Girl hell 1999 where to watch

Not your run of the mill movie community. We are dedicated to some of the most morbid, macabre, strange, obscure, and disturbing flicks out there! Films that show you the reality of human nature, make you question your morals, or simply ask "what the huh?" This is r/disturbingmovies!

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  • 19991999
  • 1h 5m

Misaki is a girl trapped in a world violent beyond compare. Her home life is a wreck, two men are interested in her, and a homeless woman she regularly visits. But little does she know life ... Read allMisaki is a girl trapped in a world violent beyond compare. Her home life is a wreck, two men are interested in her, and a homeless woman she regularly visits. But little does she know life is only going to get more violent...Misaki is a girl trapped in a world violent beyond compare. Her home life is a wreck, two men are interested in her, and a homeless woman she regularly visits. But little does she know life is only going to get more violent...

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    Another Daisuke Yamanouchi's sickie.

    "Girl Hell 1999" aka "Injured Murder Rape Film" is another nasty film from Daisuke Yamanouchi's oeuvre.I own this sickie in Japanese,so the plot is not fully understandable for me,but here we go:a girl enjoys riding her bike and she meets her homeless mother in a field who is breastfeeding a doll(actual milk comes out).One day she comes back home and she sees her father raping her older sister who is bandaged almost head to toe.A rich pervert is stalking her and she encounters two teenagers on a murder and rape rampage.Japanese exploitation director Daisuke Yamanouchi specializes in making obscure and very nasty pinku eiga oriented films filled with sadistic rape and sexual abuse."Girl Hell 1999" has a feeling of "Red Room" movies and "Mu Zan E" as it offers plenty of nihilism.An interesting curio for fans of ero gro.All others should avoid it.7 out of 10.

    • HumanoidOfFlesh
    • Jul 14, 2008

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