How much does a packet of 40 cigarettes cost in Australia?

Cigarettes in Australia are some of the most expensive in the world. Find out how much a pack of cigarettes will cost you at Coles, Woolworths, or your local convenience store.

Here are the latest cigarette prices in Australia:

  • a packet of 20 cigarettes costs $23.86
  • a packet of 25 cigarettes costs $29.48
  • a packet of 30 cigarettes costs $38.11
  • a packet of 35 cigarettes costs $41.95
  • a packet of 40 cigarettes costs $49.63
  • a packet of 50 cigarettes costs $53.95
  • RYO tobacco costs between $34.95 and $74.95

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  • Why Are They Expensive?
  • Cheapest Cigarettes
  • Are Prices Increasing?
  • Historical Cost

Why Are Australian Cigarettes So Expensive?

One word – taxes. Technically, they’re called excise rates, but you can simply think of it as a rule the government brought in, to increase prices of cigarettes – by forcing the suppliers to increase the cost of cigarettes which they then give to the government.

How much exactly? That depends on the pack. Currently, the excise in place is on a per stick (per individual cigarette) basis. Meaning the amount the government takes is based on the number of cigarettes in each pack.

From 1 March 2018, the current rate was $0.71046 per stick. From 1 September 2018, it’s increased to $0.80726 per stick. And for the next 3 years until 2020, it’s going to increase by 12.5% each year.

For example, let’s take a 25 pack of Winnies. There are 25 cigarette sticks in a pack, at $0.80726 per stick, that means $20.18 is going to our government. The rest will be spread out between the retailers, suppliers, and middlemen.

That’s why the cigarettes are so cheap over in Indonesia, Thailand, and China. Their government doesn’t impose such high excises (if any).

Otherwise, if you want to learn a little more about vaping and the benefits of e-cigarettes – visit our page on vape prices.

Where’s The Cheapest Place To Buy Cigarettes?

Probably Coles or Woolworths. They have some of the strongest buying power in Australia and can demand lower prices from their own suppliers and pass the savings on to you.

Other than that, Free Choice Tobacconist is also considered one of the leading & cheapest tobacco retailers in Australia. They have quite a few stores around Australia. Click here to find one close to you.

7 Eleven Service Station In Australia

If you plan on heading down to your local service station or convenience store, expect the prices in the table above to increase between 10-40%. They know you’re there for convenience and are going to charge you for it.

Want to buy cigarettes online? Think again. From our research, there are no dependable online cigarettes sellers in Australia. There are some companies trying to sell to Australians, but many report their success rates through customs is quite poor.

Your best bet is to head to Coles or Woolworths, and purchase your cigarettes there if you’re looking for the cheapest price.

Are Cigarette Prices Going To Increase?

Yes. They’re going to increase quite a bit over the next few years until 2020.

Why? The government has imposed a dramatic increase to the excise rates on cigarettes. The full legislation can be found here under the Excise Tariff Act 1921.

As mentioned earlier, this is how much extra the government is going to increase the excise rate (fancy name for tax) by each year:

DateExcise Increase
1 September 2018 12.5%
1 September 2019 12.5%
1 September 2020 12.5%

That means a $35 pack of cigarettes today, will cost more than $50 in 3 years.

Does that scare you? It should. $50 for a pack of cigarettes is a lot. of. money. Consider your options – vaping is a highly regarded method to transition from cigarettes to a cheaper smoking style.

How Much Did Cigarettes Used To Cost In Australia?

They were cheap. Damn they where cheap. Here’s a table comparing the past 30 years of prices for one of the most popular packs in Australia – the Winfield 25’s.

YearWinfield 25 RRP
1989 $2.66
1990 $2.94
1991 $3.08
1992 $3.57
1993 $4.45
1994 $4.72
1995 $5.11
1996 $6.47
1997 $6.53
1998 $6.70
1999 $7.05
2000 $7.35
2001 $8.70
2002 $9.10
2003 $9.50
2004 $9.85
2005 $10.30
2006 $10.70
2007 $11.25
2008 $11.70
2009 $12.40
2010 $12.95
2011 $16.45
2012 $17.15
2013 $18.75
2014 $21.40
2015 $23.65
2016 $26.25
2017 $29.60
2018 $33.65
2019 $37.00

Unfortunately, it’s not going to stop there. With the new legislation brought in increasing the excise rate for cigarettes each year until 2020, you’re going to have to pass over more of your money each time you head to the shops and grab a pack.

Look – we’re not your Mum. If you want to smoke, go ahead, we’re not going to stop you. But if you’re thinking about quitting, consider vaping instead or read one of these guides.

Not only will your wallet be far fatter at the end of each week, but you’ll be able to breathe easier, think clearer, and live longer.

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Mike The Price Man

Hi! I'm Mike - I hope you found the post above helpful. I created Aussie Prices because I noticed many websites only provided USA or UK prices, and nothing for us Aussies. So I spent a bit of time researching and put this site together. If you have any questions about the prices - let me know in the comments below. If you want to learn more about what Aussie Prices is all about, click here.

How much does a pack of cigarettes cost in Australia?

7 8 Currently, Australia has one of the highest prices for tobacco, around $A22 per pack of cigarettes (this is equivalent to around US$17), and this is expected to rise to up to $A40 per pack by 2020.

How much are cigarettes in Australia 2021?

Following the most recent increase, a 25-stick pack of Marlboro Gold cigarettes now costs AUD48. 50 ($35.63) while the average 20-pack costs around AUD35. That means a pack-a-day smoker will spend AUD12,500 over the course of a year. Australian tobacco taxes generate around AUS17 billion per year in tax revenue.

Are cigarettes going up in price in 2022?

Despite this increase, the excise tax share of retail price would decline from 44.7% to 39.4%. Further, cigarette prices would not keep up with inflation, so cigarettes would become more affordable in 2022-23 compared to 2020-2021.

How much tax is on a packet of cigarettes in Australia?

The average price of a packet of cigarettes in Australia is now likely to climb to more than $45 from September 2020. The government will increase the excise on tobacco products by 12.5% each year from 2017 to 2020, at which point it will make up 69% of the price of a pack of cigarettes.

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