Dunlop Hyperfibre XT Revelation Pro Lite review

The Hyperfibre+ is covered in awesome geometric patterns, giving it a slick technical look. The main colours being red, dark silver, and black, it's a subtly smart looking racquet that gives off a stealthy vibe.

The racquet also comes fully strung with Dunlop's own white strings, and a white grip to match. It also features branding all over, just to remind you that you're using a racquet made by one of the most established squash brands on the scene!


First things first, I must mention the weighting, this racquet is incredibly light, with an unstrung weight of 125 grams, and a head-light balance point, it's instantly clear that this racquet is very maneuverable. I practiced a few swings, and the Hyperfibre+ felt great for assisting a short punchy swing.

This racquet comes with Dunlop's own Hydra Max Pro grip, which feels tacky but not uncomfortable. The grip also has breathable air holes to help absorb more sweat from your hand. 

This light weighting should hopefully do a great job of assisting volleying, and dominating the 'T' as much as possible. Usually, with this type of racquet, power isn't the focus, and control may be more accessible. I guess we'll see when I get on court...


Full disclosure, I've never used Dunlop racquets before, and I'm quite a dedicated Tecnifibre user. But I try to be as open-minded as possible when trying out different racquets!

I hit a few drives, drops, and volleys to myself with the Hyperfibre+ Revelation, and I was instantly hooked. The strings had a soft feel to them, which allowed me to feel and control the ball very well on contact, and the 14X19 string pattern re-enforced this. The large 490cm2 head size gave the racquet a pretty generous sweet spot.

I also noticed that if you put the effort in, you will be rewarded with a surprising amount of power. Obviously, since the racquet is so light, you'll have to put some extra force behind your swing to access this pace. But last of all, my favourite aspect was the touch, it felt incredibly satisfying to gently place balls into the front of the court with ease.


Overall I've got to say that this racquet is ideal for a more advanced player who's looking for a racquet that'll help them dominate the 'T', volley when possible, and access all the speed and maneuverability they want!

The Dunlop Hyperfibre XT Revelation Pro Lite is appearing in July 2019. This is part of Dunlop’s Hyperfibre XT range and is the successor to the Dunlop Hyperfibre+ Revelation Pro Lite.

Update: this racket is being replaced by the Dunlop Sonic Core Revelation Pro Lite in 2021

Product Info

Release year: 2019
Price: $150

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Product ID: 67447

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Racket Specs chart

Advertised weight (unstrung): 125 grams
Head size: 490 cm sq
String pattern: 14x19
Measured weight (all-in): 151.5 grams
Measured balance: 36 cm
Factory strings: Dunlop Great White 17 Gauge

Here’s my review. In short, loved it — and it was a bit different from the previous model.

Dunlop Hyperfibre XT Revelation Pro Lite

I have a review today of the Dunlop hyper fibre XT revelation pro light big thanks to Dunlop for sending me this racquet to review I have been testing this out in a couple of matches and have some feedback for you I loved this racket from the moment I started hitting with it so I’m just going to go ahead and start with that I’m gonna compare it to the prior version of this racket and I’m going to compare it a little bit to the alley frog version of the rack of this racket both this pro light and the pro revelation Pro are coming out with new versions in 2019 they Dunlop have redone the cosmetics

I think that they look really nice it just looks more kind of tidy I guess you could say I mentioned in the unboxing video how they have on the frame there as they call it a flying D that’s their logo fits into the kind of color scheme of the racquet and this is the old one it’s nice and that well it’s nice for Dunlop and that it promotes Dunlop on the side there but I just think this looks a lot cooler with color scheme Mrs. dolly for ah gwaan I guess I’m going to launch into the comparison of the cosmetics just for a second which is the alley frog has the black Dunlop silk strings and the pro light has the white strings and again black grip for the pro-white grip for the pro light so the way to tell them apart because it’s the same color of sort of greyish Rhondda shred is that the light racquet is lighter in color and the grip and the strings it’s also lighter on the scale the balance point of this measured at 36 centimeters just kind of medium

