Harry potter master of death dimension travel fanfiction

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  1. TagsSummary

    Harry’s convinced he doesn’t have a soulmate. Why else would there be no response to things he writes on his skin?

    • Part 7 of Right in Tune
  2. TagsSummary

    Time is always moving.
    Backwards, forwards.
    100 years after the second Wizarding War. Life is good. Life is a constant light. There is no evil that lurks. No villains that conquer. But.... what if that could all change in a moment. For Cepheus it was two moments.
    One, the night the darkness caved in on his life.
    Two, the day time began to move backwards.

    Book 1 in the 'Time Series'.

    ~ All characters and plot that are not my own belong to J.K. Rowling. ~

    Started: March 14, 2022

    • Part 1 of Time
  3. TagsSummary

    Harry doesn't age while everyone he loves does. Sick of losing all those around him, Harry decides to move to a new world thanks to a ritual Hermione found.

    He ends up in a shithole without indoor plumbing where he meets a small but clever fellow named Bilbo Baggins who brings him along on a little adventure towards the east.

  4. TagsSummary

    Regina Lillian Potter dies too young...but Death in her wisdom, schemes with Morpheus, and chaos ensues...Poor Voldie

    Language:English Words:9,600Chapters:8/?Kudos:137Bookmarks:46Hits:2166
  5. TagsSummary

    What does a wizard look like after their magic has been repressed for their whole life? Who knows, Harry died before he could get to it.

  6. TagsSummary

    A year has passed since Harry and Theo came back to the past, and now Harry has to prepare himself for a difficult year. Mainly on his mind rather than his body. The threat of Dumbledore always on the forefront. Then he has to take into account Dolores Umbridge and all chaos ensues.

    Cedric's Empathy is growing steadily stronger and now hes battling with his growing depression. To say that Empathy and depression don't go well together would be an understatement. Furthermore, his relationship with his father is changing again, morphing into something terrifying and foreign. Cedric hates everything in his home life, but as an Empath he can't hate. He needs Harry now more than anything.

    On the other hand the Dursleys are none the wiser of their time travelling "nephew" and Harry wouldn't have it any other way. Now Hogwarts has to prepare for his second year of changes.

    • Part 2 of Time travel: Harry Severus Lupin
  7. TagsSummary

    Harry was supposed to pick- move on and be with his parents, or go back to finish the battle with Voldemort. But even Dumbledore doesn't know everything, and Harry finds that there are actually a lot more options than those two.

    Harry wants more than what he got. He wants a home. He wants a family. He wants a chance to be happy. He isn't sure he deserves all that, but he's going to try anyway. If only to spite Dumbledore and Voldemort's plans both.

    OR: Harry Potter wakes up ten years old but with all of his memories from age seventeen. He immediately begins to make Mistakes.

    • Part 1 of time and other illusions
  8. TagsSummary

    Harry Potter has made a fateful deal to defeat Lord Voldemort. Well over a year after the end of the Battle of Hogwarts, the other side demands fulfilment of the bargain, which the-boy-who-lived owes. When the Malfoy family turns to the hero for help with their seriously ill son and Harry realises that he is not innocent of his condition, he finds himself in a seemingly hopeless predicament. Once again, it is not only the past and old debts that catch up with him. Harry has to decide between what is right and what is easy.

  9. TagsSummary

    What happens if Draco had asked for help from the right place?

    A story dealing with Depression... Trauma...Romance... and how Draco took both Light and Dark Lords down to save the wixen world while saving his heart in the journey.

    The way he stared at him, the way his eyes always followed his each and every single move, the way Draco's heart ached whenever the shining bright eyes narrowed at him... His aura fragile yet strong... His eyes... Salazar his eyes! It almost made him imagine that they begged Draco to strip in front of him so he could get a taste…

    "T-Thank you but If you really want to help me, Show me a way to end this… show me a way to make this right…"

    Nothing happened, and Draco sighed.

    Oh, what an imbecile he was...

    But then......

    ‘The Property of Star-Crossed Black-’

  10. TagsSummary

    After Harry and Hermione died at Malfoy Manor, Harry meets his reaper in the afterlife. To his surprise, this isn't remotely the first time he had died, but to finally fulfil his destiny this time he will be sent back with his memories and some additional preparation thanks to some long dead people like the founders and a few of his ancestors. This time Dumbledore's manipulations and the Weasleys' love potioning won't happen, rest assured.

