Dental implant pain after 10 days

15 Mar 4 Causes Of Dental Implant Pain Weeks After Surgery

Dental implant pain is probably one of the first things you’ll be aware of once the effects of your anaesthetic have worn off, and your mouth is no longer feeling numb. It’s only natural for there to be a dull ache where the implant is sitting and for it to feel tender and sore around the implant site.

The dental implant process involves cutting your gums and drilling a hole into your jaw bone into which a small titanium rod is screwed into place. Sounds scary, but thanks to anaesthetic and conscious sedation techniques, trust us when we say that most patients feel NO PAIN whatsoever during surgery. In the main, dental implant pain after surgery is more common.

That said, post op surgery pain can usually be managed with over the counter medications such as ibuprofen and usually subsides in a few days. But what if you’re experiencing a new type of pain several weeks, months or even years later …..

Dental implant pain – Why, how, and where

Let’s dive right in and discuss some of the reasons that your tooth implant could be causing you pain.

1. Infection – One of the most common dental implant problems that causes pain is gum infection or peri-implantitis. This is caused by the presence of bacteria, which in a small minority of cases may have occurred during surgery, but more often than not is caused by poor dental hygiene. Yep, you haven’t been brushing and flossing properly! Besides pain, other symptoms can be swelling, inflammation, or bleeding around the site of the implant.

If you suspect you may have an infection then you should visit your dentist right away. Ignoring your symptoms won’t make them disappear and there’s a danger that the bone around the implant may weaken and lose its grip, causing the implant to fail. If caught early enough there’s a good chance that your tooth implant can be saved by taking a course of antibiotics and improving your oral hygiene. If this fails, then we may have to remove the implant, treat the site, and replace the implant at a later date.

2. Instability – If your implant feels loose then the cause could be a loss of bone surrounding the implant. This may indicate that your implant is failing or that it never fused properly with the surrounding bone in the first place. This could have happened because you started to smoke again, or it may be due to an inexperienced dentist placing it incorrectly, or into bone that wasn’t deep enough to support it. Whatever the reason, you’ve probably been feeling some pain from it. Unfortunately, in most instances a loose dental implant has to be removed.

3. Bad bite – If your tooth implant hasn’t been aligned correctly into your jawbone, then you may experience pain in the bone that’s around it. Consequently when you bite down, the excess force may push the implant further into the bone, causing discomfort. This occurs when you’re chewing or afterwards. Don’t worry, often we can rectify this problem simply by changing the dental crown which sits on top of the implant. Replacing it with a crown that fits better into your bite, should rid you of dental implant pain.

4. Nerve damage – Another of the dental implant problems that causes pain is damage to the nerves. Although this in incredibly rare, it can happen if your dentist catches the nerve located in the lower jawbone. Symptoms include a tingling or numbness which usually affects the lower part of the chin or lips and one side of the tongue. In most cases these symptoms disappear as the nerve heals but other times the pain can be permanent. If this is the case, then there’s no option but to remove the offending implant.

Although we’ve covered a grim subject, don’t let the thought of dental implant pain put you off getting a dental implant. Over 90% of all implant restorations are successful. Thanks to advanced high-tech procedures such as CT scans, computer aided planning, and surgical guides, post operative complications and incidents of dental implant pain have been greatly reduced.

If you’re considering dental implants but have a few concerns about the tooth implant procedure, or what to expect after, then please get in touch with Smile Gallery on (03) 8595 2632. We’d love to help fix your smile.

If you’ve recently had a dental implant placed, you may be wondering when you can expect your pain and discomfort to subside after surgery. At Precision Dental, we want all of our patients to be informed about aftercare and the healing process, whether you received your implant from Dr. Packard or not. Here are a few things you should know about the implant healing process, pain after implant surgery, and how long it takes to get back to normal:

Is Dental Implant Pain Normal After Surgery?