I would say versus the alley frog which is at 38 and a half centimeters with just a two and a half points higher but this is just quite a head heavy racket definitely for someone who has the arm and wrist strength to to use it to full effect even as someone who’s play squash for most of their life I even find this one a little bit I’m hard too hard to handle maybe four maybe it really is for the for the pros out there although this has a lot of fans that within squash source I’m just not strong enough even though when you look at these guns you might think I might be but the pro light this is more my style and the prior model I remember I remember liking it but mostly yes the fact that it was a little lighter than the than the pro and I could maneuver it a little better but I as I recall I thought it was just a little too light if I’m kind of splitting hairs and the racket I’ve been playing with was was actually it dunlop evolution for the last 12 months which is was a bit heavier so this was quite a departure the reason why i liked this new model of the pro light so much was and it does it feels different it’s not just cosmetically different it felt different on court

in the old model that the weight is more here in the head on the sides I could feel it at 3:00 and 9:00 o’clock and that was the lightness of this racket was the fact that in the balance the weight the x-ray weight was here as opposed to in the top of the head this one felt a little more higher up a little higher up not it’s not head heavy but it just felt higher up than this one then the old version and so I was confused about what was going on when I talked to to fill from Dunlop about what the difference is between these two rackets whether there was a difference and he told me that the actual the the specs of the racket the manufacturing process of the old and new models they’re meant to come out on average the same weight and balance from generation to generation but that the hyper fiber xt model which is the new one the the reinforcements this is some kind of I don’t know a ballistic fibers or something but it’s reinforcement for the frame and they’ve in the new model they’ve put it at he said ten I think he said ten o’clock and 2 o’clock or whatever that wherever the clock is it’s a little bit closer to the diagonal point here

I guess where you can see this little kind of hash marks on the frame and also down here in the throat interestingly the overall feel was one of more it was a little stiffer whereas this one I could feel it coming through the bull hold when I could feel it coming through the ball nicely and it was steady kind of at this point of the shot this just felt overall more kind of of a solid hit and it was it was still light enough that I could maneuver it in it if I got stuck in a tricky situation like stuck in a back corner or a ball comes at me quickly and I have to think fast and with the pro with the Olie frog when I’m just not able to get on it quick enough if I get stuck it’s fine if I have tons of time to set up and take a nice proper swing but in a tricky situation

I like the pro light much better and I think I’m probably going to be switching to this racket for this year so it’s definitely a winner and in my book in terms of the measurements I think I said this came out at 36 centimeters on my scale which is I believe the same as the prior model and the weight of this 150 10.5 grams all in it’s an advertised weight 125 grams 151 and a half all in which includes the grip and the strings that is quite similar to the prior version which was only about a gram lighter and there are of course some variants in the manufacturing process so they did turn out the same in terms of oh and the old one had 36 centimeters balance point – so they turned out the same in terms of specs but the feel is definitely different and in my opinion definitely better so so definitely happy with this one another thing that I like about dunlop racquets and this is a personal preference

I like smaller a smaller grip this is a bit smaller than your on the smaller side for grips no different from usual if you’re used to Dunlop it’s just one thing about the grips that I do like I like to lay a little flatter in terms of how I hold the racket a bit like Ali Farag who really doesn’t like how he holds the racket so I’m kind of laughing but I do the same thing I like to hold it kind of flat and if it’s a bigger grit I end up feeling like it’s more of a club in my hand whereas this allows me to hit it flatter one thing I will say about this is its light it’s nice and stiff but unlike my prior racket I’ll do a head-to-head comparison in another video but unlike my prior racket where it’s a bit heavier and it’s more like a battleship the other one when you start swinging as long as you get it started it’s going to come through the ball this is light enough

I won’t take much of a backswing and I’ll be able to flick it and then you forget to actually take a swing through the ball and so you definitely have to when you’re preparing your shot you definitely have to remember to actually swing through it and put a little of the weight of the head behind it or you’re going to end up with a with no follow-through and a dead shot

so that is that’s just something that had to click in my mind as I was switching from a slightly heavier racket to this one but it was overall like I said definitely a favorable impression so that is the Dunlop hyper fiber XT revelation pro light


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