How to deal with Midland Credit Management

No one intends to get behind on their bills, there could be an unexpected car repair or health bills, or maybe life gets in the way. We understand what you are going through. Unfortunately, debt collectors become successful by filing lawsuits and utilizing intimidation tactics.

Have you been sued by Midland Credit Management (MCM) or Midland Funding?
It is important to note that you have rights as a consumer. You need a debt defense attorney to advocate on your behalf and advise you through this process. Trust the experienced attorneys at Ciment Law Firm, PLLC, who focus on debt-collection lawsuits.

In our experience, most people have never heard of Midland Credit Management or Midland Funding. They only learn of their existence after Midland serves them with a lawsuit. Over the past couple of years, Midland Credit Management and Midland Funding have both decreased their collection activity and gone straight to a lawsuit, preferring to use the courts to do their collection work for them.

What Is Midland Credit Management and Midland Funding?

We get this question daily. Midland Credit Management and Midland Funding are companies that purchase debt. MCM is the largest debt collector in the United States, with approximately 8,000 employees and reported revenue of over $1 billion in 2017.

MCM purchases debt from various companies like major banks, credit unions, and telecommunications companies. On average, they buy the debt for 4 cents on the dollar, then turn around and file a lawsuit to collect the full amount. That is a 2,400% return on their investment! That type of profit reminds me of a mobster movie; it’s not right.

MCM banks on the fact that most people won’t hire an attorney to dispute their lawsuit. Don’t be one of those people. If you see MCM on your credit report, time is of the essence. Call us TODAY at (281) 937-3949!

They may appear on your credit report as any of the following:

  • MCM Credit
  • MCM Midland Credit Management
  • Midland Collections
  • Midland Credit
  • Midland Credit Mgmt Inc
  • Midland Fund
  • Midland Funding
  • Midland Management

Why Is My Debt Being Sold?

Companies like MCM are debt buyers, meaning if you fail to pay a debt, such as a credit card, loan, line of credit, phone bill, or hospital bill, MCM will purchase that debt. Companies don’t usually have the resources to collect the debt from you, so they sell it for pennies on the dollar. In this case, $0.04 for every dollar. These collection agencies or debt buyers are much more aggressive in getting the debt paid because their only purpose is to collect the debts they bought for pennies on the dollar.

MCM and other debt collection agencies then begin campaigns to get you to pay the debt. These campaigns include letters, phone calls, and in many cases, behavior that is illegal and harassing. For example, many consumers don’t realize that a debt collection agency will sometimes sue someone for a debt after the statute of limitations — the time they’re allowed to sue for a debt — has expired. Since the agency stands to make enormous profits if they can even get you, or force you through a lawsuit, to pay, their methods are ruthless.

Debt Collectors also often use threats and claims of legal action to get a consumer to pay up or settle the debt, relying on the fact that most consumers might not be aware of their rights. Most will either ignore the collector or pay the debt just to get the collection efforts to stop. Don’t let this happen to you; call us today at (281) 937-3949.

Can Midland Credit Management Garnish Wages?

It is illegal for any debt collector to threaten to garnish your wages. However, if you have been sued by MCM and don’t show up to defend yourself in court, they will get a default judgment against you, which means they win automatically. This default judgment entitles them to take further actions to collect the debt. Those efforts can include freezing your bank accounts or garnishing the money in your bank accounts, and putting liens on your property. Contact us before this happens to you. We have helped thousands of clients, just like you, fight back against MCM and other debt collection companies.

Don’t Deal with Midland Credit Management Alone.

MCM may contact you several times to settle with them directly. However, this may not be the best option for you. Before you do anything, call us at (281) 937-3949. We will review your situation and work with you to obtain the best possible resolution. You deserve to know your rights and have an experienced consumer protection, and debt-collection attorney advise you about your options.

We’re here to help you fight back against harassing, inaccurate, or aggressive debt collection efforts from the Midland companies. Examples of transgressions have included harassing behavior, threats, violating the debtor’s privacy by telling other people about the debt, and collecting the debt by unfair and unethical means.

If MCM is pursuing you, our debt assistance attorneys are here to help. Whether you’re dealing with MCM or any other debt collector, let us put our 3-Step Proven Process to work for you.

Contact Ciment Law Firm, PLLC, Texas Consumer Protection.

At Ciment Law Firm, PLLC, Texas Consumer Protection, we focus on debt collection defense, bankruptcy, and consumer protection. We invite you to join our Texas Debt Defense & Protection Facebook Group for more information. We created this group for current and past clients of the Ciment Law Firm, PLLC, Texas Consumer Protection, and Texans struggling with their debt and looking for solutions. If you’re dealing with debt, were recently laid off, are behind on your house or car payments, or have been sued for a debt, we encourage you to join our group and get the support you need.

If you’re ready to start your journey to debt and credit freedom now, contact us at (281) 937-3949

or complete our online form to schedule a free case evaluation.

Copyright ©, 2021, Ciment Law Firm PLLC. All Rights Reserved.

The information in this document is provided for general informational purposes only and may not reflect the current law in your jurisdiction. No information contained in this post should be construed as legal advice from the individual author or the law firm, nor is it intended to be a substitute for legal counsel on any subject matter. No reader of this post should act or refrain from acting based on any information included in or accessible through this post without seeking the appropriate legal or other professional advice on the particular facts and circumstances at issue from a lawyer licensed in the recipient’s state, country or other appropriate licensing jurisdiction.

Does Midland credit delete after payment?

Our credit reporting policy is designed to help those who resolve their accounts with us. Per MCM policy, if an account is paid in full or settled in full after we begin credit reporting, we will request a deletion of our tradeline after the payment resolving the account is processed.

Can Midland credit garnish wages in Texas?

In Texas, wage garnishment is prohibited by the Texas Constitution except for a few kinds of debt: child support, spousal support, student loans, or unpaid taxes.

What is Midland on my credit report?

MCM is a company that buys and services unpaid debt. For example, when a credit card account goes unpaid, sometimes the credit card company will close the account and sell it to companies like MCM.

What does Midland Credit Management do?

Midland Credit Management (MCM) connects with consumers every day to help resolve past-due debts. We specialize in servicing accounts that have fallen behind and have been charged off by the lender. When lenders close these accounts, they often sell them to companies like MCM.


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