How long can saltwater hermit crabs live out of water

In a few weeks, I’m going on a week-long vacation. Luckily, I have a pet sitter coming to take care of my hermit crabs and keep them in good shape.

I know a few hermit crabs owners, however, that don’t have the luxury of a pet sitter. They leave their crabs for weeks at a time and come back to happy, healthy hermit crabs.

So, for me, this begs the question: how long can hermit crabs go without food or water?

Hermit crabs are stupendous at surviving on a minimal amount of food and water. They have been known to go for several days to 2 weeks without eating, as well as keeping water in their shells for moistening their gills and drinking.

Let’s really go in-depth into why and how a hermit crab can go so long without food and water. Doing this research, I found some very valuable tips and tricks to preserving your hermit crabs’ health without being present for weeks at a time. I will not need a pet sitter on my next vacation!

Hermit Crab Fasting

We hungry humans eat 3 meals a day, plus snacks in between! What may look like starvation to us looks like a normal eating schedule to most hermit crabs.

For starters, they eat very little. They’re small creatures and do not need as many nutrients to get around. A small jello shot cup full of crushed cereal and other goodies will last a couple of hermit crabs a couple of weeks. This is considering they have plenty of water, but more on that later.

A happy and very healthy hermit crab will eat more frequently than a less stressed one. If your hermit crab is eating more, that means it’s happy and relaxed in its hermit crab home.

Regardless if it’s a happy crab or a stressed crab, hermit crabs need very little food and can go for several days to a couple of weeks between meals. I cannot say for sure because (from what I can find) no one has tested how long a hermit crab can go without starving, which is a good thing!

Hermit crabs have a large upper hand in the wild. They can survive for a while between meals, and even when they do have a meal, they’re very small. Along with that, they have protection from predators literally on their backs that also serves as a mobile water supply.

If you have ever taken a look at a spiral shell, you’ll notice the inside twists and turns, hiding from the larger opening. Believe it or not, these little caverns are a great way for hermit crabs to store water as they go about their business.

I’ve washed my crab’s extra vacant shells (I have 3 shells for each crab in case they want to change) and water always gets stuck inside. After cleaning them I have to shake out the extra water stored in the tiny caverns that are seashells. What is an annoying addition to a tedious task is proof of how supportive shell water is for hermit crabs.

Hermit crabs need shell water as a drinking supply and to keep their gills moist. Land crab gills are a bit different than other types of gills.

For starters, land hermit crabs cannot last for long periods of time underwater. Their gills need to stay damp and moist, but not submerged underwater. They accomplish this in 2 ways: staying in a moist environment and keeping their shell water supply up.

The only way they can accomplish this is by having access to plenty of freshwater and saltwater. Their shell water will last them a day or two, but not much longer.

If you’re going on vacation or leaving your hermit crab for a few days, leave a bowl of water large/deep enough to not dry out. It’s important to be sure that your crabs can easily climb in and out of the bowl to prevent drowning. Since you’ll only be gone a few days I doubt this would be an issue, but I would avoid metal dishes because of rust.

Long-Lasting Hermit Crab Meals

If you’re leaving your hermit crabs alone for a prolonged period of time, there are plenty of different types of food that will stay fresh and last for weeks.

The trick is to stick to dry foods. Things like oak leaves, cereals, coconut shavings, seeds, dried shrimp, and nuts are great sources of fiber and proteins.

There are also plenty of dried fruits and veggies that will last the duration of your trip.

Give your hermit crabs variety. They’ll choose whatever food they need.

Commerical pellet food is the safest option. While it might not be as tasty and nutritious, a good amount will keep your crabs happy for several weeks.

Final Thoughts

I wouldn’t leave my hermit crabs for more than a week without a pet sitter. Leave your crabs with enough water to not dry out, and enough food to last.

They do not eat or drink very much, but it’s important to keep enough food and water available to keep them active and healthy.

Related Questions

What do hermit crabs eat in captivity?

Hermit crabs are omnivores, which means they need a healthy diet of vegetation and meat.

Hermit crabs in captivity eat a combination of high-quality commercial hermit crab food, a healthy mix of vegetables and noncitrus fruits. A mix of nuts, seaweed, brine shrimp, and cereals are great treats.

Can hermit crabs eat cat food?

Avoid feeding your hermit crabs cat food. While it does contain foods hermit crabs love such as fish and other meats, it’s filled with cat-specific formulas and chemicals designed to help cats- not hermit crabs.

I would instead feed your hermit crabs with canned fish as a cheaper and healthier alternative.

How long can a saltwater hermit crab live without water?

How long would it take for a hermit crab to die without water? Land hermit crabs would only survive for up to two weeks without access to freshwater and saltwater. They need saltwater to regulate their respiratory rate, and they need freshwater to keep their gills moist so that they can breathe.

How long can ocean crabs live out of water?

Aquatic Crabs Other crabs, like blue crabs, are primarily aquatic and are adapted to receiving their oxygen from the surrounding water. Yet, they can still survive for 1-2 days out of the water.

Can hermit crabs survive without salt water?

Hermit crabs require both freshwater and saltwater water sources to survive. Saltwater should be made using sea salt sold for marine fish and crustaceans.

Can ocean hermit crabs live on land?

Like their land cousins, they breath through gills -- but they don't have to carry around their water to do so. Most can survive briefly out of water as long as their gills are damp. However, this ability is not as developed as it is in land hermit crabs.


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