How many medium peaches in a pound

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Many recipes, especially salad, beverage and dessert ones, will call for "1 cup of peach puree" or "1 cup of chopped peaches" or even "1 cup of sliced peaches" but it is not always straight forward to decipher actually how many peaches are in a cup. In order to help make cooking easier we did some experiments to help tell you exactly how many peaches you need to buy.

To answer How many peaches in a cup we went to the grocery store to check out the produce section. After surveying the fruit selection we decided to use a medium peach for our calculations and discovered that 1 pound of peaches is equal to 3 to 4 medium whole peaches. We bought a couple pounds of medium peaches and headed home to start removing peach pits.

We then started chopping and found it took 1 1/2 pitted peaches to reach the 1 cup mark. Next we sliced the peaches to determine how many peaches were needed to measure a cup. We found when sliced we got generous 1 cup from 2 peaches. However, when measuring for 1 cup of pureed peaches, 3 peaches did the trick.

Did you know that the peach is a member of the rose family and originated from China, still the biggest producer of peaches today. About half of all peaches produced in the U.S. are grown in California.

Next time your recipe calls for a cup of puree, sliced or chopped peaches you'll know that you need to purchase 2 peaches at the store to cover it. You can also use our conversion tool below for any custom "how many peaches in a..." measurements you need.

Custom Conversions for Peach

One Peach Equals

  • There is ⅓ Cup (79 mls) of Puree Peach in a Peach
  • There is ½ Cup (118 mls) of Sliced Peach in a Peach
  • There is ⅔ Cup (158 mls) of Chopped Peach in a Peach

I need:


You need 3 Peachs

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How Much Is In a Pound of Peaches?

Peaches are pretty uniform in size and shape. They generally weigh about 1/4 to ⅓ of a pound (110 to 150 grams), so there are about 3 to 4 peaches per pound (450 grams).

How Many Cups of Cubes are in a Chopped Peach?

If you remove the pit and chop a peach you will get about ⅔ of a cup of cubes as a result.

This will depend on the size of the peach and the cubes, but it comes out to about a third to a half of a pound per cup of cubes - 150 to 225 grams per 150 mls.

How Many Cups of Slices are in a Peach?

Slicing a peach results in larger pieces than chopping it so you only get about ½ cup (118 mls) per sliced peach. So for a full cup of slices you will need about a half pound of peaches (225 grams).

How Many Cups of Puree are in a Mashed XXX?

Peach puree is a pretty popular ingredient and you can get about ⅓ cup (79mls) or about 5 tablespoons of puree from each peach.

That’s just a little less than a pound of peaches (450 g) per cup of puree (228 milliliters)

How Many Cups are in a Bag of Frozen Peaches?

It depends on the size of the bag, but a 16 ounce bag of frozen peach slices will result in about 3 cups when thawed and drained.

How Many Cups are in a Can of Peaches?

The cans come in different sizes, but a 16 ounce can of sliced peaches will result in about 2 to 2½ cups when drained.

What Is a Peach

A peach tree is a member of the rose family that is native to northwest China. The peach itself is soft and round with a sort of fuzzy skin. They are now grown in the warmer temperate regions of the world.

Is Peach a Fruit or Vegetable?

A peach is a fruit that grows on a deciduous tree. It’s classified as a stone fruit because their yellow or white flesh surrounds a shell that houses an edible seed.

What Are the Types of Peaches?

There are many different varieties of peaches but they are generally classified into 3 groups: freestone, clingstone and semi-freestone (a hybrid). In addition, all 3 groups come in either yellow or white flesh.

As their name suggests, the flesh of a freestone peach easily comes off of the pit. Just slice the peach down the middle and pull it off the pit with a slight twist. This type of peach is not only used for eating in just about any form, but also canning and freezing.

Clingstone peaches do just that: they hang onto their pits so it’s tougher to get the flesh off of the seed. Clingstones are often used in commercially canned peaches.

However, clingstones do taste good so some cooks go ahead and select them. This type can be a little trickier to present a cleaner looking dish. Clingstones are great for just eating off the pit.

A yellow peach has golden colored flesh that is both tart and sweet at the same time. The riper the peach, the sweeter it becomes. Since a yellow peach has sturdier flesh than a white one, it is the peach of choice for baking or cooking. This peach is more often used for jams, pies, salsa and salads.

