How much does into the Dead 2 cost?

I know, I know: the Switch version doesn’t include in-app purchases, some of which run as high as $70 on mobile. But even if the mobile version has more than a hint of pay-to-win about it, it doesn’t erase the fact that you’re still paying $35 just for buttons. Even as someone who likes buttons, that seems almost indefensible.

It also doesn’t help that even with the in-app purchases taken out of Into the Dead 2, there’s still a giant, IAP-shaped hole where they used to be. The game is geared towards separating players from their money at every opportunity, and it does so by doling out XP at the most miserly rate imaginable. In the mobile game, your options are to either tough it out and grind your way through level after level, over and over again, very slowly earning the XP you need to upgrade your guns — or, alternatively, you could buy gold, and take a shortcut.

The Switch version doesn’t have the shortcut, as far as I can tell, but it still only gives you tiny amounts of XP for every level you finish. You get useless, single-use power-ups. Your scant amounts of ammo carry over from level to level, including if you restart a level. The only way here to get marginally better guns is to do the same thing over…and over…and over.

And make no mistake, Into the Dead 2 is already a game that’s built around repetition. It’s an auto-runner where your goal is to run a certain distance, avoiding and/or obliterating zombies all the way. There’s some story that tries to tie it all together about saving your loved ones, but that’s beside the point: every level is all about getting from point A to point B, ideally shooting enough zombies to get an extra star, with the rare detour into very short turret gun sections. Doing these levels one after the other after the other will make you feel like you’re playing the same level on repeat; literally doing the same level over and over again, and then doing the next one over and over again, and so on and so forth just to upgrade a few guns just feels torturous.

The odd thing is, if you just ignore what the game is trying to make you do and just have fun with it, Into the Dead 2 becomes passably decent, at least for a little while. If you simply focus on running, rather than on shooting, you’ll find that the game conveys that feeling of momentum, of striving towards those endpoints, surprisingly well. You almost feel like you’re moving forward, and it feels kind of cool. Eventually, of course, you’ll reach a point where you need more firepower and you’ll just have to go back and do those levels over again until you’ve marginally improved the options at your disposal, but if only for a few moments, the game isn’t all bad.

Of course, there’s a massive gulf between “momentarily fun free mobile game” and “Switch game that costs $35,” and you can be certain that Into the Dead 2 doesn’t come anywhere near crossing the yawning chasm. I hate to reduce the game’s worth to how much it costs, but when the game gives you so little for such a high price (relative to free), it’s impossible to see anything other than the downsides.

There’s a massive gulf between “momentarily fun free mobile game” and “Switch game that costs $35,” and you can be certain that Into the Dead 2 doesn’t come anywhere near crossing the yawning chasm. I hate to reduce the game’s worth to how much it costs, but when the game gives you so little for such a high price (relative to free), it’s impossible to see anything other than the downsides.

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  • Nintendo Life

    Oct 18, 2019


    Into the Dead 2 is a pretty fun, well-made auto-run zombie survival game that arrives on Switch at a ludicrous price point that makes it very hard to justify picking up. The central gameplay loop is satisfying enough for a few minutes but it’s as deep as you’d expect to find in a game that originated as a free-to-play mobile experience. It’s been padded out with a bunch of extra modes, and they’re all perfectly serviceable, but you can never escape the core truth that it’s just the same thing over and over again in slightly different settings. If you’re an absolutely massive fan of running through endless waves of zombies whilst very slowly unlocking weapons to make it seem as though you’re somehow changing that experience, fill your boots, but everyone else should maybe check this out for free on a mobile device first instead.

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  • FNintendo

    Nov 25, 2019


    Into the Dead 2 may not have the most original premise but the game does a decent job at creating a grim, apocalyptic environment around itself. Nevertheless, and despite fun mechanics, the game is too much alike its original version for mobile devices and simply does not live up to what a Nintendo Switch game should be.

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  • Score distribution:

    1. Positive: 2 out of 7

    2. Mixed: 2 out of 7

    3. Negative: 3 out of 7

    1. DeepHighNight

      Nov 3, 2021


      It's a very addictive game. I, like many others, think that paying 40 bucks to a game that you can perfectly have for free on a mobile deviceIt's a very addictive game. I, like many others, think that paying 40 bucks to a game that you can perfectly have for free on a mobile device is just plain out dumb. But apart from that I don't think it's bad, game play/graphics/story wise. It's good, if anything.

