How many hours of play is Octopath?

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Posted by4 years ago


I don’t mean hours played, I mean by the day you bought it, how many days did it take for you to beat it? I find the game fun but a chore at the same time and haven’t even beaten it yet so I’m curious if others are in the same boat as me.

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level 1

I havent beaten it yet either but mostly cause I dont get a lot of time to play it. I really gotta stop trying to do all the side missions and just finish the game

level 2

I mean I almost got everybody on chapter 4, but how do you do side missions? They are so random like a guy tell you "I want to be safe" (or something like that) and then you need to defeat some guy, but sometimes is like, I want to be somewhere but instead of making following you, you need to give him information abut the place .... but without a guide how do you finish all this side quests?

level 1

Got it at launch (July) and just finished a week ago. Thats at less than an hour a day or going a couple days without playing. I think total time was around 60 hours or around there

level 2

Can I ask how? I’m almost at 50 hours and just finished everyone’s second chapter. I find myself having to grind with the start of each new set of chapters. I feel like I’m missing something but I feel like I understand the mechanics just fine. Plz halp

level 1

I love playing it when I need a nice chill game to relax to. It's great on airplanes or before bed. You can always depend on a session of Octopath to be satisfying.

Bought it in July and I'm in Chapter 3. Took a long break after Chapter 2 for Hollow Knight (because caman it's Hollow Knight). I really like how each chapter you slowly realize more complexities of the battle system and different things you need to focus on. Recently I'm realizing the importance of prioritizing item management and healing, wheras before going max damage always worked.

level 1

I started in early-mid August. My switch broke and needed to be sent for repairs in early September. I’ve currently finished all the chapter 3’s, so still over a quarter of the game to go. It started as a 7/10 for me but evolved as I played it longer into a 9/10. The story and boss battles are what keep me moving forward.

Definitely a slow, slow burn, though. This game is like the Better Call Saul of video games.

level 2

Boss fights are probably what helps me push forward, they’re so much fun but standard battles make me wish that this game had an auto battle system.

level 2

Except Better Call Saul actually has good writing.

level 1

120 hours until the final fight, granted a lot of those hours I suspect was afk time trying to keep my kids from killing themselves.

level 2

So like... you didnt read ops post.

level 1

I stopped 3/4 of the way through the chapter 2's and went back to Xenoblade.

I wanted to like Octopath, but I just find it so dull and tedious.

level 2

I really wanted to as well but...jesus christ this game is just the worst. It's not even like Earthbound where, the characters and writing make you push through despite some of downfalls. This game is just rinse and repeat boring as fuck.

level 2

I'm polar opposite to you, I found xc2 dull and tedious.. Never went back to it after 7 hours.

level 1

I just hit my demo limit, probably picking up the full game this weekend

level 2

Demo was great, it’s what made me want to pick it up and I feel most people too.

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  1. Boards
  2. Octopath Traveler
  3. Estimated game length?

Switchgamer 4 years ago#1

as title, whats the estimated average length of the game.
are we talking 10 hrs or 20 or 50 or 100 or 500++ like Skyrim?

RadioParker106 4 years ago#2

Seems to vary wildly. I'm not even halfway through and have almost 50 hours in, but that seems to be on the high side compared to what I've been seeing. If you use guides and look everything up online it would cut that time in half at least.

-Till all are one

kukukupo 4 years ago#3

RadioParker106 posted...

Seems to vary wildly. I'm not even halfway through and have almost 50 hours in, but that seems to be on the high side compared to what I've been seeing. If you use guides and look everything up online it would cut that time in half at least.

I agree.

I'm about 35 hours in and I have beaten 1 character's chapter 4, 1 character's chapter 3, a few chapter 2's and all chapter 1's.

If I looked everything up I could probably shave about 7-10 hours off my playtime.

QueenTakhisis 4 years ago#4

According to the developers, it's 50+ hours for the story, 80 - 100 hours if you want to see everything. But it can easily be way more than that. I'm roughtly 35+ hours in, and have finished chapter 1 with everyone, and chapter 2 with Ophelia. I also have six of the eight regular shrines, and none of the four secret ones.

"If stupidity was a superpower, you would be freaking Superman!"
~ Mr. Nobody (Doom Patrol)

bluebomber2425 4 years ago#5

40-90 depends in your playstyle

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ZodiacSoldier 4 years ago#6

It really depends on how much you plan to do.

If you do all 8 characters chapter 4's probably around 60 hours.

If you do everything including sidequest and post game dungeons probably 90 - 100 hours.

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Thrasher7170 4 years ago#7

I’m gonna hit 100 easily by the time I’m done.

Top 10: TP > BotW > BD > BS: EL > DQIX > ALttP > FFXIII > HK > FE: Fates > Pokemon D/P/P

Switchgamer (Topic Creator)4 years ago#8

Thanks everyone.

DarthPablo 4 years ago#9

Im about 35 hours in, finished all Chapter 1 stories, and working on number 6 out of the 8 for Chapter 2. I’m thinking at least 80 hours, maybe 100 if I decide to do everything.

MalfuntcionJUNC 4 years ago#10

That mostly depends on you.

I've been going at a pretty leisurely pace, doing most sidequests I can, exploring, etc. As of now I've completed 6/8 chapter 3s, got one of the bonus jobs, and been to all but one city, and I'm sitting at about 42 hours. I can easily see another 15 or so coming up.

  1. Boards
  2. Octopath Traveler
  3. Estimated game length?

How long is each story in Octopath?

There are eight different stories in Octopath Traveler, with each story consisting of four chapters. In total, this adds up to 32 chapters, which is a lot. After completing each story, you will see credits and art associated for each character.

Is Octopath Traveler easy?

In fact, unlike many other JRPGs, Octopath Traveleris not exactly "simple." The player cannot just mash the same button every turn in combat and breeze through the overworld without paying some attention.

Do you have to play Octopath Traveler 8 times?

No, You Don't Need to Play It Eight Times In fact, after picking the character you start off with, you're encouraged to go seek out the other seven heroes. Once you encounter them, you are able to play through the beginning of their story. From there, you can then travel to the next locations for each specific story.

Is there an Octopath Traveler 2?

Octopath Traveler 2 was announced during the September 2022 Nintendo Direct, and surprisingly it was given a release date at the same time, with the game launching on February 24, 2023. While the first Octopath Traveler started as a Nintendo Switch exclusive, that's not going to be the case with the sequel.


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