Halo Infinite game pass campaign not working Reddit

yesterday i was able to play the campaign just fine on my pc using the game pass and now when i try to launch it it just brings me to gaming services in the microsoft store is this a issue for anyone else and does anyone know how to fix it
Edit doing this fixed the issue for me so if your having the same issue i would try this

Open up the Xbox App. Go to My Collection, Select Halo, then click the [ . . . ] Button, then "Manage Game".

Untick the box that says "High-Res Textures", and click Apply Changes
thanks for the help confusinglyscary

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Found the internet!


I have Xbox game pass and have installed both halo infinite multiplayer and campaign. But whenever I try to play the campaign, it says that I need to buy it; which I don't because I have game pass. Any help to fix this please?

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level 1

Are you sure you have game pass? Check your subscription status

level 2

Just checked and for some reason it had cancelled my subscription, so I reactivated it and it's all good now.

level 1

Is this on Xbox or pc? I had a similar issue on pc with flight simulator, and had to log out and back in on the Xbox app to recognize my gamepass (that had been active for a few years).

Posted by8 months ago


Ive reinstalled it 4 times , updated all the drives, ive redownloaded the hd textures . And still after the 3,2,1 countdown it, it still doesn't load . Has anybody found a solution ?

level 1

Had the same issue seems xbox still detects your campaign saves hence requiring gp or lg. Multiplayer worked for me by uninstalling the campaign. If theres better approach let me know.

level 2

If I delete it could I get my campaign save back if I reup game pass or buy it?

level 1

Did deleting campaign solved your problem?

level 2

It's a free to play game. No gamepass or live gold required.

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The whole point of a video game is to be entertained and have fun. Don't let anyone ruin that for you.

At this point you might as well wait for 343/microsoft to fix this shitty issue...

I've been trying since release and nothing has worked for me. I've gone as far as editing things in regedit as well as dcom settings for the game app. Uninstalled, reinstalled. Tried to launch with and without HD textures. Reset the game, repaired the game. Tried opening in a windowed mode. Reinstalled windows 10. Tried opening on a clean boot, disabled NVidia local container. Updated drivers, updated windows, updated everything in Wstore. I've done Wsreset.exe in cmd, i've done SFC /scannow which returned 0 bad results. Did chkdsk and my drives are all fine with 0 bad results.

So, i've decided it'd be easier if we all as a community have it all under one thread to help others with this issue find every potential fix or add to the list of things that could fix it, or atleast help identify the issue with it launching.

I've given up trying to find a way to be able to play the campaign, but so far to me it seems like i'd have to purchase it on steam. But then that would make buying the gamepass pointless. Right now a lot of players are not getting the service they asked for which is beyond a joke. It's even more of a joke they're blaming it on GPU's or incompatible software, even to people that were perfectlt running the game on Steam, but completely unable to even get the game to open up on Xbox App.

Some things i've found so far.

-Analysing the wait chain for HaloInfinite.exe shows that the process is waiting for its own .exe, not sure if this is a potential cause of the issues or just a fluke.

-Spam clicking either the desktop shortcut, xbox app play button, launching through Nvidia, all return the same results of the game launching as a background process. Sometimes if lucky, from rapidly clicking the game will display the error message 0xC0000142. (I had over 250+ instances of Halo Infinite running)

-Looking within the WpSystem folder located just under WinApps (Where Infinite should be installed) follow this path. WpSystem/(your pc id)/AppData/Local/Packages/Microsoft.2544(etc). Once on the screen related to Halo Infinite, click LocalCache and go all the way through. The cached files at the end all appear with a greyed out X next to the files. I do not know whether this is related to the issues of Halo Infinite launching, or if these are designed to appear like that. Regardless, I have tried everything I've found online to remove those X's to no avail.

Edit: -Using procexp64.exe to allow me to view processes more clearly shows Halo Infinite running under this tree. Sihost>HaloInfinite>DumpTool>ConHost. When clicking on HaloInfinite, going into the properties and then clicking "Bring Forward" displays the message "This process has no window".

Microsoft fix your shitty gamepass application so people can use the services they've paid for.

Why can't I play Halo Infinite Campaign on Game Pass?

Go to windows settings > apps > search for gaming services app > click on it and select advanced options. After that, click repair and then restore, open the app and try again. Then do the same for the Xbox app: Go to windows settings > apps > search for Xbox app > click on it and select advanced options.

Why is Halo Infinite Campaign not launching?

If you can't play Halo Infinite Campaign, restart your computer and router. Then, repair your game files, and install the latest updates. If the issue persists, this indicates the game failed to install correctly. Reinstall Halo Infinite Campaign to fix corrupted or missing game files.

Is Halo Infinite no longer on Game Pass?

The good news is: yes, Halo Infinite has been available on Xbox Game Pass for console and PC players since day one. This means that players who are currently subscribed to the Game Pass service can download and play the game whenever they'd like to.

How do you install Halo Infinite Campaign on Game Pass?

On your Xbox, go to the Game Pass app..
Search for "Halo Infinite.” The multiplayer part of the game is free..
On the Game Pass page for the game, select Install..
The game will start downloading and installing..


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