Dog wont let groomer cut hair

It sounds like a silly problem but my dog won't let us groom him and he's starting to look a mess and I'm getting worried.

He needs to be trimmed, especially the face but last time I tried to take him to the groomers he pulled against the lead, refusing to budge, tail down, absolutely terrified... I gave in and took him home. BTW last time I did manage to take him to the groomer they said he was really difficult and only one lady there can actually do him, he's aggressive too and will bite. He can't be muzzled because he doesn't have a snout (he's a shih tzu).

Was wondering if the vet could give him something to calm him down so I can take him to the groomer?

Any advice welcome.

What do you do if your dog won't let you groom it?

Begin with short grooming sessions in a room with no distractions. Use a toy to distract the dog or treats to keep his mind on something besides the brush. A soft brush used gently should be your first grooming tool. Once the dog is comfortable with this, you can use a comb or stiffer brush as needed.

How do groomers deal with difficult dogs?

Groomers might cover an aggressive dog's face with a towel while moving the dog. Aggressive dogs are restrained with a loop and most groomers have muzzles on hand for the toughest dogs. Neither of these devices will hurt your dog. Both ensure your dog stays on the table during the groom for her own safety.


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