How do you get rid of sugar ants permanently

Come springtime, sugar ants will begin to invade homes in search of food and water. Though these ants aren’t dangerous to humans, they’re rather annoying pests that can be difficult to control. Here’s everything you need to know about getting rid of sugar ants—from which natural remedies and chemical solutions are best to prevention methods that keep these ants from coming back.

What are sugar ants?

Sugar ants, or banded sugar ants, are small black ants native to Australia and exclusive to that part of the world. When we think of the term sugar ants, we’re probably thinking of pavement ants or pharaoh ants—both common household ants. Pavement ants are black or reddish brown with pale legs while pharaoh ants are yellow or light brown.

These ants are attracted to sweets and all varieties of sugary foods and scraps. They also eat fats, proteins (obtained from eating other insects), and plant pollen. Once they find a food source, they’ll haul food back to their nest for the rest of the colony.

Types of sugar ants

There are several types of sugar ants, including those that live outdoors and come indoors to eat, as well as others that prefer to live and feed inside your home. Outdoor sugar ants can include acrobat ants, false honey ants, or rover ants. Some common indoor sugar ants are carpenter ants, pavement ants, and pharaoh ants.

Where do sugar ants come from?

Most sugar ants come from outside your home. They have about four to five times more odor receptors than other insects, and can smell food and follow scent trails through cracks, crevices, vents, and other openings in your home and foundation. Only one ant needs to find an entry point. Once an ant finds a food or water supply, it lays a pheromone trail—a basic scent trail—for other ants to follow.

Sugar ants also come from existing nests inside your home. Their nests are typically in undisturbed spaces, such as inside walls or in basements.

How to get rid of sugar ants

Before getting rid of sugar ants, first locate and then follow their visible trail as far as you can—this will help you determine their entry point into your home and give you a starting point for remediation. After locating the trail and entry point, decide which type of natural or chemical method you want to use. Here are a few different forms of ant control:

Sugar Ants FAQs

How did I get a sugar ant infestation?

Most sugar ants come from outside your home and follow scent trails through openings in your home and foundation. Once a single ant makes it into your house, it lays a scent trail for other ants to follow.

How do I keep sugar ants out of the kitchen?

To keep sugar ants out of the kitchen, make sure to wipe up any sugary spills as soon as they happen, take out the trash as soon as it’s full, clean your sink regularly, and lay out cloves or bay leaves.

How do I get rid of these ants?

Some natural methods to get rid of sugar ants including sprinkling  diatomaceous earth around your house or using a vinegar solution to get rid of the ant trail. Some chemical solutions include setting out an ant bait or wiping down your countertops with an all-purpose cleaner every night.

Can sugar ants damage my home?

Though these black ants aren’t harmful, they can be a nuisance once inside your home. They can chew through paper, cardboard, and thin plastic to get to their food source and attract other pests into your home.

Sugar ants are a common pest that can be an absolute nightmare to any property owner. These tiny pests will ravage your home in search of sugar foods, destroying anything that gets in their way. It gets even worse when you fail to act in time and allow the infestation to grow. Whether you decide to call a professional or handle the problem yourself, your priority should be to eradicate the sugar ants permanently. Below, we consider tips on how to eliminate sugar ants for good.

What are sugar ants?

Sugar ants are a type of ant species that are attracted to sweet foods. Sugar ants bite, and as their name would suggest, sugar ants naturally invade your home searching for things like candy, soda, fruit peels or spilled drinks. Once they’ve found their way inside, you can expect to see these ants all over your counters.

Sugar Ant Control

Before you get rid of ants effectively, you must understand how they got into your house in the first place. Typically, sugar ants are attracted to sugary food items that are left out in the open. Chances are your kitchen will be their first stop, where food and drinks are often stored. This is why it’s wise to keep your kitchen as clean as possible, removing spilled drinks or scraps of food on your counters.

How do I get rid of sugar ants?

