How much is a Blue Heeler pit mix?


3 Weeks

3 People



Super affectionate with family and friends, but very protective and barks/ growls at new people, even kids. Loses training quickly if we're not being consistent and wants to lick you constantly. Tolerates my toddler's shenanigans very well and is great with other dogs.

4 years, 9 months ago


8 Months

1 People



very smart and affectionate loves everybody . Energetic

4 years, 8 months ago


2 Years

2 People

House & Yard


Very smart, super loving, a little needy with affection but that could be because he’s spoiled, muscular body, high energy.

4 years, 8 months ago


8 Weeks

6 People

House & Yard


Precious is an extremely energetic puppy. She is very affectionate and a quick learner. She does well with our adult cat and our children.

4 years, 7 months ago


20 Months

1 People




Chase, Dog Park, Walks, Jogs, . Keep Away

Go for rides, dog park, jogging, long walks,

Good ESA animal as long as you are active. Very affectionate, strong willed. Will test boundaries. Friendly. Protective but sometimes too trusting. Makes a good best friend.

4 years, 6 months ago


9 Months

2 People

House & Yard



Go to Beach

Bike ride

Boat ride



Explore the woods





Enter show

Go on Vacation

Hide & Seek

Explore the city

Dog Parks

Probably the best dog I have ever had. She goes everywhere with me and while she is not fond of strangers she will deal with them petting her. On vaction she did amazing had to sleep in the car at a rest stop on our way some lady came shining a light into our car and belle let me know immediately by low growling and when the lady didnt take the hint she barked and snipped at her hand. As soon as i had the situation under control i told belle enough and that was the end of it. It makes me feel safe knowing she will let me know when something is happening and even better that she trust me to stop when i say so. Great gaurd dog and my best friend. That is the only time ive seen her act like that as well. In public shes great. I also work with her everyday. And when i say she goes everywhere with me, i mean it. Shes a great emotional support animal as well and does good with other animals. I definitely recommend this breed. So much that my husband and i are looking for a male.

4 years, 6 months ago


3 Years

2 People

House & Yard


Amazing best dog ever the love she exudes is well worth the eve so crazy energy she also has so smart never have I loved someone so much she’s such a little person

4 years, 6 months ago


4 Months

3 People



He learned simple commands pretty fast, but don't listen when excited. Very smart and sweet, but also stubborn.

4 years, 6 months ago

Kyler Bug

5 Years

9+ People





Nose work



Car rides

Eating Snacks

Laying in the sun

He hates water and he doesn't care for kids but he's an amazing doggo! !

4 years, 6 months ago


6 Years

5 People

House & Yard


This is actually my fiancee's dog and he's amazing I absolutely love this mutt. He's extremely sweet and well behaved as well as eager to see anyone and receive affection. I love both the breeds he's got because I grew up with heelers and any pit I've ever met has been super friendly and affectionate.

4 years, 5 months ago


3 Months

1 People



He seems to be catching on to the potty training . He listens very smart.

4 years, 5 months ago

Sam Houston

2 Years

2 People

House & Yard


As he is a rescue dog & we have only had him for about 2 months, I can only say he is very friendly, curious, & hyper. He & our red heeler like each other, but Sam is very strong & too rough for Rita right now. We start training in 2 weeks. He seems very trainable. I'm know he is American Bully because of some very distinctive traits, but not sure if the other half is blue heeler (we had our Pearl for 18 years, she was BH), or Catahoula Hound (not merle). He does have extremely large webbed feet. I've never seen webs as predominate as these in my life. She is primarily black, with a long black, white tipped tail, her legs all have white "boots", & her chest is also white, his face is black on one side, & white on the other, & all white on his body is covered with blue markings (like tick size). I thought he might be part Catahoula, particularly because of his tail & large webbed feet. I will try to keep you posted.