White peaches have a pale colored flesh that is sweet regardless of the ripeness due to its low acidity. They are also known for having a floral scent. White ones are often used as a snack and eaten right out of your hand.

What Does Peach Look and Taste Like?

The most telltale sign that you’re looking at a ripe peach is its fuzzy skin. The skin is a variety of pink, orange and yellow shades of color.

The inside flesh of a peach is usually yellow or white but sometimes it has more of a reddish tint. Yellow flesh tastes both sweet and tart at the same time, where white flesh has a delicate sweetness.

A peach tree can be easily recognized by its leaves. The glossy dark green leaves are oval shaped with pointy ends and finely serrated edges. Peach leaves grow to be about 3” to 5” long.

What is Peach Fuzz?

Peach fuzz is the tiny little hairs that are on the skin of this fruit. The fuzz helps protect the fruit from insects both eating it and laying eggs on it. In addition, it protects the skin from too much moisture.

Peach fuzz and peach skin is edible.

What is Peach Nectar?

Peach nectar is thicker juice with the pulp not quite as liquified. Nectar is often flavored with some fresh lemon juice and sugar. Peach nectar is primarily used the same way as peach juice.

What Is Peach Good For and Used In?

Peaches are a source of good nutrition. They contain antioxidants which many believe help protect your body from disease and the general aging process.

Ripe peaches are juicy, sweet and overall delicious to eat both raw out of your hand or in a salsa, or baked in a pie, compote or cobbler.

What are Good Substitutes for Peaches?

The best substitute for a peach is nectarine. In fact, peaches and nectarines are genetically almost identical, with just one main gene that's either dominant in fuzzy peaches or recessive in smooth skinned nectarines. Like peaches, nectarines can be either freestone or clingstone with either white or yellow flesh!

Besides nectarines, plums and apricots are potential replacements in a pinch.

If you only have canned peaches on hand, in a pinch you can use them as a substitute for fresh, but both the taste and the quantities will be different. You can replace 2 cups of sliced fresh peaches with a 16 ounce can of peaches.

Can I Feed Peaches to My Dog, Cat, or Other Pet?

The flesh of fresh peaches are not poisonous to either dogs and cats. But as with many things that are not routinely found in your pet’s diet, they can often cause temporary diarrhea if given too much. Do not give your pets the pits to chew on, it is not safe.

How to Cut a Peach

Peaches can be cut into slices, cubes, chunks, diced, and just about any way imaginable once the center pit or stone is removed.

A lot of recipes give the type of cut and the size of the resulting piece in the directions. The size of the piece can affect how long the peach should be cooked for a particular doneness and texture.

Depending on the preparation, before cutting a peach, it could be washed, the skin removed and/or the pit detached. At the other extreme, some folks pick a peach off the tree in their backyard and stand there eating it with the juice running down their hand.

How to Clean a Peach

Since a peach has tender skin, use your hands to gently rub it under cool running water to remove any clinging dirt. Depending on the ripeness or softness of the peach, it is easy to vary the pressure on it to avoid bruising the skin.

How to Peel a Peach

A vegetable peeler is not the best tool to take the skin off of a perfectly ripe peach. If it is just barely ripe and fairly firm, you have a chance but often the peach flesh becomes beaten up in your hand or you lose large chunks in the process.

Most folks, and the way I do it, is to very quickly “blanch” the peaches in hot water. To do this, make a shallow X in the bottom of each rinsed off peach with a sharp paring knife.

Place the peaches into a large pot of boiling water for just 30 to 45 seconds. Immediately remove and submerge them into a large bowl of ice water to stop the fruit from cooking. After a minute or when the peaches have cooled, starting at the X cut, you can easily peel off the skin with your fingers.

Remove the center pit by cutting lengthwise down and continuing around the peach with the paring knife while rotating the fruit in your hand. Holding a half in each hand, twist them in opposite directions to pull them off the pit. If needed, use the knife tip to help loosen the remaining spots of the peach still holding the pit.

How to Remove the Pit from a Peach

It is a quick and easy process to remove the center pit from a freestone peach. However, with a clingstone peach, not so much.

To remove the pit from a freestone peach, cut into the peach lengthwise, while holding the knife against the pit, rotate the peach. With your hands, twist the 2 peach halves in opposite directions and they will come away from the pit. If not, use the tip of the knife to loosen the flesh that is still attached.

