How can I soothe my dogs irritated skin after grooming?

Question: Treating a Dog for Skin Irritation from Grooming?

February 20, 2017

My dog just had a haircut and now her ears are itchy and have red spots. What home remedy could I use to clear them up? She's a Shih Tzu/Bichon. Thanks in advance.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts

February 21, 20172 found this helpful

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She might have been allergic to the shampoo the groomer used. Take her back to the groomer and have her re-shampooed
With shampoo for sensitive skin at no charge. If that doesn't help, call the vet

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February 21, 20172 found this helpful

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Dogs can get clipper burn from blades that are too dull, blades that are too hot, or clips that are too close. Or the dog may just be very sensitive.
Aloe Vera treatment for sunburn, the one with Lidocaine in it, will probably fix the problem.
In the future, ask that the dog salon use a blade that leaves more hair on a #7f, for instance, instead of a #10, and use a hypoallergenic shampoo.

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Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks

February 22, 20171 found this helpful

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If you plan to use the same groomer in the future - I would call them and ask that they make a note on your (doggie) chart about this problem so they will be aware of the problem in the future. If you plan to change groomers then I would call and ask about the type/brand of shampoo and other items used as well as the number clipper blade. Then you can be prepared for any future visits.

If you have an aloe plant you can just break off a 'leaf', cut it open and smear the contents on the red inflamed areas. This will not harm your dog. Even a cloth rinsed in warm water should help - but try not to keep the area wet and of course, keep her from scratching the area.

Here is a site that may explain what happened to cause this red area:

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Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 107 Posts

February 26, 20172 found this helpful

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You also should make sure she didn't get ringworm or mange from the groomer. I am sure your groomer did a great job of being hygienic, but if a dog that was treated before had these conditions your dog could've gotten infected.

A great thing to use on your dog is aloe vera: "Externally, aloe has many benefits. Aloe has been shown to have antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties, making it soothing to the skin. It contains prostaglandins, which may reduce inflammation, promote healing and alleviate allergic reactions. In addition to prostaglandins, according to Shawn Messonnier, DVM, in his book The Natural Vets Guide to Preventing and Treating Cancer in Dogs, acemannan, a polysaccharide immune stimulant found in aloe vera, may be helpful for pets with allergies, skin infections, and other diseases, including cancer, that suppress the immune system. Acemannan is approved for use as part of the therapy for treating fibrosarcoma tumors in pets.

Aloe can be applied to wounds, burns, eczema, or any other skin irritations like bites and stings. Hot spots? Aloes cool to the touch and will relieve your dogs discomfort. For best results, apply it twice a day for any of your pets skin ailments."

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Question: Treating a Dog's Skin Irritation from Grooming?

June 16, 2019

So it was time for my Maltese Shih Tzu's [Tofu] 6mo grooming. It was also time for his 2yr shots. I know it sounds bad, but with the situation I'm in his shots were too expensive. My paycheck isn't until next week so I decided to see if he'd let me groom him.

I don't trust groomers anymore because he always comes back with burns and big cuts. Tofu's fault or groomers fault, I decided if I can do my own hair I could do my dog's. He let me do most of it and I gave him plenty of breaks. I was shaving matting off after regrowth so I had to cut pretty close to his skin in some spots.

Four of those spots ended up with a small rash. He didn't whimper or whine and I didn't see it until way after so I didn't think I necessarily burned him. Maybe he's just sensitive. Two of those spots haven't healed and have scabs. I think he's scratching and licking them too much. I put a little aloe on the other two and they're gone already. But I can't keep him from messing with it when I'm at work. What should I do?


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts

June 16, 20190 found this helpful

Try coconut oil.

Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks

June 17, 20190 found this helpful

It is common for clippers to get pretty hot while you are using them. They can burn. The part that gets hot is the part closest to the dogs skin. Clipper burn is very common. I clipped and groomed all my dogs. I would work until the clipper blades got hot and then come back to it later and finish.

Antibiotic ointments make one version that has lidocaine in it. Lidocaine numbs whatever you put it on, for awhile (several hours). It is great for cuts and scrapes or itching of small areas. Sounds like it might work for this.

September 12, 20191 found this helpful

Topical Benadryl (or the like) from the local grocery store can work too. Just make sure you get the lidocaine version. This helps my Shitz when he gets shaved to close which happened this last time. New groomer.

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July 13, 20200 found this helpful

that comment about burning actual burning seems out of sync with all the other groomer blogs. It is irritation an dtrue burn is a rare hopefully never event!

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Question: Remedy for Dog's Irritated Skin from Grooming?

June 27, 2019

Today was my dog's first haircut. I want to ask what is the best thing that we need to do if our dog is irritated? And also her eyes are irritated they have red. We put on some clothes to cover up her paws for her to stop scratching.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts

June 27, 20190 found this helpful

Call the place. They may have shaved your dog too closely. You could put some coconut oil on the tender spots. Call the vet as well, especially about the eyes.

June 30, 20190 found this helpful

Grind up some oatmeal and put it in a piece of pantyhose. Put it in his bath like a bath bomb. It will soothe her skin.

September 6, 20190 found this helpful

Be careful with oatmeal, though. I bought my maltese expensive shampoo and conditioner with oatmeal that was supposed to be gentle on his skin. He itched and scratched for days. Being a bad mom, I tried again thinking it was a fluke.

Nope, the reaction was even worse the second time. Not all dogs will get relief from oatmeal based products. I threw all that out.

Answer this Question

Why does my dog get a rash after grooming?

Post-grooming furunculosis is a deep skin infection that occurs rather quickly, usually on the back of dogs (where grooming products are commonly placed). The infection is often due to an organism, particularly Pseudomonas aeruginosa, that is associated with water environments.

Why is my dog so itchy after the groomer?

Your dog could be itchy after grooming because of a skin infection, clipper burn or even sensitive skin. A cone often prevents the dog from itching furiously and breaking the skin. We recommend getting new clippers, mild shampoo, and anti-itch ointment to deal with the pesky itch.

How do you soothe a dog with razor burn?

An Oatmeal Bath, is a great way to soothe the skin, but if you've just gotten your pup home from the groomer, you may not want to have to start from scratch. However, if your pup has large areas of razor burn, this is going to be an effective way to soothe it.

Can dogs get dermatitis from grooming?

If you shave the hair all the way down to the skin, that's certainly a possibility. Sometimes it's not the shaving or water but, rather, mild, transient contact dermatitis because of substances used to clean a dog that were never applied before.

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