4 years, 5 months ago


10 Years

2 People




Playing at the beach

Explore the woods


tummy rubs

Sniffing everything

Explore the city



Massages from Mommy

Relaxing dog music

I brought Fred home after he was rescued at the tender age of 9. He was in an unloving environment and now I give him the life he deserves. Picky eater, loves to cuddle with me. Enjoys exploring new places and learning about life Is so much better then where he was.

4 years, 5 months ago


16 Months

4 People

House & Yard



Go to Park


Explore the woods

Long walks

Learn a new trick




Bath time



Laying in the sun

I absolutely adore my pit heeler. He is a rescue but also a truely amazing dog. He learns so quickly and he enjoys learning as well. We can have tons of fun playing but he also loves to have cuddle time before bed. He has an all around great temperament and is good with small dogs and kids.

4 years, 5 months ago


5 Months

5 People

House & Yard


She's whiney when she's not in the same room with someone, also doesn't like to be outside alone she will yelp untill someone is in her presence. I guess it's the baby in her.

4 years, 4 months ago


16 Months

4 People

House & Yard


Marley is an amazing dog he is the only one in his whole litter that survived all the other puppies died from parvo.I rescued marley from a shelter as a puppie marley loves going for car rides he's awesome with kids and is very loving and affectionate this breed is a one of a kind breed you must have paitience with them though they can be stubborn

4 years, 3 months ago


5 Years

3 People

House & Yard


Sammie is amazing with our 2 year old son and 2 cats. One of the cats is only 10 weeks. She is very mellow inside and knows when we are outside it is play time. She loves to throw her own ball and do somersaults. We adopted her 2 weeks ago but it feels like we have had her forever.

4 years, 3 months ago


8 Months

6 People

House & Yard


loving and protective dogs!

4 years, 2 months ago


10 Months

4 People

House & Yard


So far I love him he is my fur-son lol he is deff part of the family he loves playing with the kids is super protective and loving of our 1yr old son and loves running around the yard with our 7yr old daughter!!!

4 years, 1 month ago


2 Years

4 People

House & Yard


Nala is extremely sweet with all people and is very gentle. However, she exhibits a good amount of territorial behavior at home (mainly she growls when people approach or walk by the house) and also exhibits dog reactivity. Dog reactivity is different from dog aggression; basically it means that Nala's initial approach to other dogs consists of barking and excitement which can be off-putting to other dogs (and of course, and especially to their owners!). Given a few minutes with new dogs, Nala calms down and becomes fast friends. We have a senior (10 years old) pit bull at home as well as a 7-year-old cat; they're both part of the "pack" and Nala is great with them. She has gone through obedience training with Nala and we are looking into some more advanced training for her to help with her territory and dog reactivity issues. Nala is extremely loyal and wants to be involved in EVERYTHING we do, from cooking, to cleaning, to yard work. She's definitely a present and important part of our family. We love her sweet, goofy personality and her gentle ways. She gives great kisses and is very snuggly!

4 years, 1 month ago


11 Months

1 People

House & Yard


At first I thought I had made a mistake in choosing this particular puppy however after a few months of consistent training and lots of patience I am a proud owner of a very well mannered loving Pit Heeler.

3 years, 11 months ago


4 Months

7 People

House & Yard



going on walks


Playing With Ropes, Bones, Rope Balls

Going Outside

Going on drives

playing with other dogs

My first dog experience with a pitbull , I had a baby boy named Rezin. I had him from 4weeks until he unfortunately was ran over after being wrongly place on a excessively long chain that let him into the street. 2 weeks later, my love Hooey (which weirdly enough is Rezin's cousin) was born on father's day this year. I love them both unconditionally. Hooey is a very fast learner and obviously still learning. I've tought him how to climb all the way to the top of a ladder, and there are many more positives.

3 years, 10 months ago


13 Years

5 People

House & Yard


Cinnamon is an old Lady now and very sweet. As a young dog she was extremely active, liked to nip and herd people and was very territorial. With persistent training and 2hour walls every day her behaviour improved.I noticed a drop in energy at about age 6. I love this dog breed, but needs an experienced leader.Cinnamon is also very smart. We all love her very much!Awsome dog!