Daniel Janzen, University of Pennsylvania tropical ecologist suggests the following for removing a pit from a clingstone peach. While Mr. Janzen's method worked well on many clingstone peaches I tried, some pits are just stubborn. At least this gives you another method to try!

When cutting a clingstone, you want to avoid the crease running down the length of the peach. Instead, cut into the peach around the center (crossing the crease), not lengthwise. Twist the 2 peach halves in opposite directions. One half will be pit free.

Take the part with the pit and while avoiding the crease in the peach, cut it in half once again. Twist the 2 halves and another portion will come off. Now the pit is usually exposed enough to remove it from the remaining peach flesh with your fingers.

When it works, it works really slick!

How to Slice Peach

Wash the peach by gently rubbing it with your hands under cool running water. You can either peel the peach or leave the skin on before removing the pit. It just depends on the end dish you are making.

With the stem end facing up, use a chef's knife to cut the peach lengthwise until you run into the pit. Keeping moderate pressure on the knife, hold it still and rotate the peach until you have sliced around the entire peach. You now have 2 peach halves held together by the pit.

To separate the 2 halves, hold the peach in both hands and twist the halves in the opposite direction. A ripe peach will come apart easily.

Remove the pit with either your fingers or with the tip of the knife blade if the peach is not really ripe. Now you have 2 halves of peach flesh with the skin on it.

Place the peach halves flat side down on the cutting board. With the chef's knife, cut lengthwise down the flesh into long pieces that are the width you want.

How to Chop a Peach

When a recipe calls for chopped, it is referring to peaches cut into small pieces that are not necessarily uniform in size and shape. This particular cut is called out in many recipes for all different kinds of foods.

With your hands, gently rub the peach under cool running water to wash it. Depending on the end result you are making, you can either take off the peel or leave it on before you remove the pit and chop it.

Blanching the peaches in boiling water for 30 to 45 seconds is a great way to quickly remove the skin if needed.

To remove the pit, cut into the peach lengthwise, while holding the knife against the pit, rotate the peach. With your hands, twist the 2 peach halves in opposite directions and they will come away from the pit. If not, use the tip of the knife to loosen the flesh that is still attached.

Place the 2 peach halves flat side down on the cutting board. Cut lengthwise down the peach making the slices whatever thickness you want. Turn the pile of slices 90 degrees and cut across the slices into chunks. Now you have a chopped peach.

How to Cube a Peach

When the instructions say to cut a peach into cubes, it is referring to making uniform sized box shaped pieces about 1” or ¾” or ½” on a side. A cube is very similar to a dice cut, except the end result is often larger pieces than with a diced peach.

After rinsing the peach under cool running water to remove any lingering dirt. Next remove the fuzzy skin if necessary for the dish you’re making.

To remove the hard center pit, cut lengthwise down the peach and back up the other side. Twist the peach halves in opposite directions to loosen the flesh from the pit.

Once the flesh is free, place it flat side down on the cutting board. Cut the peach halves into slices about ½” wide. Turn the pile of slices 90 degrees and continue cutting across the peach flesh in ½” widths. You now have ½” peach cubes.

How to Dice a Peach

If a recipe calls for diced peaches, it means uniform sized box shaped pieces maybe ¼” or ½” per side. A dice cut is very similar to a cube, except the diced pieces are usually smaller than cubed peaches.

Use your hands to rinse the peach under cool running water to remove any debris. If you plan to remove the skin, many folks do that next by blanching the whole peaches in boiling water for 30 to 45 seconds. Place in cold water and quickly remove the skin when cool enough to handle.

To take out the hard pit, cut lengthwise down the peach and back up the other side. Twist the peach halves in opposite directions to loosen the flesh from the pit.

Once the flesh is free, place it flat side down on the cutting board. Cut the peach halves into slices about the width you want. Turn the pile of slices 90 degrees and continue cutting across the peach flesh in the same widths.

How to Mash or Puree Peach

Need mashed or pureed peaches for a recipe? It refers to peaches that are simply skinned, pitted and blended until the flesh is the correct consistency. Mashed peaches are often more rustic in appearance, where pureed peaches are smoother and more refined.