While cleaning your kitchen is a good start, it’s not the only thing you should do if you want to get rid of sugar ants. Many other things can be done to eliminate them for good. Below we’ll go through some of the tips and tricks of eradicating sugar ants:

Eliminate food source

This is one of the most effective ways to kill sugar ants. As we mentioned earlier, these insects are attracted to anything sugary – food items, as well as drink, spills on your counters and floors. This means eliminating any potential food sources will allow you to drastically reduce the number of sugar ants in your home, if not get rid of them completely.

Use white vinegar

White vinegar is a safe and effective way to get rid of ants. The only downside with this method is that it may take some time, as these insects can be quite stubborn. Simply mix equal parts of water and white vinegar (50/50) and pour the liquid into a spray bottle. Next, spray the mixture onto areas where you’ve seen the ant colony, including cracks and crevices.

Use bay leaves

Bay leaves are natural substances with a strong smell, which is why they can drive away pharaoh ants for good. Place these small aromatic leaves in areas where the insects have been spotted. You can even locate the nest and spread the leaves to get rid of the entire colony.

Use borax and sugar water

Borax is a powdery substance that can be bought from your local supermarket. Mix equal parts Borax powder and white sugar to create a thick paste-like consistency. Place this mixture onto areas where you’ve spotted the ants. This will be reliable ant bait and food source but can be very dangerous to the insects.

Use boric acid powder

This is another effective way to eliminate ants. It is an effective poison that can eliminate insects but may not be the best option if you have children or pets. The acid is somewhat similar to Borax, but it’s much safer for children and pets.

Use natural repellents

Place natural repellents in areas where you’ve spotted sugar ants. These can include items like peppermint oil or lemon juice, which contain strong smells that will drive away these insects. You should also try placing Rubbermaid or Tupperware containers around your home since sugar ants hate the smell of plastic.

Call a professional!

Although there are many DIY options you can try, they most likely will not offer a long-lasting result. Calling a professional exterminator is the most effective and efficient option, that guarantees long-lasting results. They will be able to locate the colony and destroy it at the source.

How do I get rid of sugar ants’ nests?

Until you finish off the sugar ant nest, you might not fully take care of the sugar ant infestation by only using the tips above. Call your local exterminator. They will be able to locate the nest and destroy it.

How do I prevent sugar ants?

Preventing sugar ants is one of the best ways to avoid an attack. Some of the things you can do to keep them at bay include:
-Wipe off sugary messes in the kitchen every time there is a spillage.
-Don’t leave food out in the open for a long time. Store it in airtight containers or transfer leftovers to the fridge quickly.
-Keep your counters and floors clean by wiping them down after meals, especially if you have small children who may be spilling things more often than not.
-Inspect your home for any cracks or crevices that the sugar ants may be using as an entry point. Seal these areas with silicone caulk to prevent them from entering.
-Don’t leave pet food out for extended periods, and ensure that you clean up after your pets as well.
-Don’t plant things like sweet potatoes or yams around the exterior of your home since these types of plants attract a sugar ant, especially if they’re located close to a ground entrance point.

Contact Us for Help!

If you need help with getting rid of sugar ants for good or any other pests, come to us! The Killers has been offering essential pest control Vancouver WA services for decades, and we’d love to help you too! Visit our website or send us an email to get more information about how you can benefit from our services!

How do you keep sugar ants from coming back?

One natural remedy for sugar ants is white vinegar. With a solution of 100% vinegar or a 50/50 mixture you can safely spray this around your home and in the areas where you see these sugar ants. This will not only kill them but it is a natural repellent that will help prevent future invasions.

What is the best killer for sugar ants?

Simply mix equal parts of water and white vinegar (50/50) and pour the liquid into a spray bottle. Next, spray the mixture onto areas where you've seen the ant colony, including cracks and crevices.

Will sugar ants go away on their own?

Will Sugar Ants Go away on Their Own? No, they won't. Sugar ants are drawn to an environment because it is either conducive for them to set up a colony or some food they can take to their colonies. As long as there is something that draws them to that house, they will stay.

Why do I suddenly have sugar ants?

Whenever there's a sudden ant infestation, the most likely cause of it is that there's food somewhere in your house for them. Most ants are opportunistic feeders; they'll eat just about anything. But they usually prefer sweets.


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