How long is Advion cockroach gel bait good for?

You may already know about cockroach gel bait and its success in killing roaches, but with several brands on the market, why Advion cockroach gel bait instead of other products?

Let’s take a look at Advion: What it promises, how to use it, how it might work well for you—and why sometimes it might not.

Introducing Advion Roach Gel Bait

Advion Cockroach Gel bait was first introduced in 2006. Once eaten, its active ingredient indoxacarb, reacts with a cockroach’s enzymes to kill it with a delayed effect. The bait is sold and used in syringes, is packaged for multiple applications, and lasts up to a year after being opened.

How Roach Bait Gels Work

Killing cockroaches can be difficult, and without the right supplies, feels a lot like a game of whack-a-mole. No sooner do you think you’ve wiped the roaches out, than a whole new crop arrive to take their place.

That’s partly because roaches are resilient and breed quickly, and partly because they’re crafty. It takes a major trick to get them all.

Enter cockroach gel bait, which first tricks roaches into eating a lethal poison, then kills roaches that eat excretions from their bodies before they die. It’s not a pretty trick, but can be a game changer for folks fed up with cockroach whack-a-mole.

Why Advion?

To be clear, every major gel bait brand is effective at killing roaches. They just have different active ingredients and work in slightly different ways.

The active ingredient in Advion cockroach gel—indoxacarb—is worth a second look however. Not because it kills more effectively than other ingredients, but because cockroaches like the German cockroach appear to like it more.

That’s important because you want as many cockroaches as possible to eat the stuff, and want them to keep eating until they consume a lethal dose.

So while Advion isn’t the only high performing bait to consider, it is an excellent, proven one to try.

How to Use Advion Roach Gel in Your Home

A little goes a long way when you’re using Advion cockroach gel bait. Not scoops, not even spoonfuls—we’re talking drops, pea-sized drops, about 0.5 grams at a time.

The Advion tube has a thin dropper tip that lets you apply tiny amounts to the surfaces, cracks, and crevices that you’re treating.

Using Advion gel is easy:

  • Light to moderate infestations: Apply 1 to 3 drops, spread out across about 10 linear feet, in all areas where you’ve seen cockroach activity.
  • Large infestations: Spread 3 to 5 drops across every 10 linear feet.

The application tip is perfect for dropping the bait right into some of cockroaches’ favorite hiding places—out of reach corners in the kitchen and bathroom, cluttered cupboards and tiny holes and spaces.

Tip: If you have pets in the house, it’s best to use the bait only inside of these cracks, where pets can’t reach it.

Once you’ve applied the correct number of drops, you’re done. All you have to do is wait for the roaches to smell and eat the bait.

For more details on usage, see our step-by-step guide to choosing and using roach bait gel.

How long does it take Advion roach gel to work?

If you’re lucky, you’ll notice a difference in roach activity within a few days, possibly even hours. In most cases, you’ll notice a dramatic difference in roach populations within the first week.

When applied correctly and used as part of a complete pest control system (more on this soon), Advion roach bait gel can eliminate nearly 100% of cockroaches within 2 weeks.

How long does Advion cockroach gel last?

It depends on the size of the infestation and the conditions in the areas you’ve applied it, but Advion cockroach gel should last about two weeks. With a larger infestation, you might have to reapply Advion more often.

As the roach population shrinks, your gel bait drops will last longer and longer. You should still refresh them if you think they’re drying out, as they’ll be less effective.

Can Advion Roach Killer Be Used Outdoors, Too?

Advion gel is safe for use in homes, businesses, food-handling facilities, pet shops, supermarkets, hospitals and many other locations.2 It’s a versatile but powerful pest control tool.

And yes—Advion cockroach gel bait works both indoors and outdoors. Just keep an eye on it when using it outside: it might dry out and need to be refreshed much more quickly.

Common Problems and Solutions

Is Advion a miracle product?

No, and there are circumstances where it sometimes fails to meet expectations. Here are some tips to help fast-track you for success.

Issue 1. Advion gel bait may fail outside an overall pest control plan.

Keep in mind that while Advion can be a powerful tool, it’s not a “set it and forget it” solution, and works less well on its own than as part of a multi-part pest control plan.

In addition to simply applying Advion roach bait gel, you’ll want to:

Inspect and Exclude

It’s vital that you don your detective glasses and thoroughly inspect your whole house, inside and out. Only when you’ve narrowed down the roaches’ haunts can you effectively target—and eliminate—them.

Exclusion involves sealing off any entry points you find outside and treating any potential nesting places inside. Every nook and cranny, every crack and crevice that could harbor a roach colony has to be filled in or treated with Advion gel.