    Back at Ollivanders with Hagrid, Harry starts changing things rapidly, especially since he ran into his soulmate - Hermione. Upon a first touch she starts to remember everything. Minerva McGonagall and the Grangers rescue Harry from the Dursleys and as Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter, with advanced magical skill, knowledge of Dumbledore's and Voldemort's plans and his soulmate on his side a whole new life can begin.

    My personal interpretation of the Grim Reaper challenge.

    Language:EnglishWords:32,438Chapters: 7/?Collections:1Kudos:447Bookmarks:155Hits:13234
  11. TagsSummary

    The summer after her godfather's death, Hydra decided that she was done. Done with the war, done with fighting, done with people dying for her. Throwing caution to the wind, she begins negotiations with the maniac who seems ..less insane than usual.

    Two years later, she returns from Egypt with new alluring magic dancing under her skin and a mission bring balance between Light and Dark. Oh and to put her soulmate back together again.

    Updated summary!

    Language:EnglishWords:33,834Chapters:12/?Kudos:634Bookmarks:195 Hits:10165
  12. TagsSummary

    What will happen when Harry Potter finds himself in a new world with new abilities and a walking undead? What is Harry to do with his new wings and a new task, given to him by Death no less? Go ahead and read to find out.

  13. TagsSummary

    The burnt piece of parchment had the name Harry Potter written on it. The only problem was that it didn’t specify which Harry Potter, and the Goblet of Fire only chose those who were worthy, which meant that a certain Master of Death was pulled from the future.

    • Part 3 of Masters of Death in the Multiverse
    Language:EnglishWords:7,600Chapters: 2/?Collections:1Kudos:591Bookmarks:168Hits:8130
  14. TagsSummary

    Harry Potter returns to his past following the devastation of a catastrophic war between Magicals and non-Magicals that has nearly destroyed the world, and Magic, with it. This time, he will make sure the Magical world is prepared. This time, they won’t lose everything.

    • Part 1 of Lords of Magic
  15. TagsSummary

    Auror Captain Harry Potter has a secret. Since he united the three Deathly Hallows, he cannot die. Seven years since he came back to life the first time, he finds himself to not be the only immortal at large in Great Britain. A rogue cult of vampires threatens both muggle and magic lives, forcing the Ministry to drag Harry back into the frontlines. With no choice but to do his duty, Harry not only has to deal with vampires, but with keeping his own immortality a secret. He at least is not alone with Hermione Granger on his side, the only person who knows his secret. She alone knows that he is the Master of Death and she'll do anything to keep him safe from the danger that knowledge could bring him. No matter the cost.

  16. TagsSummary

    Two immortals enjoy their happy married life in Namimori while doing their best to hide their identity from each other. But how long can their facades last when it seems that fate is desperate to disrupt them?

  17. TagsSummary

    Finding a way to get out from under Dumbledore's thumb, Harry takes it.
    Even with it being with the help from the Dark Lord, he finds that not all is what it seems.
    Finding what Dumbledore has been trying to make happen without his pawn there, he goes back to the UK to protect it and the people he finds himself welcomed with.
    He didn't think he'd be falling for his prophetized enemy, nor expect to lose what he only just found in an effort for the Dark to play one last ace in the war against the light.

  18. TagsSummary

    Harry dies of a disease and reincarnates as Doran Martell. He will live this life at its fullest. He will became a pioneer in many fields: navigation, technology, art... Careful Planetos the Renaissance is here.

    Language:EnglishWords:63,859Chapters:47/?Kudos:827 Bookmarks:255Hits:33016
  19. TagsSummary

    "I can send you back. Not to your body, but to one many years ago. Harry, you must fix the natural order of Death, on my behalf."


    Harry's breath faltered. It was all so confusing... Harry had died. He had died and spoken to Death and suddenly he was standing in Hogwarts, in 1942, and the Sorting Hat had just pronounced him Slytherin. Death had chuckled at that.

  20. TagsSummary

    A Harry Potter rewrite. Everything is the same, except it isn’t. Draco Malfoy is a seer since he was eight years old, Lucius Malfoy is an asshole who abuses his wife and his kid. Harry has some braincells for once and actually cares about himself. Snape just hopes the boys don’t get themselves killed.

    The meeting at Madam Malkin’s goes very differently, changing the course of the story. Harry goes to Slytherin, Dumbledore still is a manipulative twat, and Ronald Weasley is a little bitch. This is a concoction of my headcanons and self-indulgent at the best of times. Possibly, crack? Hopefully, friends to lovers. 

    Be warned, English is not my first language. 


    Language: EnglishWords:149,151Chapters:49/?Kudos:900Bookmarks:227Hits:44202

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