3 years, 9 months ago


Eight Months

2 People



Just got her a week ago.

3 years, 9 months ago


8 Years

3 People

House & Yard


My sidekick couldn't ask for better dog.

3 years, 9 months ago


1 Year

2 People

House & Yard





Look out the window

Learn a new trick


Play keep away


Painting nails


Dog Parks

Sometimes our girl is so full of energy you wish she had an off switch, and others she couldn’t be more content just laying in her chair and sleeping. She gets a long with her Blue Heeler siblings, and loves to cuddle with them. She’s a leader on a walk. But she’s a follower during play time. So well behaved and easy to train.

3 years, 9 months ago


9 Weeks

2 People



I got Dominick as a Christmas present and he is so active and lovable. He loves to go fetch stuff even stuff he is not suppose to get. He is in love with my two year old cat Dusty, they play all the time.

3 years, 8 months ago


1 Year

2 People

House & Yard


Road trip





Laying in the sun

Her bark is never the same it ranges from a soft bark to a really high pitch bark. She’s really excited when she’s in a new place or with our other dog but if she’s not with our other dog she will calm down and not want to leave my side.

3 years, 8 months ago

Bailey joy

1 Year

1 People



She’s always waiting for the next new experience she mostly loves all new people and animals when there is a group she is definitely in charge of tapping everyone’s heels till they get in a circle LOL thank goodness the grandchildren think this is a fun game I recently took in a three-year-old blind cat

3 years, 6 months ago


10 Months

3 People



My buddy Jake is very energetic, not alot of grooming or tedious care as I was warned of by some websites. They have a very nice temperament as long as you show them love and give them the exercise they need. Very good breed.

3 years, 6 months ago


2 Years

5 People



Bella is an affectionate, intelligent and happy dog. Great with kids. A pleasure to have around.

3 years, 4 months ago


3 Months

4 People

House & Yard


Awesome,he is smart well behaved and very affectionate.

3 years, 4 months ago

Gemma Rea

4 Months

3 People

House & Yard


Very hyperactive but the biggest heart I've ever seen in a dog. She is a handful from sun up to sun down

3 years, 2 months ago


10 Months

1 People



Got locked out of my truck and Blast rolled down the windows for me 😆

3 years, 2 months ago

Syrce Marshall-Jenkins

2 Months

2 People

House & Yard



Playing in the snow


He's amazing honestly. Very intelligent, and often has full blown conversations. He's only a puppy but he's very loyal , playful, and observant. He listens and loves being outdoors but he absolutely hates when the temperature rises. He has a really thick coat. Loves to herd my wife and I as if we're cattle but it great knowing he would love for us to run faster. He's perfect and a great fit for our small family and I'm happy he chose us to be his parents.

3 years, 2 months ago


2 Months

2 People

House & Yard


So far Stella is a great dog. She does like to chew things, but she is very friendly and quiet. She's a lot more timid than my Catahoula.

3 years, 1 month ago

Minnie Moo

1 Year

2 People





Catch treats




She has been a very loving dog since I first got her when she was 3 months old. She trained very easily with diligence as well as incentives. She has never shown aggression unless she was provoked by a more aggressive dog. She is free-fed. She loves water and any ball. Squirrels and birds excite her the most. She has two sisters, adopted, that she spends her days window watching with while mom is at work. She plays very well with other dogs but is more interested in dog toys. She can tear a brand new super chew toy a part in a matter of 10 minutes. When she was little she likes to chew drywall and window sills. She's the best thing that ever happened to me.

