How many children will I have calculator

Calculator for the number of children by date of birth

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Estimated number of children in the family:
2 - 3

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How many children will you have? Test how many kids of your love will you both have with this fun online calculator.

Calculate How many Kids Will You Both Have


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How many children will you have? Test how many kids of your love will you both have with this fun online calculator.

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  • by
  • – on Jan 09th
  • in Lifestyle

There are so many old wives tales that have been around forever, regarding how many babies one will have, as well as if they will be boys or girls. Have you heard of any, or have you maybe tried some of them? Some of these tales involve putting jewelry over you right wrist and letting it sway or spin around. Apparently this will tell you both the gender of each child, and how many you'll have. It's also been said that this particular method doesn't work on men.

While this is all very interesting, it doesn't seem to take into account that you have a little thing called 'free will'. This allows you the opportunity to put various measures in place to avoid having, or increase your chances of having, any children. Of course, the only sure way of knowing how many children you are having, is to actually have them.

We also need to remember one small detail before you take this quiz - do you actually want any kids? Alternatively, and if you don't want to wait to have kids, we seriously suggest that you take this short fun quiz to determine just how many bundles of joy the stork will deliver to your front door.

Question 1

How many children would you like to have?

We all have the perfect number in our minds. The number of how many children we'd love to have and call our own. It is important to make sure that your partner knows how many kiddies you'd like, after all you both need to be on the same page to make this happen.

Question 2

Did you enjoy Cheaper by the Dozen?

This movie was a family favorite! It also had a sequel, and both were pretty hectic. This is organized chaos at it's best! A family with 12 children! Raising these kids was by no means a small or easy task! The benefit is that the older kids can at least help out with the younger ones, giving you a break!

Question 3

Would you like to homeschool your children?

Some parents prefer to keep their children safe at home, and away from the big bad world. Other parents do not have the capacity to do this. If you had the choice, would you home school your children or would you send them to school instead? There is nothing wrong with either option.

Question 4

What is your ideal holiday?

Having children means that your entire holiday structure will change drastically. You may need to give up romantic and sexy holidays in Milan, for noisy crowded family vacations in Disney Land. Do you think that you'd be able to make this lifestyle adjustment easily? Would you be happy to make it?

Question 5

What kind of restaurant do you prefer?

Either way, life with and without children can be absolutely amazing. Both options have their own pro's. Family meals and adults only meals can be very different. And although you can adjust and get a babysitter, it's never the same as before! That being said, meals with the family can be loads of fun too!

Question 6

Would you prepare fun meals for kids?

Children can be fussy eaters at times. So you are are going to need to get creative. Do you see yourself preparing funny kids meals to get them to eat? Could you arrange the meals in fun shapes, animals and faces? If this is up your alley then you're good to go, if not then you may need to rethink this idea...

Question 7

Could you share your meal with your child?

Children love to share meals! This is a known fact that all potential mum's and dad's will need to adjust to. Kiddies love to taste and pick at everyone else's meals, and they are so generous when it comes to their own food. Can you digest a soggy, half eaten chip or apple?

Question 8

Do you enjoy children's parties?

Once you have children your weekends will be filled with kiddies parties, wet wipes and runny noses. Of course, you will be expected to attend these parties and supervise your child while keeping your calm in front of the other parents. While everyone else looks so well put together, we can assure you they are also only trying!

Question 9

Can you change a nappy?

No one is going to volunteer to change your screaming child's dirty nappy! This one is all for you and your partner to figure out. While a nappy with urine isn't that bad, you need to make sure that your baby doesn't pee on you while exposed. A poop nappy is also tons of fun - but we will leave it to your imagination!

Question 10

How do you feel about boogers?

When you have kids, you no longer only worry about your own boogers. You'll need to keep tissues and wet wipes close at hand, just in case a booger appears! You shouldn't need to worry too much about these, but when you notice a green one, your child may be getting sick. Could you handle dealing with someone else's boogers?

Question 11

Describe this picture in one word.

If you are used to the minimalist vibe in your house, but plan on having children, then you may need to amend your expectations, and fast! Young toddlers and children can untidy your house in less than 60 seconds! When you have little ones you can be sure to be dodging toys for days!

Question 12

Can you handle dirt?

Yeah, children can get really dirty when they're having fun. They should be outside, playing in the mud and having some fun. When they do this, they learn and even build up their immune system. Are you a clean freak, or could you handle a little bit of dirt or mud on your child?

Question 13

Would you attend prize-givings?

Your children may surprise you and be awarded with a certificate of achievement while at school. Receiving such an accomplishment is a very big deal for your little one. Would you go to the ends of the earth to ensure that you are present at your child's prize giving?

Question 14

How do you feel about school plays?

At some stage in their lives, your child will be a part of a school play. They could be the tree that stands in the background, or they could even be the star of the show. But, at the end of the day, you will always be expected to attend. How do you feel about attending school plays?

Question 15

Complete this sentence: Children's movies are...

When your child finds a movie that grasps their attention, you can be sure they will watch that film over and over at least a hundred times. You could most likely recite each and every scene as well. Some folks can't handle these kinds of kiddies films. How do you feel about it?

Question 16

Do you enjoy sleeping in on weekends?

We love to sleep in on a weekend! There's nothing like being a little rebel and not setting your alarm to wake up the next morning! Of course, when you have a young baby or child running around, sleep is a rare commodity... How much do you enjoy sleeping in?

