How to get rid of built up dirt on neck

Don’t you hate that dirt on skin that doesn’t wash away? Chances are you have wondered at some point in your life, why is my skin looking a little “dirty?” The buildup of make-up, creams, smog, dirt and oils can take away the natural “glow” of the skin, leaving it a little dull and dry. There are many little things that can help reverse this and prevent it from getting worse.

In the following video, Dr. Kormeili, dermatologist, discusses ways to remove and prevent dirty on skin that won’t come off.


  • 1 Why We Have Dirt On Skin After Showering
  • 2 How To Get Rid Of Dirt On Skin
  • 3 How To Shower Properly
    • 3.1 Hot Showers
    • 3.2 Soapy Residue
    • 3.3 Harsh Towel Drying

Why We Have Dirt On Skin After Showering

Sometimes our skin can look dirty after showering. The reason for this is

Getting rid of built-up dirt on your skin starts by doing makeup removal every single night. Get rid of built up dirt on your skin with help from a nationally recognized Board Certified dermatologist in this free video clip.

How To Get Rid Of Dirt On Skin

Every minute we shed about 30,000 dead skin flakes. That sounds pretty gross, right? So if you don’t wash your skin and gently exfoliate twice a week, dead skin flakes will build up. This will dry out your skin and make your complexion dull.

However, Dr. Kormeili makes a point that exfoliation should be gentle not harsh. So don’t scrub your skin with harsh chemicals as this will just cause dryness and irritation.

How To Shower Properly

Yes you read that right. Most people don’t shower correctly. If you simply turn on the water, rinse off the soap and step out, you may be doing it wrong.

Hot Showers

While long, hot showers are relaxing they can also be bad for your skin. The heat from hot water can dry out your skin and open up your pores. If your tap water is contaminated with harsh chemicals, you don’t want to open up your pores. Cold showers are another extreme without providing any skin protection. Dr. Kormeili recommends showering with warm water (not hot).

Soapy Residue

You know that shampoo or soap that’s left on your body (usually around your neck) when you step out of the shower? Most people just wipe it off with their towel. This is usually a sign that you’re not washing off all the shampoo or body wash off your skin. This left over residue that cause irritation and also also appear as dirt on skin.

Harsh Towel Drying

You jump out of the shower, usually shivering, and quickly rub a towel against your body to dry off. This friction is not good for your skin. If you don’t have time to air dry, the next best thing is too gently pat your skin dry with a clean towel. Additionally, it’s a good idea to apply moisturizing to your skin post shower to lock in moisture so your skin does not become overly dry.

We hope you enjoyed this video on How to Get Rid of Built Up Dirt on Your Skin, you may also enjoyed this article on Natural Skin Care Remedies From Around The World.

If you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kormeili to discuss your beauty needs, please contact us.

Dark neck is a very common problem when it comes to skincare. Even out your neck skin tone with these easy home remedies.

  • Sarika Rana
  • Updated: November 24, 2020 12:32 IST








Dark neck can easily be evened out with the help of these home remedies.


  • We generally pamper our face with facials, but not neck

  • Baking soda is very helpful in removing dirt and dead skin cells

  • Potato is said to have bleaching properties that may lighten skin

Do you feel annoyed when you notice a major difference between the colour of your face and neck? We generally pamper our face with facials, scrubbing and load it with face-packs; what is left behind is our neck that experiences the same exposure as your face. Be it sun, pollution or dust, it goes through all and ends up looking dull and pigmented. Not only is it important to cleanse you neck along with your face, but it is also imperative to scrub and moisturise it on a daily basis. If you haven't looked after your dark neck; it is time you do now! We suggest some effective home remedies for a dark neck, but first know the causes.

Too much sun exposure and exposure to pollutants and excessive usage of chemical-laden skincare products may be few causes of a dark neck. In some cases, it can be due to poor hygiene.

