How do you not die of starvation in Minecraft?

Minecraft isn’t a hardcore game, unless you decide it to be! There are many challenges that Minecraft players must face in this game, and dying is certainly one of them.

But can you starve to death in Minecraft? Since Minecraft is essentially an open-world experience, it makes sense for players to feed their characters from time to time.

So, what happens if you fail to eat food when you are supposed to? Gaming Power Up has a quick answer to this simple question, so keep on reading to learn more.

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Can You Starve to Death in Minecraft?

You can starve to death in Minecraft only if you play the game in hard mode. There are certain things that you can and can’t do in the Minecraft universe (Can You Breed Hoglins in Minecraft?), and dying out of hunger is only possible if you play the game in hard difficulty.

This means that if you are playing Minecraft on easy mode, and you fail to feed your character, it won’t die.

The same applies to normal and peaceful difficulties – your block-square-looking character will not die out of starvation, but it will certainly lose a lot of health. So, how does this work exactly?

What Are the Effects Of Hunger in Minecraft?

Hunger has a single effect on Minecraft whether you play it on PC, mobile, console, or you decide to Play Minecraft On a Chromebook.

Nevertheless, it’s important to mention that the effect of will vary depending on the difficulty you play.

  • If you play on Easy mode, your health bar will deplete and will stop dropping at 10.
  • Playing Minecraft in Normal mode and failing to eat food will deplete your health until it reaches 1 of health.
  • Finally, if you are a hardcore player that wants to experience the hardest difficulty on the game, which means that you are playing in Hard Mode, your character will indeed die of hunger if you don’t refill the Hunger Bar.

How Long Does it Take for You to Starve in Minecraft?

So, how long does a full hunger bar last? To understand this, first, we must take a look at the health bar in the Minecraft game.

Your Minecraft health bar consists of, normally, 10 full hearts. But, in some cases, players can have up to 20 hearts, depending on the equipment they are gearing at that exact moment.

When the Hunger Bar depletes, the player starts losing half a heart every four seconds. That being said, let’s do the math:

  1. If you are playing on Hard difficulty (the only way of dying out of starvation) and have 10 full hearts, you will die after 80 seconds.
  2. If you play on Hard and have 20 full hearts, you will die after 160 seconds without eating something.
  3. In case you are playing on any other difficulty, then the life-loss rate will be the same, but your Minecraft player will not end up dying.

Why Am I Not Dying of Starvation in Minecraft?

If you are not being affected by not eating on Minecraft, then this happens because Creative Mode is enabled on your playthrough. 

This can also mean that you are playing on Easy or Normal difficulty. We don’t even mention Peaceful Difficulty because, as the name suggests, you won’t even be damaged by anything if you enable this difficulty mode.

Either way, if Hunger is not affecting your Minecraft character whatsoever, then the main reason is that you have Creative Mode enabled, and that’s it.

Can You Starve to Death in Minecraft While AFK?

Yes! Imagine that you are through a Difficult playthrough, and you forget to feed your Minecraft character. Then, you go away for a few minutes, and don’t eat any food while you are gone. 

In that case, you will starve to death while AFK (Away From Keyboard). That’s why it is always important to pause your game before leaving, or, if you can’t do this, eat some nutritious food so you don’t starve to death in Minecraft while AFK.

How Not to Starve to Death in Minecraft: 3 Tips

Although the most straightforward answer to this question simply consists of eating some food so your Minecraft character does not starve, there are other tips that you can follow to avoid facing this horrible fate in this apparently childish video game, which is actually more complex than it looks.

Tip 1: Always Have Food at Hand

Naturally, food is an essential part of your Minecraft journey. You must ensure that you have enough food in your inventory before going on an adventure.

Besides, since cooked food works better than raw food, we recommend you include a furnace or campfire on your inventory as well.

Tip 2: Prioritize Highly Effective Minecraft Food

Some foods are way better to refill your Hunger Bar than others. For example, if you eat a cake, your Hunger Bar will refill by 7 points in no time.

On the other hand, if you choose other foods, such as rotten fish, the Hunger Bar will take more time to be refilled. 

Tip 3: Craft a Food FarM Near Your Base

It makes sense to run out of food if you are too far from home fighting the Ender Dragon in The End Dimension, but if you are at your own home, you must have a reliable food source.

Thus, make a farm where you can breed animals that can later be cooked and eaten by you.

Gaming Summary: Can You Die of Hunger in Minecraft?

Hunger is a real enemy in the Overworld, and Minecraft players should beware of it. Clearly, this only applies if you play on Hard Difficulty – otherwise, you cannot die if you don’t eat anything in Minecraft.

Either way, even if you play on Normal or Easy difficulty, Hunger will affect you a lot, so in this case, it is better to be safe than sorry.


Can You Starve to Death in Minecraft Normal Difficulty?

No. If you play Minecraft on Normal Difficulty, you will lose a lot of Health Points due to Hunger, but you will not end up dying whatsoever.


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