Question 17

Could you share your bed?

Some folks enjoy having the big bed all to themselves - even sharing with a partner is a push! But, some folks also enjoy having their dogs or cats in the bed too. This is doable to some extent. Now add a baby or a young child to the mix? Would you be able to share with them too?

Question 18

Do you share money easily?

One thing is for sure, when you have children, your money is not your own, and never will be. Even once your kids are all grown up, and moved out, they will still knock on your door now and then asking for some cash to get by. There's no way that you can be too stingy with your money in this case...

Question 19

Do you have any children yet?

If you already have children this may influence the total amount of children you will have in your lifetime. Having just one child may be enough to scare you away from having any more. Or, having one child may encourage you to have more children. So, do you have any kids already?

Question 20

How many brothers and sisters do you have?

If you come from a big family then you may want the same for your own children one day. Or maybe having brothers and sisters frightened you in to having an only child instead. Do you come from a larger family with many children, on a smaller family?

Question 21

What is your biggest fear?

Sometimes we don't do things for fear of what may happen in the very distant future, but this is no way to live! If you have children, your list of fears will change drastically, which may influence how many children you'd like to have. Can you think of your biggest fear?

Question 22

How would you rate your patience?

On a scale from one to ten, one being not patient at all, to ten, ten being the epitome of patience, how would you rate yourself? Being a parent takes a massive amount of patience, and understanding too. Patience doesn't come easy to most people, but can certainly be improved...

Question 23

Do you enjoy crafts?

Crafts can be a super fun way to keep almost anyone busy! Children do crafts for fun, and it helps improve cognitive functions as well as a few other things. Do you enjoy making arty crafty goodies? Would you have the ability to do crafts with your children too?

Question 24

Your child is being bullied at school. You...

This may be every parent's fear. Finding out that your precious baby is being bullied at school. Possibly by his peers, younger or older children. As a responsible parent, how do you protect your child and remedy the situation? Is there something you can do to help?

Question 25

Have you ever held a baby?

There is nothing in the world like holding a tiny new born baby in your arms. They are so soft, smell like baby and are just so darn cute! A first time parent can consider this experience rather daunting, for fear of maybe breaking this delicate little body!

Question 26

Would you adopt?

This is a reality some people do need to consider. There are so many children out there looking for a good, loving home. And there are just as many couples out the looking for a child to love as their own. So why not consider adoption? It seems like the perfect solution...

Question 27

Your child throws a tantrum in public. You...

This is popular, and every single parent has been there at least once. That insane moment where the miniature-you decides that he/she is going to throw a tantrum. Screaming, and kicking and slamming the floor. Like a scene from a movie... What do you do?

Question 28

Your child comes home crying. You...

Children have emotions just like adults. How we deal with ours, and theirs, plays a huge role in the kind of children we raise and send in to the world. How do you know when to step aside, and let them be. Or when to get involved and save the day?

Question 29

What is your discipline style?

Every parent has their own style of disciplining their children. Some parents leave their children to be free, others use the naughty corner approach. You may find some kids still get hidings as a form of discipline. The way you were raised as a child may also influence how you raise your own children.

Question 30

Your teen comes home with a boy/girlfriend. You...

Again, this could be a big fear for you and your partner. Especially if you have a daughter who is going in to the big wide world. They tell you that they are 'in love'... but they're only 13 years old... How do you react? Do you support them or discourage it?

Question 31

Your child has their first break-up. You...

So your young child has fallen in love. It's all sunshine and roses while things are going well. But when the love runs dry then their worlds turn upside down. This can be devastating for your child and yourself. How would you handle this situation?

Question 32

Would you ever consider IVF?

Trying to conceive can be an exhausting experience. But luckily there are some options to consider if natural conception isn't working. IVF is not always ideal, but may need to be considered in desperate times. If you needed to, would you consider IVF?

Question 33

How old are you?

Age plays a major factor in having kids. If you are fairly young then you may still have the opportunity to have a ton of children. If you are already hitting the 50 something range then your chances are slightly lower, and you probably wouldn't have as many children either.

Question 34

Are you saving money for a baby?

There is no doubt that having children can be expensive. There is just so much that they need and you need to ensure that you can provide for them. Have you started saving up for your child's arrival? Or maybe you have started a trust fund for when they need a car or tertiary education.

Question 35

Where would you like to raise your children?

If you are going to have a smaller family, then you may need a smaller place, but if you are having a soccer team of children then you probably need a small holding. What would your dream home be to raise your children?

Can astrology tell you how many kids you'll have?

No, astrology cannot predict how many kids one will have, because astrology is not about fate - astrology gives room for a person's free will.

How many children can I have?

One study estimated a woman can have around 15 pregnancies in a lifetime. And depending on how many babies she births for each pregnancy, she'd probably have around 15-30 children.

How many pregnancies can I have?

Let's understand it this way. Girls generally start menstruating at the age of 13 and this continues till she becomes 51, which gives her 38 possible years of reproductive action. However, counting that every delivery requires 9 months, a limit of about 40 pregnancies actually seems probable.

What's it like having 4 kids?

To start, let's get this part out of the way. Yes, having 4 little ones running around is noisy, messy, and on average pretty chaotic. There are frequently competing demands on the parents. The baby needs a snack while an older child needs help with their homework, and 2 others are arguing.


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