2 years, 8 months ago


1 Year

8 People

House & Yard





Hide & Seek


Car rides

I got Hera from a local shelter when she was just a few months old. She had just got fixed and received her shots. Her mother was a quite small Australian Cattle Dog and her Father was a Pitbull. She was very calm and cuddly for the first few days until she got acclimated to the house. She is now the most energetic dog I've ever seen. Even at a few months old, anytime she got a bone or antler to play with she would run around the house looking for a good spot to hide it. Under the blankets of a bed, in dirty clothes, and even between the couch cushions. She picked up fetch extremely quick and especially loves Frisbees. Most of all she loves to run. As a puppy she chewed on everything from wood to rocks and dirt. She definitely has separation anxiety but it is steadily getting better because she is learning that I will return. For a while she really didn't like cuddling. She would always push you away but now she is starting to love the affection. Her absolute favorite thing is to give people hugs. She loves people and gets really excited anytime she sees someone. A little too excited sometimes. She loves other dogs and plays very well with them. Hera and our 3 year old daughter are best friends even though the little girl might get knocked down sometimes if Hera gets too excited. At 1 year old, Hera is 60lb and about 22in tall at the hip. She looks very fit and has a slight muscular tone in her legs. She definitely has the pitbull look but pretty sleek and slim. Her tail, when not wagging, is usually curled at the end. Overall, Hera is a great companion and a very intelligent dog. She wants to go everywhere you go and learns things very quickly although she is sometimes very stubborn. She wants to be around people all the time and is always right at your feet.

2 years, 8 months ago


8 Months

6 People

House & Yard








Eating Snacks


nap time

Chewing tree branches

Our fur buddy loves every activity you can give him. He's the friendliest boi (Gets along with anyone who will get along with him) he is socially anxious due to a past of abuse from previous owners but with us he has blossomed into the vibrant good boy we love and know. Couldn't have adopted a better pup.

2 years, 5 months ago


9 Weeks

6 People

House & Yard


So far only 9 weeks. I owned her mother who sadly passed away a little over a week ago. She was a pit. I am having difficties getting her to figure out housetraining. She is very stubborn. She is also very lovable though. I am confident we will get it figured out.

2 years, 4 months ago


6 Weeks

7 People

House & Yard


I got two sisters from someone in front of a store. They are precious and energetic! In just the two days that I’ve had them, they have already started learning house training and not using the restroom where they shouldn’t! They also are very loyal even now and follow me wherever I go. Very curious too! Highly recommend.

2 years, 3 months ago

Ichi the killer

4 Years

5 People

House & Yard


She’s great I love her to death but she a bit over protective

2 years, 2 months ago

Cinnamon Roll

4 Months

5 People

House & Yard


Great dog fast learners! Great family dog very trainable.

2 years, 2 months ago


14 Months

4 People



She has been easily trained, she is very loving, can get you with her teeth accidentally when playing tug of war, great with my cats, loves my kids, super protective especially at night, she is perfect

2 years, 2 months ago


12 Weeks

5 People



she likes to bite ankles a whole lot but we’re still training her not to.

2 years, 2 months ago


3 Years

2 People








He's great with other dogs, cats, and people. He's super friendly, never barks, and needs a lot of walks/has a lot of energy. We're working on being able to have him go to the bathroom consistently outside since sometimes he will mark in the house. He is super smart and picks up on training very quickly. He is a wonderful addition to our family.

2 years, 1 month ago


19 Weeks

1 People

House & Yard




Quad rides

Gopher shooting

I rescued Neekaneet from the Neekaneet First Nations Reservation. Neekaneet's new home is on a Ranch with me. He is an amazing little puppy so far, he catches on very fast and will eventually start being trained to work cows at 5 to 6 months. Neekaneet is extremely loving and cuddly; he seems to shed very little so far, it is hard not to start letting him in the house. Neekaneet's other job will be to guard the ranch, he needs to be a farm dog and live outside.

2 years ago

Delilah Lou

9 Months

3 People



She has been such a joy. Truly an amazing dog. Very loyal and VERY loving. Affectionate sometimes a little too much haha. She is my shadow and she is Very smart. I swear she understands English.

