How do you get a coin case in Emerald?

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Pokemon Emerald Version (Game Boy Advance)

The coin case??

  1. How do i get a coin case there is a man who says that a young lady next to the door have one bot i tried to talk to everyone and no one gave me the coin case

Accepted Answer

  1. You need to give a Harbor Mail to the woman in the house next to the Poké Mart in Mauville City in order to receive the Coin Case. If you do not have one to trade with her, you'll not be able to get the Coin Case.

    You can buy as many Harbor Mails as you want at the Poké Mart in Slateport City, so all you need to do is a quick travel through Route 110 - even faster if you go through the cycling road - and you should be able to get the Coin Case.

    Hope to have helped.

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Pokemon Emerald Version (Game Boy Advance)

Where can I find a coin case???

  1. Can anyone tell me where the coin case is because a guy tells me to go to a young lady next door, and I have talked to everyone but they don't even say anything related to a coin case PLEASE HELP ME!...

Accepted Answer

  1. You need a wave mail give it to the girl next to the game corner then she'll give you a coin case

    Hope this helps^_^.

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The Coin Case is an item found in the Kanto region games and it was introduced in Generation I. Since then, it has been featured as an obtainable item in every single region and Pokémon game until Pokémon Black and White. This item can hold up to 9999 coins so the player can buy various items and Pokémon in the Game Corner shops.


The Coin Case is given to the player for use in the Game Corner, and in the first three Generations is capable of holding approximately 9,999 coins received from the Game Corner. However, this value was upgraded as of the fourth Generation to that of 50,000 coins. Coins are gifted to the player in a variety of ways, the most notably being the playing of slot machines at the Game Corner. The second way to obtain said coins would be to purchase them from the counter at the Game Corner, in order to activate the machines. When selected in the Bag, the Coin Case will tell the player how many coins they have left.


  • RBG - The Coin Case is given to the player from a man in the bar at Celadon City. It is the same for the remakes, Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen.
  • GSC - The Coin Case is acquired in these games from the underground section of Goldenrod City for Japanese players. However, for international versions of the game, the player will receive the Coin Case from Mr. Game at the Game Corner. It is the same for the remakes, Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver.
  • RSE - The Coin Case is obtained here by giving a Harbor Mail to a woman in Mauville City, who will reward your generosity with the coveted Coin Case.
  • DPPt - The Coin Case is obtained from a clown living in Veilstone City.
  • BW - The Coin Case key item and the Game Corner concept are entirely absent from these games, and are hence unavailable to receive.


There are also a multitude of glitches pertaining to the Coin Case in Generation II games. This involves the player hearing a Pokémon's cry, and then immediately opening the Coin Case, which can result in the game freezing or the activation of a glitch zone.

This is my third playthrough of Pokemon Emerald (though I've played Sapphire dozens of times) and I've just gotten to Mauville City. I want to purchase the two Dolls that you don't get for free and, more importantly, the TM for Psychic, for a total of 5,500 coins needed.

In Sapphire, if I want something from the Mauville Game Corner, I would grind wild encounters with a team of Pickup Zigzagoon. Selling Nuggets, Potions, and Full Restore would quickly give me disposable poke-dollars to spend on Coins and buy my prizes.

But in Emerald, Nuggets are only a 1% encounter, so that strategy won't work. I've been trying strategies to cheese the games.

The Strategy:

1) Save before the Roulette board on the right

The wager of the rightmost Roulette board is 3 coins. Each of the 6 rounds requires 3 coins to play and each of the winnings has a 3 times multiplier (3x pays out 9 coins; 4x pays out 12 coins; 12x pays out 36 coins).

2) Mash Ⓐ until you win the Jackpot or all 6 rounds are over

Mashing Ⓐ bets on the Yellow Wynaut for 12x odds.

Because the 12x Jackpot pays out 36 coins and playing all 6 rounds costs 18 coins, there is a guaranteed profit of 18 - 33 coins if the Jackpot is won.

3) If the Jackpot is won, mash Ⓑ to exit the game and then Save

4) If the Jackpot is lost, reset the game and try again

With this strategy, you're guaranteed + 18-33 coins per win, and you don't lose any coins when you lose. The odds to win the Jackpot is a shocking 50% per game.

The Math:

Suppose that each spot has an equal chance to win*. On the first round, there is a 1/12 chance to win, 1/11 on the second round, and on.

The probability that you'll win at least once is the inverse of the probability that you'll lose every round (11/12 chance to lose on the first round, 10/11 on the second, and on).

That looks like: 1 - ( ¹¹⁄₁₂ • ¹⁰⁄₁₁ • ⁹⁄₁₀ • ⁸⁄₉ • ⅞ • ⁶⁄₇ ) which comes out to 50%.

With the following considerations:

  • The average profit is 25.5 coins per win (33 coins earned if won on Round 1, 18 coins earned if won on Round 6).

  • It takes approximately 1 minute to play through a game**.

  • Each game has a 50% chance to win.

I would expect to earn 25.5 coins every two minutes, or 12.75 coins per (Real Life) minute spent playing.

* Spots don't have a completely equal chance. If a ball would land on a spot that was already taken, it lands on an adjacent slot. In Round 2, adjacent spots to a ball don't have a 1/11 chance to win, but instead, closer to a 1.5/12 chance. This is a potential area for optimization, though it does require more engagement than mashing Ⓐ.

** I timed some rounds. A Losing round is timed from when Ⓐ is pressed on the Roulette table until the player has reset and is ready to press Ⓐ on it again. Across 20 Losing rounds, I averaged 60.94 seconds. A winning round also starts when Ⓐ is pressed on the Roulette table and ends when the player has finished Saving the game. I timed 27.08 seconds for a win on Round 1, and 79.71 seconds for a win on Round 6, for an average of 53.40 seconds per winning round.

Rounding both wins and losses to 60 seconds makes the math a lot simpler, but under-represents coins per minute. A more precise number I got was 13.38 coins per minute playing.

Okay, so this methodology gives around 12.75 coins/min. To get the 5,500 coins I need, it should take around 7 hours and 11 minutes of grinding at the Game Corner.

Is this the most efficient strategy to grind coins for the Game Corner, or is there another way? If I spent Pokedollars to buy coins, 5,500 coins would cost ¥110,000. Is there a faster way to get that sum of money?

(I attempted this strategy for exactly an hour and got 693 coins from it, which is 11.55 coins/min, so the math seems approximately correct.)

Where do you get the coin case emerald?

Coin Case location in Pokemon Emerald. You need a coin case to play at the casino in Mauville City. Purchase a harbor mail from the poke mart in Slateport city, then give it to the lady in the house next to the poke mart in Mauville city and she will give you the coin case.

How do you get a coin case?

RSE - The Coin Case is obtained here by giving a Harbor Mail to a woman in Mauville City, who will reward your generosity with the coveted Coin Case.

What is the fastest way to get coins in Pokemon Emerald?

Use thief to steal a nugget from his Pokemon, then switch into the Pokemon with the amulet coin and beat him. He will give lots of money and you can sell the nugget for 5000 pokedollars. Now you can also check if the zigzagoons are holding anything so that you can also take and sell those items.

Where can I find coin case in Ruby?

Find a yellow looking house on the left side of the Pokemart. Head inside and talk to the lady. When the lady is finished talking, hand her over the Harbor Mail. In return, the lady will give you the Coin Case.


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