Dock a tot vs snuggle me Reddit

Honestly, they are expensive and they are both likely to be removed from the market in the US pretty soon because while babies do typically like them, they just aren't safe. They say don't use them for sleep but then when you're desperate as a parent and your baby just sleeps SO GOOD in them, it can be hard not to get a little lax. So I vote neither.

I would suggest looking up how to safely co-sleep, even if you don't intend to do so. You just can't know how your baby is going to do sleep wise and how you'll handle sleep deprivation, so spend some time now learning about how to do it safely so you're less likely to find yourself and baby in a bad situation.

Also, I personally found that swaddling was more effective for sleep for my baby than the dock a tot we had. We used a few different swaddles - for a while I really liked the sleep pea swaddle, but once she learned how to break out of that one I was kinda lost. We also tried the arms up swaddle but that wasn't particularly helpful, especially bc she just knocked out her pacifier which she did definitely want in her mouth. Finally we found the miracle blanket swaddle, which is a legit baby straight jacket and my daughter could not break out of. We had to stop swaddling before she ever learned to break out, because she was starting to learn to roll over.

Is DockATot or Snuggle Me safer?

For lounging and play time Snuggle Me seems to be just as safe as DockATot. Because it's a bit narrow and tight, is might prevent rolling a bit better, but it also may restrict baby's movement. It has a bit more breathable fabric – its organic cotton is safer for the environment.

Is DockATot or snuggle me organic better?

When it really comes down to it, do you go with the Dock a Tot or Snuggle Me? The recommendation is to use Snuggle Me if your baby is new, because the size and cradling effect may be more comforting. If you want something that can last longer, then the Dock A Tot would be better.

Can baby sleep overnight in Snuggle Me?

Snuggle Me stands with the Safe Sleep Guidelines set down by the AAP and CPSC. The safest place for baby to sleep is in a crib with a tight fitted sheet without bumpers, additional bedding or toys. We do NOT recommend or endorse using the Snuggle Me overnight or unsupervised under any circumstances.

What is better than DockATot?

The Snuggle Me Organic is perhaps the most commonly known Dock-A-Tot alternative. When I was putting together our baby registry, I definitely asked around to try to figure out the difference between the Dock-A-Tot and Snuggle Me lounger, with both of them being so popular – and both super high quality.


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