2 years ago


2 Months

6 People



She loves playing with the other puppies. I have her mom our Pitbull "Karma", My cousin has the dad Blue Heeler "AJ". Karma had 8 pups I said I wasn't keeping any but my Coraline was the runt and Karma wouldn't feed her unless I sat with her while she did. I had to buy her puppy formula, she ended up being my miracle pup. (We kept 2 others and our neighbor got 2) We're still working on house training getting a little better. She loves my kids and sleeps with me almost everynight unless she's with them. We live in an apartment building made up of 3 apartments that use to be a farm house. Everyone in the building loves these pups

1 year, 11 months ago


4 Months

2 People







He's very high energy. Loves attention but has a hard time with potty training.

1 year, 9 months ago


1 Year

1 People



He loves being outside playing tug game as well asm

My overall experience has been great , granted he can be really protective and at a young age was very destructive and still can be if important belongings are not properly put away . over all he was easy to house train and normally is pretty good with being home alone although he has a little separation anxiety which i counter with leaving him with some soft classical music playing while i'm away .

1 year, 9 months ago


6 Years

2 People



Shes a good cute dog after all but can be spoled

1 year, 9 months ago


5 Months

4 People

House & Yard


They are very energetic and they have high maintenance especially because they will chew everything up in your house hold. They are also very loving and loyal to you.

1 year, 7 months ago


1 Year

2 People



My dog is a Red pitbull mix. He is extemely affectionate, playful and loving, and very docile. Usually he is very obedient but sometimes stubborn, gets bored and/or mad when left alone and chews or digs holes, which I cannot kick the habit. He is wary of strangers but warms up easily. Overall he is an excellent family dog for my young daughter, and very protective, and very snuggly and sweet.

1 year, 7 months ago


3 Years

3 People

House & Yard





Eating Snacks

Watching tv


She Really friendly companion happy to see anyone that walks in the door she loves affection she loves to give affection back has the most unique personality of any dog I have ever seen gives the derpiest looks incredibly smart let her outside and she'll let you know when she wants to come back in she knows what part of the house I'm in and will knock on the window on the door she will even peek through the door window to see if you're coming she is hard-headed but is very loyal and Always by your side loves to sleep in the bed next to me and look up and watch the TV the most unique dog I have ever met in my life and I love her as my own child and I will not give her up for anything in this world

1 year, 6 months ago


3 Years

1 People

House & Yard



Puzzle Toys


Hide & Seek

I adopted Atlas just before he turned 3. He grew up running in the woods in a rural area with two other pit mixes. I've had him about 6 months now, and he is so smart. He gets bored very easily, but is very well behaved. He just wants to run and and interact with you. He's definitely protective, and I haven't been able to socialize him during the pandemic, but he loves my parents and is getting to know their pointers. Atlas loves snuggling and belly rubs, and will do anything for a treat, though he gets frustrated if he doesn't figure out what I want quick enough. Patience and exercise are key! I had no idea he was a designer dog, as I rescued him as a pit mix. The heeler energy mixed with a more pitbull body has caused some limping after fetch. He goes so hard and doesn't show when he injures something. Very attentive and loving dog. Definitely identifies his pack, and needs strong leadership. He's not fond of strangers unless they have treats and then he's wary. It takes a couple times of someone coming over for him to warm up. Overall an incredible mix of breeds, not without issues, but 100% worth it all. He's been an amazing companion and I love him. He definitely keeps me on my toes and finding ways to keep him stimulated!

1 year, 6 months ago

Blue & Peppa Pig

8 Months

4 People

House & Yard




Playing in the snow



It all started with pepper she is a 6 year old blue heeler we took in. Little did we know at the time she was pregnant. She gave birth to 8 beautiful puppies! We found homes for most of them but we kept Blue and Peppa Pig for ourselves. They are amazing dogs. Blue loves to pick up the jug for the gravity water bowl and run around with it while the water spills everywhere! They are super smart and very energetic they can make toys out of anything. Blue has also picked up the broom and run around the living room with it. Peppa Pig loves to play with shoes. They are pretty fast learners witch is great for training, but Peppa Pig has also let her self out of the crate. So yea they are some pretty smart entertaining puppies. They are supper active always playing with each other. They are picky when it comes to toys, but they love tennis balls and other bouncy balls. They are a great breed of dog just need lots of time and love!