For either mashed or pureed, rinse the peaches under cool running water to clean off. Make a shallow X cut on the bottom of the peaches. Place the whole peaches into a pot of boiling water so they are submerged for 30 to 45 seconds. Remove and place them in a bowl of ice water.

When cool enough to handle, peel the skin off with your hands. You can use a paring knife to loosen any spots that stick to the flesh if needed.

To remove the pit, make a cut down the length and back up the other side - circling the peach. While holding the peach in your hand, twist the 2 halves in the opposite direction and it will come away from the pit. Once again, use a paring knife to loosen any flesh that still clings to the pit.

For mashed peaches, cut the peach halves into large chunks and put into a bowl. Using a potato masher, press down on the peaches until they form a slightly lumpy mush.

For pureed peaches, cut the peach halves into large chunks and place in the blender. Puree the pieces until the peach flesh is smooth and frothy.

Fresh mashed and pureed peaches are commonly used as baby food, dessert toppings or in muffins, cocktails, sauces, or whatever your imagination comes up with!

How to Store Peach

Depending on what is needed, peaches can be stored on the counter, in the refrigerator or frozen. To ripen, peaches are stored on the kitchen counter. When put in the refrigerator little or no more ripening occurs, but it can get mushy or moldy after a while. For long term storage, peaches are frozen.

How Long Does a Peach Last at Room Temperature?

Peaches can be stored out in the air on the counter at room temperature. Do not leave them in plastic bags or packaging as they can become moldy rather quickly. I like to lay mine out in a shallow wooden or wicker bowl.

The length of time a peach lasts at room temperature depends on how ripe the peaches were when you got them and how ripe you want them to become.

Remember: your peaches will continue to ripen the entire time they are at room temperature. Once your peaches become as ripe as you like, it is time to pop them into the refrigerator and stop the process.

How to Store Peach in the Refrigerator

The ripening process will significantly slow down once the whole peaches are put into the refrigerator. Loosely wrap the ripe peach in a grocery vegetable or fruit bag with holes in it. To limit mold growth, don’t store peaches in a regular plastic bag that doesn’t allow for air circulation.

Whole peaches properly stored normally stay fresh in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. If left longer, they will get wrinkly skin that doesn’t look particularly appetizing.

If a fresh peach is sliced, oxidation starts to work on it right away. This reduces freshness and all of those healthy nutrients associated with peaches. To help limit this deterioration, slice fresh peaches as close to the time you are going to use them as possible.

Once a peach is cut, store it in an airtight container or Ziploc bag until used. The sliced peaches should last for about 3 days.

Can You Freeze Peach and if so How?

The ideal peach to freeze is a ripe but not overly ripe or bruised one. The largest variety of options for using your frozen peaches later, start by peeling, pitting and slicing them before freezing. You can freeze a whole peach but what do you do with it later?

To peel, make a shallow X in the bottom of each rinsed off peach with a sharp paring knife.

Place the peaches into a large pot of boiling water for just 30 to 45 seconds. Immediately remove and submerge them into a large bowl of ice water to stop the fruit from cooking. After a minute or when the peaches have cooled, starting at the X cut, you can easily peel off the skin with your fingers.

To remove the pit, cut lengthwise down and continue around the peach with the paring knife while rotating the fruit in your hand. Holding a half in each hand, twist them in opposite directions to pull them off the pit. If needed, use the knife tip to help loosen the remaining spots of the peach still holding the pit.

To slice the peach halves into wedges and lay them in a single layer on a baking pan. Put the uncovered pan into the freezer until they are solid. Remove from the baking pan and pop them into a Ziploc bag removing as much of the air as possible. Place the bag of peach slices back into the freezer for long-term storage.

Properly processed and stored frozen fresh peach slices will stay in prime condition in the freezer for about a year.

How to Can Peaches

Many folks believe that the best variety of peaches to use for canning are ripe clingstones. The flesh of these peaches is usually softer, sweeter and juicier than freestone peaches.

Properly canned fresh peaches can last up to 3 years but for the best taste try to consume them in about half that time.

Homemade peach jam and preserves is a popular item to can.

When canning peaches, or any other food, the process must be done properly or the end product can cause illness. If you are not familiar with the canning process, we recommend you read a detailed canning book or take a quality canning class before starting.

How to Cook a Peach

There are many ways to cook a peach. It all depends on what type of dish you are trying to make. Peach recipes often use ginger, clove, cinnamon, nutmeg to spice them up. Herbs such as thyme and rosemary are also associated with peaches.

