How does I Am a Hero end?

So here's my two cents. No closure from a superficial or world view sense. I was really hoping to get some explanation on the breeding pod thing in Spain, maybe we could see more definitely that humans were getting transformed into a workforce for whatever this was. Also a possible expansion on why the few unaffected people were so important. Kurusu, Takeshi (? dude from the worlds 4chan that Kurusu rescued), fat guy, and girl who had the missing leg that was part of Korori's unit. Most importantly, what made the specific individual females, the queen bees, like Hiromi and the Italian girl so important? What made them critical to the ZQN plan?

But from a purely character standpoint, it was pretty complete.

Korori was everything Hideo sought to be, and he ended up in a nigh utopia, where he was happy, safe and could draw all the manga he wanted. Yet he still idolized Hideo, because he saw real talent. He saw value in Hideo even when Hideo didn't. Just like Tekko (but even she didn't as much as him). In fact, all the women Hideo interact with come to appreciate and even love him for who he is, but there's also definitely a sense of lowered expectations. They're realists, and they're right to not expect too much from Hideo - he's given them little reason to do otherwise throughout the series despite a few moments of actual heroism. Korori was the only one that believed Hideo could be more.

Oda was cold and damaged, but still caring in her own way. She persevered and survived because she could take care of herself and knew how to sell herself - unfortunately sexually, but most critically, medically. She had medical skill when few others did. That's hugely important. She was empathetic even when it put herself at risk, a quality few others besides Nakata express. She even makes a deal with her estranged sister long after both of them are beyond dead, to save Hideo, a man she couldn't help but care about.

Hiromi was a teenager through and through. She was sweet and caring, with an ability to empathize on an incredibly deep level, even with the ZQN. But she was also uncertain of herself, with a serious lack of self-confidence. This led to some pettiness, her interactions with Sae and her boyfriend, and even her jealousy of Oda. However, she still grew to care for Hideo deeply, protecting him even when she nearly lost herself. Even Oda held some place in her heart, even if ultimately Hiromi's Teenage temper and jealousy led to her death. Hiromi was like many teenagers but also unique, a real princess among the apocalypse. I think she really loved Hideo, and letting him live was the best she could do before she lost herself in the mass of ZQN.

Finally, Hideo. It's tragic irony, he wasn't fully a hero until he no longer had anyone to protect. The truth of it was though, this was always about Hideo saving himself. Not just in a selfish way, though it manifested that way a lot, but in a self-realization/actualization way. Tekko and Korori knew he was wasting his talents but Hideo wallowed in self-pity and depression. Until the whole apocalypse. He learned to defend and stand up for himself and to do the same for others. But he was never quite fully effective until the very end. Now, essentially isolated, he's found hope and purpose where there wouldn't be any for most. He could finally say, "I am a hero" and have it be true and mean it. But he doesn't have to. If you notice, he only ever says it when he wants to do anything but be a hero, to reassure himself. What he really said when he stepped up was a simple "alright" or "ok". Notice that Korori, who proves himself time and time again, never says that line. He always stays humble, denying his heroics. Additionally, finding out the deer he shot was pregnant is symbolic of those who were sacrificed so he could live, and his reaction to discovering this shows that he will never forget the sacrifices of his friends and lovers.

In the end, the series doesn't end on a cheesy, "I am a hero!", it ends on a confident, self-assured, "Alright." He is a hero now, and he did the impossible. He saved himself, from himself.

So the ending isn't particularly satisfying in the context of the whole interweaving plot, but I find it deeply satisfying in regards to character. That's what this manga was about - not plot, plot was just a vehicle to advance the characters, that's why it got so weird and awesome. Characters, specifically Hiromi and Hideo and their development drove the story and their arcs as well as most other characters were complete. This ending was melancholy, but realistic and loyal to the characters. I can't ask for much more.

Edit: Also wanna point out that we'll never know if Hideo was ever actually infected and just immune or didn't quite get infected. But I think that's another point that doesn't really matter, because he's survived as long as he has, he's alone, and he's a hero.

What is the virus in I Am a Hero?

The ZQN are zombie-like creatures featured in the 2009 manga I Am A Hero written by Kengo Hanazawa and the 2016 film adaptation of the same name produced by Sninsuke Sato.

Who is Shinji I Am a Hero?

Type of Hero Shinji Ikari is the main character of the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion and the reboot movies Rebuild of Evangelion. He is the Third Child and the pilot of Evangelion Unit-01, a giant mecha used to fight the Angels, a series of extraterrestrial beings that threaten humanity.

How long is I Am a Hero movie?

2h 6mI Am a Hero / Running timenull


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