How do you beat the clone drone in the danger zone?

Story Mode is a game mode detailing an “epic tale of human defiance” where the player plays as a human’s mind implanted into a robot body who manages to escape the arena. Story Mode currently contains 5 fairly short chapters, which altogether can take around 45 minutes to a few hours to complete, depending on skill level.

Chapter 1[]

Chapter 1 starts similarly to endless mode, with the human entering the first level through the elevator. There are 10 levels to complete for the chapter. On level 5, the Emperor arrives from a battleship onto his throne above the back of the arena. This chapter only features mark 1-3 Sword Robots, Mark 1-3 Bow Robots and Spider-Tron 5000s. This is mainly due to the fact that these were the only robots in the game when it was released, and the devs haven’t updated this so as not to “overwhelm new players”. The upgrade tree is also limited similarly. At the end of level 10, a female head made of rotating pixels appears in front of you and time slows down greatly. She deactivates the garbage force field to allow you to run out of the arena and escape into the city.

Chapter 2[]

Chapter 2 is much the same as Chapter 1, except with the addition of Hammer Bots, Kick Bots and Spider-Tron 6000s. During the chapter, the screens on the side of the arena show a harvesting of operation on a human space station, with Jetpack Bots flying from battle cruisers onto the station. By the end of the chapter, a total of 100,000 humans have been harvested and the station is destroyed. As you complete level 10, the Garbage Bots exit the conveyor room as normal, but then pick you up and carry you through a section of the city, before depositing you into a room containing the human you played as in chapter 1. Then you hug each other, and the chapter ends.

Chapter 3[]

Chapter 3 is significantly different to the first two chapters, taking place outside the arena. Emila (the pixellated head from chapter 1) gives you a mission to infiltrate the Fleet Communications Beacon, a building where you can transfer your mind into the robot fleet, in an attempt to hijack the fleet and save earth from the robot invasion. Both humans are transferred into the building, and the player is given the option to switch between them throughout the chapter. You end up fighting through multiple floors of the building, with various layouts and enemies, many of which are armoured. The final boss is a Fleet Overseer. After defeating her, Emilia appears and begins transferring your minds onto the robot fleet, one after the other. Just after initiating the process, the Emperor enters the room from above, crushing the rescued humans. He reveals that Emilia was also once an escaped inferior being, before killing her by physically destroying everywhere her data is stored. Also, the Chapter 2 human is reconstructed at the back of the room, but is then killed by The Emperor. Whilst the humans are dead, the mind transfer continues and the Chapter 1 human is inserted into a Sword Robot on one of the battleships.

Chapter 4[]

This chapter starts with your human taking over a mark 1 Sword Robot, before being swiftly detected and executed by the 3 Spear bots. It’s then revealed that Emilia has implanted a transfer virus into your consciousness, allowing you to become any robot that kills you for a limited number of times. There are several checkpoints throughout the chapter, each replenishing your transfers. This is the first chapter to feature Spear Bots. The robot fleet enters combat with a human armada, causing “mild turbulence”, jolting the robots every few seconds, adding a small twist on combat. The robot fleet emerges victorious with no major damage. After fighting through the battlecruiser, the player will reach the bridge of the ship, where they will be challenged by the fleet captain. After defeating her, the four Fleet Analysis Bots on the bridge will initiate “emergency combat mode”, where they will fight the player using their unique abilities. After defeating them, the player approaches a computer terminal and the uplink virus takes over the ship, recognising you as Captain. The other battlecruisers notice this change, and aim their weapons at your ship.

Chapter 5[]

As enemy ships begin to fire upon you, the ship transports you into Mind-Space and requests your orders. You complete a hyperspace jump away from the rest of the robot fleet, and the ship’s computer gives you instructions on how to control the ship. You then fight against a portion of the Robot harvesting fleet, though upon destroying The Emperor’s ship, he ejects and boards your vessel, destroying its energy core before you can stop him. Your transfer virus moves you into a new body on a nearby ship but you are trapped in what is presumably a prison cell, and forced to watch the harvesting of your planet. However, after you bang on the door, a Mark V Sword Robot appears, who you realise to be the Chapter 2 human, who is then revealed in a cutscene to have also had the transfer virus and used it to board a vessel similar to how you did in Chapter 4, and have found their way to you. You and your old friend fight your way through the ship you’re on, and fight a Fleet Overseer before entering the bridge, where a battle with The Emperor himself ensues. Upon winning this fight, The Emperor demonstrates the futility of your efforts by simply being rebuilt in a new body. Deciding it’s the only way to stop him from cloning, you then enter the ship’s Mind-Space from a nearby terminal and destroy the settings for The Emperor’s cloning system, and then while seemingly being somewhat encouraged by The Emperor you destroy the Core Instruction that bends the minds of all robots to a specific goal. After re-entering physical space, The Emperor is no longer bound by the Core Instruction and instead of wasting time harvesting humans, just wants his fleet to destroy Earth and be done with it. He then upgrades his body to try and preserve his last life, and fights with the player again. Upon defeating The Emperor finally, the fleet again opens communications with The Emperor’s ship, and seeing what has happened the Captain of the fleet decides to leave and go and spend their time on something more productive, and apologises for destroying all Earth’s major population centres, and wishes you good luck. You then use the systems of the ship to build the bodies of lots of other humans in storage, and they all start hugging and dancing and then the credits begin. The end!


Each chapter can be played on different difficulty settings, with the difficulties being Normal, Hard, and Insane.

How do you block clone drones in the danger zone?

It requires half a bar of energy per arrow. It can be upgraded to slow time, have bigger arrows and have flaming arrows. It can be blocked by an upgraded sword or a shield. This is effective against most robots, but for higher level Sword robots you will need to kick them first.

How long does it take to beat Clone Drone in the Danger Zone?

Main Story
2h 2m
Main + Extras
4h 16m
52h 50m
All PlayStyles
15h 6m
How long is Clone Drone in the Danger Zone? | › gamenull

What is the ending of Clone Drone in the Danger Zone?

The final boss is a Fleet Overseer. After defeating her, Emilia appears and begins transferring your minds onto the robot fleet, one after the other. Just after initiating the process, the Emperor enters the room from above, crushing the rescued humans.


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