How many tranq arrows for a level 2 spino

ARK: Survival Evolved

spino and tranqs

So how many tranqs does it take for a spino. I have done it in about 25-30 n other say it takes about 100 or more. Is there any reason why its so diff for us. Is it because I'm admin?

Showing 1-14 of 14 comments

20-30. Not over 100 those people are either counting when they miss or they are using slinghots.

100?? They must be spam firing or something. Gotta give those tranqs time to work too. We used about 20-30 today.

Admins using commands to get the ultimate tranq bow would only need 4-10 arrows. So it is not because your an admin.


14 Jun, 2015 @ 3:37pm 

took a lvl 15 down in about 20-30 so that number sounds about right

but in all honesty be a man and punch it into submission


14 Jun, 2015 @ 3:38pm 

Be mindful that the tranq arrow takes 10 secounds to give its full does of torpor. So yeah if you just spam arrows until it drops you would use up many times more then if you gave some time between shots.

I took down a spino yesterday with about 20 arrows but it was done with a lot of mad running for my life between shots.

Last edited by saice; 14 Jun, 2015 @ 3:39pm

It depends on the level, health and torpor of the specific Spino. Me and 2 guys on my server put a lvl 5 down in the first 5 mins of the patch with around 20-30. It's the taming that's the hard part. We caught him at about 1:30am and was up until 4:30am and we were pretty much slamming him full of prime meat. That's the only thing that seems to put a dent in his taming bar, so get plenty of high lvl carnivores to hunt other big dino's before you even attempt taming one.

Do you need pearls to make saddle too. Because day patch came out I made saddle n I didn't have pearls. Did they change the things you need?

Originally posted by K.P.:

took a lvl 15 down in about 20-30 so that number sounds about right

but in all honesty be a man and punch it into submission


Originally posted by Drsubo:

Do you need pearls to make saddle too. Because day patch came out I made saddle n I didn't have pearls. Did they change the things you need?

Yeah you need polymer I think, which you get from pearls. haven't made one for our Spino yet, he's just sat in a pool betwwen our houses looking cool as ♥♥♥♥ lol

I have never had polymer or anything. How could I have made a saddle. Did they change it or is that cus I'm logged in as admin

Originally posted by Drsubo:

I have never had polymer or anything. How could I have made a saddle. Did they change it or is that cus I'm logged in as admin

You will only get admin cheats if you type them in. They might have changed it with a recent patch. I don't personally know because my server has dedicated people who learn saddles. One of them just told me the other day that we'd have to get polymer from pearls if we wanted to make the Spino saddle.

I mean, I tried using 50 of them, 45 connected, it was a lvl 1 and it still didnt go down

It depends on the level, health and torpor of the specific Spino. Me and 2 guys on my server put a lvl 5 down in the first 5 mins of the patch with around 20-30. It's the taming that's the hard part. We caught him at about 1:30am and was up until 4:30am and we were pretty much slamming him full of prime meat. That's the only thing that seems to put a dent in his taming bar, so get plenty of high lvl carnivores to hunt other big dino's before you even attempt taming one.

High lv predator? i just took out a bronto with a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ pterodon

Showing 1-14 of 14 comments

Date Posted: 14 Jun, 2015 @ 3:32pm

Posts: 14

How many tranq arrows do I need?

Tips & Strategies. When encountering these,you need at least 50 tranq arrows. Keep your distance at all times until it turns to run, then finish it. Also have at least 200 narcotics and backup narcoberries, its a long wait for one these.

How much health does a Level 1 Spino have?



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