How to get out of third person Minecraft Xbox

My son is playing Minecraft on an Xbox One S, and he is currently stuck in the 3rd person view. I tried looking it up, but everything just said to use the left toggle switch. That, however, is doing nothing. How do I change the POV?


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asked Jan 27, 2019 at 16:02


On the Xbox One the correct game control to change the view is Press down on Left Stick (LS).

Now if that is not working I would recommend restarting the console (Silly I know but simple problems sometimes require the most simple solutions). You could also go into the settings of the game and check the controller controls and see if the key was changed from that. Last of all you could always try plugging in a keyboard and change the POV like that.

Image credits go to Windows Central

answered Feb 1, 2019 at 1:42

I’m not sure if this will work for you or not, but you could try changing the batteries in the controller and see if that works?

answered Jan 27, 2019 at 16:28


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Minecraft (Nintendo Switch)

3rd Person View ?

  1. Is there to switch from 1st person view to 3rd (Seeing your character as you play) ?? I have been playing the minecraft with mario characters. I Downloaded game from E-Shop

Accepted Answer

  1. By push down I mean you have to click the left joycon stick

    27   48

Other Answers

  1. Hi

    Yes there is I only just figured it out, all you have to do is push down the left joycon stick. Hope this helped

    9   51

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  • #1 Apr 1, 2015

    please allow an option in controller settings to disable third person backwards and forwards view. Whenever I am Surprised by a monster I bump the ls button and cause myself to get disorientated and die. I am totally confused if I am going forwards towards the monster or backwards - has caused me to be killed by creepers and other mobs several times. This is a real serious issue for me on xbox minecraft. I want to always stay in first person view and have the ls button do nothing. Please add a checkbox to disable third-person view in the settings.

  • #2 Apr 1, 2015

    There is an alternative control ayout that moves the change camera mode to the right stick (among other changes). That said, though, I support this suggestion... an option to disable it completely would be a big improvement.

  • #3 Apr 1, 2015

    Yes, disabling this would be nice. Support.

  • #4 Apr 1, 2015

    I have done exactly the same thing, and have died a few times because of it. Cheers for your idea.

  • #5 Apr 1, 2015

    I posted about this very thing a few months ago.

    A MOB surprises you, and you quickly try to dodge it, but instead of dodging it you switch to a third person view of of the MOB killing you.

    It is a real pain.

    My suggestion was to allow users to customize their controls to switch that annoying, seldom (intentionally) used function to another key.

    (Customizing Controls. See Example 1)

    Only heaven knows if it will ever be implemented.

    Perhaps a camera lock option in the menu could be implemented some day. You could switch to the camera view you want and activate the lock so the camera view will never change unless you turn the lock off. That would make a lot of sense.

    Ceci n'est pas une signature.

  • #7 Apr 2, 2015

    I support adding a "Disable 3rd Person View" check box to the settings menu.

  • #9 Apr 2, 2015

    I just read this thread and agree wholeheartedly! Custom controls!

  • #11 Apr 9, 2015

    Hugely support this. It's really obnoxious and inconvenient to switch camera modes if you happen to bump the LS too hard when trying to quickly escape a creeper or ghast fireball.

  • #12 Apr 12, 2015


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    • Glowstone Miner
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    I don't like the alternate layout that switches the stick for this.

    So I would love to see an option to disable in the in-game menu(as well main menu) so that it can be checked on/off when needed or wanted. Where in the menus I really would not know. Probably where some of the other options are...

    Anyway I would be up for this one.:)

    My First World, always getting back to is a pleasure I enjoy with each new update that brings in more things to add in.

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How do you get out of 3rd person in Minecraft?

Different perspectives can be toggled by pressing F5 (or fn + F5 on other keyboards) or C . Pressing it once displays the back of the player, and pressing it again displays the front. Pressing it once more reverts to first-person view.


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