Sauteed peaches served warm over ice cream makes a fun summer social.

Grilling is a popular and easy method of cooking peaches. These can be eaten plain, served alongside a protein or added to a fresh salad for sweetness.

Gently poaching peaches in an infused syrup can produce a delicate classy dessert that’s simple to make.

Who doesn’t love a home baked peach pie, peach cobbler or peach crisp, just to name a few common desserts?

How to Roast or Bake a Peach

For a very simple dessert, you can combine sliced fresh peaches with some type of sweetener like brown sugar or molasses, plus vanilla, nuts and anything else that sounds good to you.

Most folks use a basic 350 degree oven for about 20 to 30 minutes until the texture and softness of the peaches reaches your preference. Sometimes they are baked and served in individual crocks.

If you're baking peach cookies, cakes or pies, it takes a hotter oven or a longer time until the dessert is ready. You can find many good quality recipes online for the exact specifics of each.

How Can I Tell If a Peach Is Ripe?

Besides a dark yellow colored skin, a ripe peach has a sweet mouthwatering smell. The shape of the peach should be round and feel heavy for its size. In addition, the feel is important, when gently squeezed, it should be slightly soft to touch. Bruising on a peach is not a good sign.

Peaches bought at a farmer’s stand or farmers’ market during the height of the picking season are often fresher and juicier. In the United States, July is prime time but some climates have much longer growing seasons so the window to buy great peaches is extended. You can check with your local food growers to find out the peak time for you.

How to Ripen Peaches

Peaches will continue to ripen if left on the kitchen counter out in the open air but not in direct sunlight.

If necessary, you can speed up ripening a peach by putting it in a brown paper bag. If so, you need to keep an eye on it because it can over-ripen much faster than you think.

Once the peaches have reached the desired ripeness, pop them into the refrigerator to limit the ripening process until you are ready to use them.

Can I Eat the Skin of Peach or Should I Peel It First?

Yes, you can definitely eat the fuzzy skin of a peach. Many folks enjoy devouring the whole thing out of their hand while standing up. However, there are also many who do not like the fuzzy feeling in their mouth. This group tends to take the time to peel their peaches before eating.

To peel a peach, quickly "blanch" them in a pot of boiling hot water. First make a shallow X in the bottom of each peach with a sharp paring knife before putting them in the hot water. After just 30 to 45 seconds remove the peaches and submerge them in a large bowl of ice water. Once cooled, the peel can easily be removed with your fingers.

Do Peaches Have Seeds and Can I Eat Them?

Peaches are classified as a stone fruit because their flesh surrounds a shell that contains a seed. Other examples of stone fruit are cherries, apricots, and nectarines. The seeds of stone fruit do contain a type of cyanide that when eaten by people, and many animals, can poison them.

Is Peach Keto Friendly?

In general a keto diet consists of eating high fat, moderate protein and very low carb foods. Some medical professionals feel a keto diet is not safe for a person with pre-existing medical conditions or as a long-term option.

Even though peaches are sweet to eat, they are low in carbs. Folks on a keto diet often eat peaches in small portions.

Is Peach Low FODMAP?

Food often causes digestive problems. FODMAP focuses on groups of sugars or carbs that often trigger digestive symptoms like stomach pain, gas and bloating.

A peach is high FODMAP food and is avoided by folks on a Low FODMAP regime.

Quick Links

  • How Much Is In a Pound of Peaches?
  • How Many Cups of Cubes are in a Chopped Peach?
  • How Many Cups of Slices are in a Peach?
  • How Many Cups of Puree are in a Mashed XXX?
  • How Many Cups are in a Bag of Frozen Peaches?
  • How Many Cups are in a Can of Peaches?
  • What Is a Peach
  • Is Peach a Fruit or Vegetable?
  • What Are the Types of Peaches?
  • What Does Peach Look and Taste Like?
  • What is Peach Fuzz?
  • What is Peach Nectar?
  • What Is Peach Good For and Used In?
  • What are Good Substitutes for Peaches?
  • Can I Feed Peaches to My Dog, Cat, or Other Pet?
  • How to Cut a Peach
  • How to Clean a Peach
  • How to Peel a Peach
  • How to Remove the Pit from a Peach
  • How to Slice Peach
  • How to Chop a Peach
  • How to Cube a Peach
  • How to Dice a Peach
  • How to Mash or Puree Peach
  • How to Store Peach
  • How Long Does a Peach Last at Room Temperature?
  • How to Store Peach in the Refrigerator
  • Can You Freeze Peach and if so How?
  • How to Can Peaches
  • How to Cook a Peach
  • How to Roast or Bake a Peach
  • How Can I Tell If a Peach Is Ripe?
  • How to Ripen Peaches
  • Can I Eat the Skin of Peach or Should I Peel It First?
  • Do Peaches Have Seeds and Can I Eat Them?
  • Is Peach Keto Friendly?
  • Is Peach Low FODMAP?