Yes. Some minor pain and discomfort are normal after treatment. At Precision Dental, Dr. Packard uses the latest technology and surgical techniques to ensure the procedure is minimally-invasive and pain-free. However, the process of placing a dental implant still involves major oral surgery to create an opening in the gums and jaw where your implant can be placed.

It’s totally normal to feel some pain and discomfort after surgery when the numbing agents and dental sedation wear off. However, you will likely notice some pain, discomfort, swelling, bruising and inflammation by the end of the day. Some bleeding is also common for the first 24-48 hours after treatment. Follow the instructions given to you by your dentist to ensure that you modify your diet and activities properly, and give your mouth enough time to heal. 

How Long Will It Take For Pain from an Implant to Subside? 

In most cases, the discomfort will peak within about 3-5 days after your treatment, and then begin to subside relatively quickly. By the end of your first week post-surgery, you should be feeling little, if any, discomfort and pain. 

Other symptoms like swelling, bruising and inflammation should begin to fade quite a bit by this time, as well. Depending on how quickly you’re healing, your mouth will begin to feel normal again about 1-2 weeks after your implant placement surgery. At this time, you should feel no more pain, and you can eat your normal diet and resume strenuous activities like exercise. 

What Should I Do If I’m Feeling Serious Pain 2+ Weeks After Surgery? 

The vast majority of dental implant patients should be healed within about 2 weeks after surgery, though another 3-6 months is necessary to ensure that your implant completely bonds with your jaw bone. If you are still experiencing serious pain and discomfort after 2 weeks, this is a sign that something may be wrong. Come in for a visit to get an oral exam and determine the cause of your pain. 

The most likely issue is an infection of the dental implant site. This is very rare, but can cause inflammation and pain around your dental implant. It’s often possible to clean and disinfect the implant site and use antibiotics to eliminate the infection and save your dental implant.

Another rare cause of pain after implant could be bodily rejection of your dental implant. If you have an undiagnosed mental allergy, your body may reject the implant, which can prevent proper healing and cause pain and discomfort.

Interested In Dental Implants In Bowling Green? Trust Dr. Bryan Packard! 

If you want to avoid complications when getting dental implants in Bowling Green, you need to choose an experienced implant dentist. Dr. Bryan Packard is an expert in implant dentistry and can help you find out if this treatment is right for you. To get started and schedule a consultation, just give us a call at 270-715-9214, or stop by our office at 2625 Nashville Road, Suite 103, Bowling Green, KY 42101.

Why does my implant hurt after 2 weeks?

Continued pain after two weeks – Your implant site should feel almost completely normal after two weeks. If you continue to feel pain after this time, get a follow-up right away. The site looks inflamed or infected – If the gums near the implant site look gray, brown, or black, this may indicate a serious infection.

Should my implant hurt after a week?

You May Experience Pain & Other Symptoms For Up To 7 Days After about 3-7 days, you will likely still feel some pain and tenderness around the implant site. However, it should start to get less painful. You can usually return to work or school within 1-3 days after your surgery.

Why does my implant ache sometimes?

Pain and discomfort likely indicates infection below the dental implant, which may be causing inflammation around the site. If your implant is causing you oral pain, call or come in right away to have the implant site assessed by an expert.

Why is my dental implant throbbing?

Infections are the start of dental implant problems. Once you ignore infections, you'll also encounter the problems from number two to nine. Feeling pain is normal after getting implants, and it will come in throbbing waves or short, sharp pangs. That said, you shouldn't have any trouble eating and moving your mouth.

Why does my dental implant still hurt?

Most often, the dental implant pain is coming from the gums and bone around the dental implant. A dental implant infection, peri-implantitis, is the most common cause of pain around a dental implant. This is when bacteria have begun to invade the bone around the dental implant. It is similar to gum disease.

How do I know if my dental implant is healing correctly?

About 2 weeks after surgery, your implant should be completely healed. You should feel little-to-no tenderness near the implant, and no pain or discomfort, and it will be time to get your stitches out, or they will dissolve on their own if self-dissolving stitches are used.


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