Has gas ever been $5 a gallon in Florida?

It’s proof of “voter fraud” that it takes some states days to count 2 million votes while Florida results were available on election night.

By Madison Czopek • November 16, 2022

(One note of caution: If you need to fill up near the Orlando airport, shop around!)

As for Paul, we suspect he read headlines that gave the wrong impression on Florida gas prices. In fact, we found only two of approximately 7,100 gas stations that even come close to the price he cites.

We wouldn't bring a flaming Truth-O-Meter to a filling station, but that's what this one deserves. Pants on Fire!

Joe Biden

stated on September 27, 2020 a speech:

Says Amy Coney Barrett “has a written track record, disagreeing adamantly with the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the ACA. In fact, she publicly criticized Chief Justice Roberts’ opinion upholding the law eight years ago.”

By Angie Drobnic Holan • September 28, 2020

Instagram posts

stated on September 22, 2020 an Instagram post:

Like Al-Qaeda and ISIS, Amy Coney Barrett has said her “end goal is to end the separation of church and state & build a ‘Kingdom of God’ in the United States.”

By Angie Drobnic Holan • September 27, 2020

Ilhan Omar

stated on March 23, 2019 a speech:

Says that the Council on American-Islamic Relations was founded in response to 9/11.

By Angie Drobnic Holan • April 15, 2019

Mike Pence

stated on September 4, 2016 an interview on "Meet the Press":

Says Hillary Clinton "wants to increase Syrian refugees to this country by 550 percent."

By Angie Drobnic Holan • September 4, 2016

Antonio Sabato Jr.

stated on July 19, 2016 an interview with ABC News:

Says President Barack Obama is "absolutely" a Muslim.

By Angie Drobnic Holan • July 19, 2016

Donald Trump

stated on June 22, 2016 a speech in New York City:

Says Hillary Clinton "said she was under attack (in Bosnia) but the attack turned out to be young girls handing her flowers."

By Jon Greenberg • June 22, 2016

Marco Rubio

stated on January 17, 2016 an interview on "Meet the Press":

Hostages were released as soon as Ronald Reagan took office because Iran perceived that America was "no longer under the command of someone weak."

By Angie Drobnic Holan • January 17, 2016

Ben Carson

stated on September 27, 2015 an interview on ABC's "This Week":

"We've had examples like in Yuma County, where we've been able to stop 97 percent of the illegal (immigration) flow, and those programs, they abolish."

By Angie Drobnic Holan • September 27, 2015

Charlie Crist

stated on October 14, 2014 a campaign ad:

Says Rick Scott changed his promise from 700,000 jobs created "on top of what normal growth would be" to just 700,000 jobs.

By Angie Drobnic Holan • October 14, 2014

Charlie Crist

stated on March 3, 2014 in an interview on CNN:

On the economic stimulus.

By Angie Drobnic Holan • September 30, 2014

Americans For Tax Reform

stated on April 14, 2014 in a press release:

"Obama has proposed 442 tax hikes since taking office."

By Angie Drobnic Holan • April 22, 2014

National Republican Congressional Committee

stated on February 12, 2014 a television ad:

"300,000 Floridians will lose their current health plans" because of Obamacare, a plan Alex Sink supports.

By Angie Drobnic Holan • February 14, 2014

Janet Napolitano

stated on August 27, 2013 a speech at the National Press Club:

The 2010 DREAM Act failed despite "strong bipartisan support."

By Angie Drobnic Holan • August 28, 2013

Chain email

stated on May 29, 2013 a chain email:

Says the word "Dhimmitude" is on page 107 of the health care law and means "Muslims are specifically exempted from the government mandate to purchase insurance."

By Angie Drobnic Holan • May 30, 2013

Marco Rubio

stated on May 3, 2013 a position on legislation:

On an early date for Florida's presidential primary

By Angie Drobnic Holan • May 9, 2013