite races/highlights. When you go to Mario Kart TV in the main menu, it has recent races posted from you and your favorites are marked with a star. I guess just to find them easier in the jumbled mess of races there.

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How many points do you need to get a star in Mario Kart 8?

If you have at least 52 points in Mario Kart Wii (54 in Mario Kart 8), then you'll be eligible to receive Star Ranks (falling off the course too many times may cancel this).

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