How do you review a WHS management system?


Human resources

Help you with all aspects of your employment including conditions, pay and other benefits, training, and wellbeing.

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Research support

Information about research, publishing, funding, and supervision.

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  • Costing, Pricing & Approval

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Learning & teaching

Information about teaching & learning, student administration and student services.

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  • Service Desk

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  • Calendar


Campus environment

Information about ANU buildings, rooms, gardens, car parks, roads and more.

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  • Campus development
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  • Maximo

  • vPermit

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  • MyTimetable


Information technology

Technical services and infrastructure that support teaching, learning, research and administration.

  • Login & access
  • Email
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  • IT management

  • Service Desk

  • Identity Manager

  • Cloudstor

  • Email

  • Office 365

  • OneDrive

  • ANU TV


Marketing & outreach

Supporting public lectures and events, media and publications, advertising, marketing, branding and more.

  • ANU identity
  • Digital communication
  • Media engagement

  • Storytelling & writing
  • Events & VIP visits
  • Merchandise & uniforms

  • International engagements


Financial management

Get help with financial management and administration including purchase cards.

  • Reporting
  • Budgeting
  • Assets
  • Ledger integrity

  • Taxation
  • Investments
  • Research Financial Advisory
  • Transactional services

  • Procurement & contracts
  • Purchase cards
  • Insurance
  • Financial frameworks

  • ES Financials

  • TM1 Budgeting

  • Concur Expense Management

  • eForms

  • Pulse

  • Finance policies


Planning & governance

Information relating to strategic planning and management of University business.

  • Planning & review
  • Performance measurement
  • Project management framework

  • Current projects
  • Service improvement
  • Legal services

  • Risk & audit
  • Governance
  • Recordkeeping

  • Insight

  • Calendar

  • University Services Feedback

  • Policies

How do you evaluate a WHS management system?

To get a sense of how well your organisation's WHS management system is functioning, you should carefully consider this question: “How are incidents reported to management?” Your options will be either verbally, paper-based (i.e. completing incident reports), spreadsheets (using data from written records), software- ...

Why is it important to review the WHS management system?

(1) The purpose of this Procedure is to ensure that all aspects of the Work Health and Safety (WHS) management system are reviewed at planned intervals to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness.

How do you monitor effectiveness of WHS practices?

The implementation and monitoring of WHS Training..
Direct observation when workers perform their task..
Question your team regarding their work tasks..
Use feedback from supervisors..
Checkout employment records..
Conduct formal interviews..

How often should WHS procedures be reviewed?

It would be reasonable to review the company WHS policy every two years unless there were major changes to the organisation or to legislative requirements. WHS policies and procedures, in general, should be reviewed annually to ensure that changes are incorporated, or procedures are modified where required.


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