How to Store Peach

General How to Store Peach Info

When selecting peaches, choose fragrant fruits which are unblemished and not overly firm.

How to Ripen Peach

Firm unripe peaches with good color will become ripe and soft in 2 to 4 days when kept at room temperature out in the open air in a wooden ripening bowl. If placed in a loose paper bag, they will ripen even faster

Short Term Peach Storage

Peaches are sensitive to chill-injury, dehydration and internal browning; when possible, store peaches on the kitchen counter.

Once they have reached their peak ripeness, they can be stored in the refrigerator to retard further ripening. Peaches will hold their quality for 3 to 5 days, but loss of juiciness occurs over time.

Peach Long Term Storage

Peaches can be stored in the freezer at 0 degrees F for 8 to 12 months. Peach halves or slices packed with sugar or in sweetened syrup remain plumper and firmer than peaches packed without sugar. Frozen peaches make excellent pies or cobblers; to use raw in a fruit salad or compotes, serve with a few ice crystals still remaining. Completely thawed peaches become mushy.

Peaches can also be dried or canned.

Peach Side Notes

There are many different varieties of peaches, all of which are generally classified as clingstone, freestone, or semi-freestone. Clingstones have pits that cling to the flesh of the peach while freestones are easily separated from the flesh. Semi-freestones are a hybrid that are smaller sized than freestones, but have a pit that detaches quite easily from the flesh.

Peach Recipes

Warm Sous Vide Peach and Blue Cheese Salad Recipe

Sometimes I am up for a light snack that will hold me over until dinner time. This mixture of sous vided peaches and blue cheese always does the trick. I was originally unsure of the flavor combination but once I tried it together I was won over. This salad works best in the height of peach season, though sometimes I eat them all before I get around to actually cooking them!

Sous Vide Bourbon Poached Peach and Almond Salad Recipe

Heating peaches with sous vide softens them up slightly, resulting in a tender snack. Adding some bourbon and cinnamon to the bag infuses them with rich flavor, which some chopped almonds, molasses and fresh mint rounds out.

Looking for Something a Little Different?

Full Recipe: Citrus Cured Salmon Sous Vide

What is the Produce Converter?

One of the biggest hassles when cooking and working in the kitchen is when a recipe calls for "the juice of 1 lime" or a similar measurement. Often times when cooking people use bottled juices, pre-sliced vegetables and other convenient cooking time savers. Produce Converter will help you convert the "juice of 1 lime" and other similar recipe instructions into tablespoons, cups and other concrete measurements.

Produce Converter can also be used to figure out how many vegetables to buy when you need, for instance, "A cup of diced onion." You can use our easy conversion tool to figure out exactly how many onions you need to buy at the store in order to end up with the amount you need for your cooking.

We hope you enjoy Produce Converter and if you have any suggestions for how we can improve it and make your cooking easier please let us know.

How many average sized peaches are in a pound?

How Much Is In a Pound of Peaches? Peaches are pretty uniform in size and shape. They generally weigh about 1/4 to ⅓ of a pound (110 to 150 grams), so there are about 3 to 4 peaches per pound (450 grams).

How much does 4 cups of peaches weigh?

Measuring Fruits for Recipes.

How many cups is 8 peaches?

8 peaches times 150 grams = 1200 grams of peach needed. 1200 grams of peaches / 154 grams for a measuring cup gives, just under 8 cups of peaches = 8 medium peaches.

How much does an average peach weigh?

Average diameter of a peach fruit is about 6 cm (2.3 inches). Average weight of a peach can range from 130 gram – 220 gram ( 4.6 Ounces – 7.9 ounces).


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