How long does it take for a guppy to have babies?

Guppies live by a very simple equation: Boy guppy plus girl guppy equals baby guppies. Lots of babies -- a new litter about every 30 days. Because she can store sperm, the female guppy can produce new litters for up to a year, even if you separate her from males. If your guppy is in a family way, her appearance and behavior will tip you off when her time is at hand.

Bye, Bye, Love

Because males will chase, harass and exhaust her, the female needs to be separated from the boys as soon as you realize she’s pregnant. If you can’t move her to her own tank, equip the community aquarium with a false-bottom breeder box and put her in it until she delivers.

In a Family Way

Your pregnant guppy will develop a dark “gravid spot” just above and in front of her anal fin. As pregnancy progresses, the spot will become larger and darker. Her belly will assume a boxy, rectangular appearance and enlarge to the point that it looks as if it will burst when she’s about to deliver. If she’s in with the general population, the mother-to-be will take to hanging around isolated areas by herself.

i Jochen Sands/Photodisc/Getty Images

Guppies (Poecilia reticulata) breed like rabbits. The frequently give live birth, which has contributed to their popularity in aquarium circles -- both by making the fish readily available and giving breeders a large pool of fish to work with. Several factor contribute to guppies' rapid rate of reproduction.


Guppies rapidly reach maturity. Since guppies give live birth instead of laying eggs, guppy fry (baby fish) are born more developed that most fish. Unlike egg layers, they start life as miniature adults. A guppy can start to reproduce at only 2 to 3 months of age.

Pregancy in Guppies

Guppy physiology and behavior also contribute to their rapid rate of reproduction. Males constantly try to mate with females. On top of this, a single mating can produce multiple batches of offspring -- a characteristic called super-foetation. This combination of frequent mating and super-foetation means female guppies are more or less constantly pregnant as soon as they reach maturity.

Number of Offspring

Once a female guppy is 2 or 3 months old, she tends to start giving birth. A female guppy under optimal conditions can give birth every 30 days -- and each batch of fry can range from 20 to 50 baby guppies. This combination of maturing rapidly, birthing live young and almost constant reproduction means guppies reproduce very rapidly.

Breeding Them

When breeding guppies, the biggest concern is the parents. Adult guppies eat baby guppies although, in a densely planted aquarium, at least some of the babies will avoid predation. However, for serious breeding efforts, a pregnant female should be carefully removed to a separate aquarium and returned to the main tank after giving birth. Since guppies reproduce so rapidly, any serious guppy breeder should take tank space into account.


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  • Jochen Sands/Photodisc/Getty Images

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Mychelle Blake

Mychelle had her own pet behavior consulting business for about ten years, and has also been a devoted volunteer with animal-related organizations.

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Animal Behavior Consultant

Guppies (Poecilia reticulata) are one of the most popular, diverse and easy-to-keep freshwater aquarium fish. Savvy breeders know the length of the guppy gestation period ranges from 21 to 31 days which allows them to prepare for caring for a large family of guppy fry.

Pregnant Guppy Stages and Gestation

The gestation period for guppies will vary based on the female's health, her stress level, and the conditions of her tank. Proper pregnancy care is essential for your guppy's health.

  • Gestation may last from 21 to 31 days, although 22 to 26 days is average for most guppy pregnancies.
  • A warmer tank - between 77 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit - is best for gestation and will keep the female from being pregnant too long.
  • If she is stressed or feels there is danger, a female guppy may stay pregnant longer, although excessive stress can also shorten the gestation period and cause a miscarriage or spontaneous abortion.
  • To protect the female during her pregnancy, the tank should be kept at a consistent temperature and cleaned regularly to avoid any illnesses that can affect the development of the fry or the success of the pregnancy.
  • A healthy diet with a high quality fish food is also essential to encourage breeding and ensure healthy guppy babies.
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How to Spot a Pregnant Guppy

Female guppies can get pregnant as early as one month old in a warm tank, although the usual maturity age is three months. The key to understanding a guppy's gestation period is knowing if she is, in fact, pregnant. It may be difficult to tell if a guppy is pregnant right away.

The Guppy Gravid Spot Darkens and Enlarges

The guppy gravid spot is a dark triangular spot near the anus at the back of the abdomen under the tail. This spot will darken and enlarge in pregnant females and continue to do so until she gives birth.

Your Guppy Will Grow Larger and More Boxy

A pregnant guppy will also appear to grow larger with a bulky, boxy shape, but this may not be apparent until near the end of her pregnancy. You may notice she has some difficulty with swimming as well.

Fry Eyes May Be Visible

Toward the end of the pregnancy, the small eyes of the fry may also be visible through the female's thin, translucent belly skin, particularly near the gravid spot. The gravid spot will appear almost black which is due to the fry eyes.

Guppies Giving Birth

Toward the end of the gestation period, guppy breeders may choose to move the female into a birthing tank to protect the fry when they are born.

Dangers to Guppy Fry

A stressed or hungry female may eat her own fry, and guppy fry are a delicacy to many other fish.

Birthing Tanks for Female Guppies

If a breeder has been able to keep track of the dates of the gestation period, it can be easy to know when to move the female to a birthing tank. However, it should be noted that doing so can also cause stress that might harm the parent or fry.

Signs a Female Guppy Is Ready to Give Birth

When the female is ready to give birth, she may grow still and slow in the tank or seek out a solitary spot, but these are not always reliable indicators of the impending birth. It may take a few hours for the female to drop all the fry, and one drop can have as few as two to as many as 200 fry at once, although the average is for a female to give birth to 30 to 60 baby guppies with each pregnancy.

Starting the Guppy Gestation Period Again

A female guppy can become pregnant again just hours after giving birth, which has given these highly fertile fish the nickname "million fish." Female guppies have the ability to store sperm from males for up to a year, and they can have up to eight pregnancies from one insemination if they are healthy and have good tank conditions. Since these fish can get pregnant so young and may live up to three years, and because the gestation period for guppies is just under a month, a single female guppy may have 2,000 or more babies in her lifetime. By understanding her gestation period and the best way to care for a pregnant guppy, fish hobbyists can enjoy raising these fish for years to come.

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How long does guppies take to give birth?

Guppy pregnancy lasts for roughly a month from conception. First-time mamas deliver about 12 to 30 babies over a period of several hours. Veterans may gift you with 50 to 80 or more fry in a few hours.

How long is a guppy fish pregnant?

Guppies are highly prolific livebearers giving birth to between five and 30 fry, though under extreme circumstances, she may give birth to only one or two or over 100. The gestation period of a guppy is typically 21–30 days, but can vary considerably.

How often do guppies produce babies?

Guppies typically reproduce about every 30 days and give birth to litters approximately 20 times throughout their lives. The researchers found that as female guppies aged, they began to skip litters or even stop reproducing for extended periods of time, effectively ceasing to reproduce after a certain age.


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