How do you say seal in spanish

seal [siːl]


1 (official stamp) sello (m)

the papal/presidential seal el sello papal/presidencial

a supply of notepaper bearing the Presidential seal In the wax you can see the faint imprint of a seal to give the one's seal of [approval] (to sth)

they have given their seal of approval to the proposed reforms han dado el visto bueno a or han aprobado las reformas que se planean

it has the Royal Academy's seal of approval cuenta con la aprobación or el visto bueno de la Real Academia

Last November the Commission gave its seal of approval to the deal to [put] [set] the seal on sth

seal of quality sello or marchamo (m) de calidad

The best wines are entitled to a numbered seal of quality

this set the seal on their friendship/on her humiliation esto selló su amistad/remató su humillación

the experience set the seal on their friendship The recent floods finally put the seal on a disappointing summer seal of [office] Irish prime minister Charles Haughey handed over his seal of office last night to President Mary Robinson

under my hand and seal firmado y sellado por mí

2 [of envelope, parcel, exterior of bottle, jar] precinto (m); (inside lid of jar) aro (m) de goma; (on fridge door) cierre (m) de goma; (on door, window) burlete (m)

the seal on the windows is not very good estas ventanas no cierran bien

the rubber seal on the fridge door was worn I noticed that the seals of the packet had been broken ..a sealed envelope. 'Who gave you this?' he asked before he broke the seal You shouldn't buy jars of food if the seal has been broken Protesters banged on the sides of the lorry and broke customs seals on the doors Check seals on fridges and freezers regularly It's very important to get a good seal around the edges of these attic hatches This type of cork forms a tight seal and keeps the wine fresh we would have died but for the fact there was such a good seal on the door between our sleeping accomodation and the toilet to form a [good] seal make sure the pastry forms a good seal round the edge of the pie Because the transcript is still under seal, I am precluded by law from discussing its contents the manuscripts were still under seal of confidentiality

3 (Rel)

the seal of the confessional el secreto de confesión

the police would get nothing out of me and they probably wouldn't even try. They respect the seal of the confessional The rumours would be out and everybody would believe that the seal of the confessional had been broken

transitive verb

1 (close) [+envelope] cerrar; [+package, coffin] precintar; [+border] cerrar

a sealed envelope un sobre cerrado

the army sealed the border with Pakistan Burma has begun to seal its borders in advance of national elections to be held soon She sealed the box with sticky tape When the letter was finished he sealed and addressed it She made sure the letter was sealed and stamped Before the coffin was sealed, he bent to slip a ring on the dead girl's finger seal the edges of the piecrust with egg

2 (stop up, make airtight) [+container] tapar or cerrar herméticamente; [+surface] sellar

the wood is sealed with several coats of varnish la madera se sella con varias capas de barniz

store, tightly sealed, in the refrigerator The surface is sealed with several coats of varnish The wood is sealed with beeswax for a water-resistant finish She filled the containers, sealed them with a cork and put labels on them Pour in the pickling liquid and seal the jar

3 (enclose)

to seal sth in sth

seal the letter in a blank envelope mete la carta en un sobre en blanco y ciérralo; seal in airtight containers guárdelos en recipientes herméticos

portions of food sealed in plastic bags the sick were sealed in stifling rooms The fabric, said to be 2,000 years old, was sealed in a copper casket A woman picks them up and seals them in plastic bags Each individual condom is sealed in its own foil wrapper ...nuclear waste materials sealed in concrete blocks The milk was sterilized and sealed in bottles

4 (confirm) [+bargain, deal] sellar; [+victory] decidir; [+sb's fate] decidir; determinar

that goal sealed the match ese gol decidió or determinó el resultado del partido

victory was sealed in the 62nd minute He poured them each a drink to seal the bargain The deal was sealed by the leaders of the two countries It was Kern's score that really sealed the show's reputation as ...the film that sealed Schumacher's success to seal sb's [fate] This disaster sealed the fate of the expedition A General Election will be held which will seal his fate one way or the other Sikorski's death sealed the fate of Polish-Soviet relations Harris' death will seal the fate of 329 other people condemned to die in California

5 (Cookery) [+meat] sofreír a fuego vivo para que no pierda el jugo; (para que no pierda el jugo)

seal the cubes of beef in small batches to prevent too much steam

seal [siːl]

intransitive verb

to go sealing ir a cazar focas


seal cull seal culling (n) matanza (f) (selectiva) de focas


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