1 year, 2 months ago


8 Weeks

4 People

House & Yard


Pretty good so far he is very high energy and very very attached to me

1 year, 1 month ago


10 Months

1 People

House & Yard


He’s absolutely amazing and very very intelligent

1 year ago


1 Year

2 People



Hannah is a rescue that we adopted and she came from an abusive home leaving her very scared of all males. It is just my daughter and I and from the first meet & greet she choose us. She has been slow to train but suddenly she is catching on to every trick we try to teach her. She is now finally warming up to other females but still pees a little when she gets excited. She is not aggressive at all but super loving when she warms up to you.

11 months, 4 weeks ago

Piper Potts

3 Years

4 People

House & Yard


I knew what I was getting into before I adopted my Pipes. I was prepared and dedicated to making sure she is living her best doggy life. Piper thrives when given a job to do. She always wants to help, whether you need it or not! With that said… this breed is not for the dog novice. Emotionally needy at times but derpy and adorable always. Piper is literally the perfect dog.

11 months ago


2 Years

2 People

House & Yard


Luna is the friendliest dog I’ve ever had. She loves meeting new people. She’s also so muscular, and I have to work to make sure she gets the activity she needs every day. Such a smart and sweet girl, extremely loyal.

9 months, 1 week ago


4 Years

6 People

House & Yard


Leia is my world of joy. We believed she was abused because she is terrified of loud noises. She loves her walks,toys,tug-a-war,and she loves to learn new things. She was super easy to train and she is very protective. She does bark alot, she is very kind to the other animals. ( except squirrels )

8 months, 2 weeks ago

Mauricio (Mau)

4 Months

2 People








Mauricio Is a rescue brought in to NYC all the way from Kentucky. My wife and I fostered him for two weeks and then adopted him. He’s friendly yet a bit aggressive as he gets jealous when Blacknose (our cat) gets close to my wife or myself. We have concerns about his lack of obedience right now so we will sign him up for some training courses. Overall he’s a beautiful and strong blue eyed puppy and we know that he will do better as time goes.

8 months ago


3 Months

3 People

House & Yard


Shes super smart! already knows sit, and lay down and shes only 3 mos old. super energetic, she has an interesting personality for sure and shes a great peoples dog! super friendly and everyone loves her presence.

6 months ago

Question - New pet


how much would she way? she is a mix between a heeler and a pit. the mom is a pit and dad is a heeler. owner says the mom and dad are no more than 35 pounds

Question - New pet


Hello! I and my girlfriend got a baby pit heeler and we are really excited to become great pet companions. I would love some advice for steps in the right direction on raising a bright puppy! Any advice on custom diets, brain games, or grooming tips are extremely appreciated.

Question - Nutrition


Can a healer/red nose pit eat rice or wheat products??

Question - My pet


What can I do to for my dog she was bitten by a snake of unknown species could have been up to 12 hours ago her leg is swelled to twice the normal size and is hot to touch.

What is a pitbull and Blue Heeler mix called?

The Pit Heeler is a modern designer dog breed that was created from the crossbreeding of an American Pitbull Terrier and a Blue Heeler. These dogs are a new type of breed that still does not have much information available.

What does a Blue Heeler and pit mix look like?

The resulting crossbreed is also known as the Bull Heeler, Bull Pit Heeler, or Queensland Pit and takes herding and loyalty from both of its parent breeds. ... Pit Heeler (American Pitbull Terrier & Blue Heeler Mix).

How much does a Blue Heeler mix cost?

Usually, around $800 to $1,000 is average. Due to the low availability, the price can vary quite a bit. Breeders don't always have anyone to compare their prices to. However, these dogs often require a bit more work than others to breed due to their larger size and hyperactivity.

What is a Blue Heeler pitbull?

The Blue Heeler Pitbull mix is a crossbreed between an Australian Cattle Dog and the American Pit Bull Terrier. Both its parent breeds are known to be herders so you can expect this hybrid to be hard-working and active.


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