Here Are 5 Home Remedies For A Dark Neck You Can Try At Home 

1. Apple Cider Vinegar For Dark Neck

Apple cider vinegar tends to balance the pH level of the skin, giving it a natural glow. It removes dead skin cells. The presence of malic acid in the ACV makes it a great exfoliator.

All you need to do is take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 4 tablespoons of water and mix them well. Apply this solution with a cotton ball and leave it for 10 minutes. Once it is done, rinse it off with water. Repeat this process every alternate day. Make sure you moisturize your skin after you have applied ACV as it can make your skin dry.(Also Read: Body Care Tips: 9 Natural Remedies for All Your Beauty Problems)

Apple cider vinegar tends to balance the pH level of the skin​

2. Baking Soda For Dark Neck

Baking soda is very helpful in removing dirt and dead skin cells and further promotes circulation. Apart from this, it also nourishes your skin from within.

Take 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda and enough water to make a smooth paste. Apply this paste on the neck and let it dry. Once dried completely, scrub it off using wet fingers. Now, rinse the area with water. Moisturize your skin well. Repeat this every day till you see effective results.

(Also Read: 5 Natural Home Remedies to Remove Dark Circles)

Baking soda is very helpful in removing dirt and dead skin cells ​3. Potato Juice For Dark Neck

Potato is said to have bleaching properties that may lighten the skin to a considerable extent. It also helps remove the dark patches and makes your skin tone even.

Take a small potato and grate it. Now squeeze all the juice out of the grated part. Apply the juice on your neck and let it dry completely before rinsing it with lukewarm water. You can repeat this twice every day.(Also Read: 5 Effective Home Remedies for Cracked Heels)

Potato is said to have bleaching properties that may lighten the skin

4. Make An Ubtan For Dark Neck

The traditional ubtan is generally used to brighten and lighten the skin tone. Moreover, the many compounds in it help in reducing pigmentation and make your neck skin glow. The flour used in the mixture helps exfoliate the skin, absorbs impurities and tightens pores.

Take about 2 tablespoons of besan, a dash of turmeric, half teaspoon lemon juice and rose water. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl to get a paste of medium consistency. Apply the paste on your neck and leave it for about 15 minutes until it dries. Rinse if off with lukewarm water. You can apply this at least twice a week.

The traditional ubtan is generally used to brighten and lighten the skin tone​

5. Yogurt For Dark Neck

Yogurt has natural enzymes that act with the acids in lemon to give the desired results. It further nourishes the skin and makes it smooth.

Take 2 tablespoons of yogurt and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix the two ingredients and apply it on the neck. Leave it for about 20 minutes before rinsing off with water.

Yogurt has natural enzymes that act with the acids in lemonMake sure all these ingredients are skin-friendly and you are not allergic to any of them. Always test by applying a little on your hand and keep it for some time. This way, you'll know if you are allergic to them. Lighten your dark neck and even your skin tone naturally!



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Why does dirt build up on my neck?

The buildup of debris causes discoloration and skin plaques. The neck is a common place for dermatitis neglecta to develop, often because of insufficient cleansing with soap, water, and friction to remove excess skin cells.

Why is my neck like brown dirt?

Causes of acanthosis nigricans The most common cause of acanthosis nigricans is being very overweight. Other causes include: type 2 diabetes. conditions that affect hormone levels – such as Cushing's syndrome, polycystic ovary syndrome or an underactive thyroid.

How do you get rid of a dark neck?

However, there are a few home remedies that you can try to lighten the darkened patches of skin on your neck..
Oats. Oats have antioxidant activity. ... .
Orange Peel. Studies have shown that orange peel has skin-whitening properties. ... .
Lemon. ... .
Aloe Vera. ... .
Potatoes. ... .
Coffee. ... .
Gram Flour. ... .

Why is there black stuff on my neck?

Acanthosis nigricans is a skin condition that causes a dark discoloration in body folds and creases. It typically affects the armpits, groin and neck. Acanthosis nigricans is a condition that causes areas of dark, thick velvety skin in body folds and creases.


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