Clean Up the Problem

While you’re bolstering your defenses against the invaders, you’ll also want to eliminate as many food and water sources as possible. Focus on building habits of washing the dishes, changing the garbage bag, sweeping the floors and wiping the counters and stovetop.

Expand Your Toolset

Don’t settle for one product—boost the effectiveness of Advion roach bait gel by pairing it with other excellent cockroach killers.

You can kill roaches with insecticidal dust in areas you’re not baiting. There are some excellent name brand product, as well as natural ones like diatomaceous earth, borax or boric acid that will help kill cockroaches that have managed to escape the bait.

Note: Make sure none of your chosen products contain repellents—that would cancel out the bait’s attraction and ruin its effectiveness.

Issue 2. Bait Aversion

Applying too much Advion roach killer can cause bait aversion, where the roaches are put off from eating the bait and won’t approach it. Worse, they might move to a different area of your home, making the infestation more difficult to contain.

Cleaning with chemicals or using repellent products could also repel roaches or warn them to stay away from the bait. Then, you won’t see the results you want.

Issue 3. False Alarms: Return of the Roaches

Remember: Advion won’t work unless a cockroach eats it. That means it won’t kill roach eggs. Even after you think you’ve eliminated a roach infestation, dozens of eggs could hatch, kickstarting a new roach problem.

Again, it’s important to diversify your tools. Using an insect growth regulator (IGR) alongside Advion cockroach gel helps solve this problem by preventing eggs and nymphs from certain species (like German roaches) from reaching adulthood.

Issue 4. Freshness Not Guaranteed

Some customers blamed old or stale gel for their disappointing results. It’s true that gel bait can dry out and lose its effectiveness. But does Advion expire?

When stored unopened and at room temperature, Advion gel is good for up to five years. Once it’s opened, you should use it within a year. That’s according to the maker of Advion, Syngenta. Cockroach gel bait should be replaced if it’s more than a year old. You don’t want to take any risks when trying to get rid of roaches!


If there’s one tool that’s proven to be extremely successful against cockroaches, it’s Advion cockroach gel bait. Luckily, it’s easy to buy online and at many supermarkets and home supply stores. So, if you’re worried about roaches in your home, pick up a package and start fighting back!

We’re rooting for you!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Advion cockroach gel bait safe for pets?

According to the product label, “Advion Cockroach Gel Bait should be applied in areas inaccessible to children, pets and non-target organisms.” It’s been designated a “reduced-risk pesticide” by the EPA. Ingesting a small amount does not cause life-threatening problems. However, Advion’s labels highly recommend using it only in places where pets can’t reach.

Can I use Advion gel on countertops?

You should keep the product away from counters and tabletops. The label warns users not to let the gel touch any food items. It also warns against using it on food-preparation or cooking surfaces.

Written by Andrew Martin. Reviewed by Rae Osborn, PhD.

Disclaimer: This page is strictly for informational use. When using insecticides, keep in mind—the label is the law. Insecticides should be applied correctly and safely when needed, and according to the laws of your state or country.

Andrew Martin


Andrew writes for, and along with his daughter, publishes Cockroach Facts. You can read more about him here.

Rae Osborn, PhD.

Science Editor

Dr. Rae Osborn holds Honors Bachelor of Science degrees in Zoology and Entomology, and a Master of Science in Entomology from the University of Natal in South Africa. She holds a PhD in Quantitative Biology from the University of Texas at Arlington, where her research was in Entomology. You can learn more about our contributors here.


  1. Martin, Nicholas (2014) Advion Cockroach Gel Bait: The Cockroach Fights Ultimate Champion. Pest Control Hacks. Retrieved from //
  2. Advion Cockroach Gel (Label). Syngenta. Retrieved from //
  3. Indoxacarb. DoMyOwn. Retrieved from //–286.html

Does advion roach gel expire?

Answer: The manufacturer does not label Advion Roach Bait Gel with an expiration date but is good for up to 5 years. We recommend that you use the bait within one year from the date of purchase to ensure freshness. Be sure to store the bait in a cool, dry place and out of direct sunlight.

Where is the expiration date on Advion cockroach gel bait?

Answer: The date on your tubes of Advion Roach Bait Gel is not an expiration date as professional insecticides and their shelf life is entirely dependent on how you stored it.

How long does cockroach gel bait last?

Cockroach baits, including cockroach gels, tend to remain attractive for up to 3 months, after which they should be replaced, especially if you intend to use cockroach baits as part of an ongoing cockroach prevention program.

Does advion dry out?

The gel will dry out quickly if you place it on a porous surface or if you place it in an area where it is exposed to air currents (heating or cooling vents). You can help avoid these situations by placing the Advion R… The gel will work even after it hardens though it does work best when it is soft.


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