Final fantasy 14 where the heart is

Where the Heart Is (Mist)

Ahctkoen has information that may interest wealthy adventurers.

— In-game description


  • Mist




  • Speak with Roeganlona.
  • Journey to Mist.
  • Speak with the Storm Recruit.
  • Speak with Ahctkoen.


  • Ahctkoen has information that may interest wealthy adventurers.
  • Rumor has it that plots within Mist are to be auctioned off, and that even foreigners will be permitted to purchase them. Should you wish to learn more, Ahctkoen advises you to search for a Maelstrom representative outside the gates to Mist in lower La Noscea.
  • Roeganlona explains that only adventurers will be permitted to settle in Mist, as part of an initiative to encourage their immigration to Limsa Lominsa. Though it would require substantial funds to build and maintain an estate, she assures you that it would be well worth the expense, and encourages you to visit Mist so that you may see the lands for yourself.
  • As promised, Mist exceeds all expectation. To learn more about the residential area, speak with the storm recruit stationed near the entrance.
  • Alas, the recruit confirms that Lominsan citizens are prohibited from purchasing plots in Mist. Doubtless many adventurers will flock to the region-- and many Lominsans like Ahctkoen will envy them deeply. Perhaps it would be best if you were the one to deliver the bad news to him.
  • Ahctkoen is understandably disappointed that he cannot participate in the land auctions, though he is aware that in these troubled times Limsa Lominsa must rely on adventurers more than ever. Should you share his dream of home ownership, it would behoove you to speak with the cretaker-in-residence in Mist to learn more.



Margeria: Central Shroud - Bentbranch - Bentbranch Meadows (x:21.7, y:21.9)

Closest Aetheryte: Bentbranch Meadows


Any Class (Level 10)




Miscellaneous Reward

Connection of Gridania and Lavender Bed aetheryte networks.

Margeria has information that may interest wealthy adventurers.
  • Speak with Emblyn.
  • Journey to the Lavender Beds.
  • Speak with the serpent recruit.
  • Report to Margeria.

  • Margeria has information that may interest wealthy adventurers.
  • Rumor has it that plots within the Lavender Beds are to be auctioned off, and that even foreigners will be permitted to purchase them. Should you wish to learn more, Margeria advises you to search for a Twin Adder representative at the Mirror Planks in the Central Shroud, where the ferry to the Lavender Beds can be found.
  • Emblyn explains that only adventurers will be permitted to settle in the Lavender Beds, as part of an initiative to encourage immigration to Gridania. Though it would require substantial funds to build and maintain an estate, she assures you that it would be well worth the expense, and encourages you to visit the Beds so that you may see the lands for yourself.
  • As promised, the Lavender Beds exceed all expectation. To learn more about the residential area, speak with the serpent recruit stationed at the docks.
  • Alas, the recruit confirms that Gridanian citizens are prohibited from purchasing plots in the Lavender Beds. Doubtless many adventurers will flock to the region─and many Gridanians like Margeria will envy them deeply. Perhaps it would be best if you were the one to deliver the bad news to her.
  • Margeria is understandably disappointed that she cannot participate in the land auctions, though she is aware that in these troubled times Gridania must rely on adventurers more than ever. Should you share her dream of home ownership, it would behoove you to speak with the resident caretaker in the Lavender Beds to learn more.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but are you not an adventurer? I've seen you running to and fro, face set in grim determination as adventurers are wont to do, hence my presumption. If so, I've information which might interest you.

Rumor has it that plots within the Lavender Beds are to be auctioned off.

What's more, bidders need not even be Gridanian! Any old adventurer or wandering minstrel could─with sufficient funds─purchase land and build their own home!

Considering how discerning the elementals tend to be about who can and cannot reside within the Twelveswood, it's rather surprising, if not hard to believe.

But if there is truth to these rumors, well... Who hasn't dreamed of owning their own forest cottage, perhaps with a small vegetable garden and a stable large enough for a chocobo or two...

You know, should your travels take you to the Mirror Planks, where the ferry to the Lavender Beds is, perhaps you'll find a Twin Adder representative who can tell you more. I would be shocked if they weren't involved in such a monumental change in policy.

A good


to you, sir. What can I─ Ah, you wish to know about the auctions. Very well, allow me to explain.

There is a growing concern that our immigration policies may have been a tad...restrictive in the past.

And so, the Seedseer Council and the Order of the Twin Adder have, with the blessing of the elementals, decreed that the Lavender Beds be set aside for adventurers.

Adventurers who possess the necessary funds to purchase and maintain their estates, that is.

Should you look upon the Beds with your own eyes, though, I think you'll agree that it's well worth the price.

Have a word with the skipper over yonder─she'll ferry you across.

A recruit stationed at the pier can tell you more about the Beds once you've arrived.

You adventurers are quite fortunate. The Lavender Beds are renowned for their exquisite beauty.

No words can do it justice─take the ferry there and see for yourself.

Greetings, adventurer, and welcome to the Lavender Beds.

Oh? You come at the behest of a Gridanian woman?

I regret to inform you that these plots are reserved for adventurers. Your friend will not be permitted to take part in the auctions.

You, on the other hand, would be more than welcome to participate. Should you have a mind to purchase a plot for yourself, pray speak with the resident caretaker. He can guide you through the process.

Good to see you again, friend. Did you learn anything about the Lavender Beds?

Oh, adventurers only? Is that so... Well, these are trying times, and it's more important than ever for Gridania to attract capable individuals like yourself.

I'm sure that one day my dreams will come to fruition. One day, I'll have my own cottage and stables, filled with my beloved chocobos...


    How do I get to lavender beds Ffxiv?

    You can get to lavender beds via central shroud. If you pick up the level ten quest at Bentbranch, once complete you can warp to Lavender Beds via the Gridania aethernet at no charge.

    How do I journey to the goblet?

    The Goblet entry is in Western Thanlan if you didn't activate the quick warp from Ul'dah yet. Western Thanalan at bottom right of the map, a quick walk if you exit Ul'dah to Western Thanalan. Oh you need the quest to enter the area. You'll unlock it as you progress.

    How do I unlock Goblet housing?

    The Goblet is the housing area in Ul'dah. Its entrance is located in Western Thanalan; players can also access the area by talking to Ivory Sparrow in Ul'dah - Steps of Thal near the Miner's Guild (x:11,y:14).

    How do I get to shirogane housing?

    This Far Eastern settlement is where players will be able to purchase a house for their Free Company or as a private homeowner. To gain access to this area, the player has to complete a sidequest in Kugane and travel to the place by a ferry.


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