      Micro-transactions aren't really necessary if you're not speed running the whole game, they help a lot but I myself finished the entire story line without paying a penny. The game always gets a new feature: night vision goggles, human enemies that can shoot and kill you instead of plain old zombies, flashlight stage, grenade launchers, flamethrowers, game is literally getting more and more detailed over time. And most of the things if not all can be acquired by not paying a single penny.

      Whether you should pay 40 bucks into it or not is totally up to you, however. As another review would suggest, try it on for size at a mobile device first. Buy for Switch only if you enjoy it.

      • 0 of 0 users found this helpful

    2. CoolestCritic

      Jun 16, 2021


      I thoroughly enjoyed this game. The gameplay can get repetitive, but it is addictive and you'll want to keep playing more. My only complaintI thoroughly enjoyed this game. The gameplay can get repetitive, but it is addictive and you'll want to keep playing more. My only complaint is the micro-transactions, it gets annoying. I've already paid around $50 to get this, so I don't think that's acceptable. Otherwise it's amazing. Expand

      • 0 of 0 users found this helpful

    3. radwansky

      Apr 27, 2020


      Игра хорошая , она отличается от мобильной версии - тем что она платная , но из нее убрали донат! и ето хорошо , один раз купил и играй !Игра хорошая , она отличается от мобильной версии - тем что она платная , но из нее убрали донат! и ето хорошо , один раз купил и играй ! СПАСИБО! Expand

      • 0 of 0 users found this helpful

    4. Nevermber

      Dec 1, 2019


      Very mixed game experience.

      On the one hand, she dragged me in, liked me and I want to play some more. On the other hand, the game has a
      Very mixed game experience.

      On the one hand, she dragged me in, liked me and I want to play some more.

      On the other hand, the game has a number of problems.
      1. In the past, this is a mobile donation game. Donuts from the version for the switch were removed, and the grind was left.
      2. There is a drop in FPS upon receipt of a level reward.
      3. Enemies appear from nowhere, not gradually approaching from afar, but immediately at a certain distance.
      4. He opened the story mode (talks about some moments of the main story from the outside), so in the first campaign for 12 or 13 missions I didn’t even have to shoot - just run, because there were no zombies at all!

      She would be good at virtual reality glasses or arcade machines, but here there are a number of questions.

      This is a great game that you can play while you ride the subway, but if there is more time, it is better to choose something else.

      P.S. how the story is presented seems to be as banal as possible, but very atmospheric.

      • 0 of 0 users found this helpful

    5. stevenr4

      Oct 27, 2019


      If you enjoyed Into the Dead 1, don't buy this game. I enjoyed the feeling of getting further and further each attempt, saving ammo and reallyIf you enjoyed Into the Dead 1, don't buy this game. I enjoyed the feeling of getting further and further each attempt, saving ammo and really making my shots count. This game pushes an aggressive "Use all your ammo! Kill 20 zombies within 500ft!" play style which feels very different from what I loved in the first one. $35 on Switch and then they use aggressive microtransaction tactics to try to pull more money out of you. With slow load times, poor story telling, and a level select that preys on completionists (Can't 100% the first area without paying money for the SMG), I believe anyone should stay away from this game. Expand

      • 0 of 2 users found this helpful

    6. Dnar09

      Jun 26, 2021


      Who in the right mind will buy a free mobile game for 40$!?!!!! Well i did and i spent 20 dollars because it was on sale and it's just stupid u don't even need all the buttons on the switch its perfect controls for a phone game! and it's absolutely not worth 40 dollars i wouldn't even spend 5 dollars on it because i could get it on my phone for free!

      Does Into the Dead 2 cost money?

      Into the Dead 2 is free to play but offers some game items for purchase with real money.

      Is into the Dead free?

      Into the Dead is free to play but offers some game items for purchase with real money.

      Is Into the Dead 2 on PC?

      Play Into the Dead 2 for PC - Free Survival Game for Desktop. The popular zombie shooting and survival game are back! Into the Dead 2 takes players to a new challenge where the world has fallen again to a zombie apocalypse.

      Is Into the Dead 2 multiplayer?

      There is no multiplayer.


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