Cat has random long white hairs

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Cats come in all shapes, colors, and sizes, but when you think of a black cat, you may think of the uninterrupted inky black fur that they are covered in. Rarely do you picture a black cat with white hairs all over its body. When you see white hairs on a black cat, you might find yourself asking: why do black cats have white hairs?

Black cats have white hairs when dealing with underlying medical issues that cause them to lose pigment in their hairs. In rare cases, white hair on black cats is caused by spinal cord disease, pelvic trauma, or nerve disfunction. Some black cats are naturally born with white hairs and aging cats are prone to developing white hairs.

White hairs on a black cat should not always be a reason for concern. If you notice that the emergence of white hair comes with changes in your cat’s health or personality, you should speak to your cat’s vet. You may be able to catch serious medical issues before they worsen. Just keep reading to learn more! 

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Your cat may be all black, but there may be a few hairs on his chest that are white. Even if there are ten hairs or so, they are extremely visible against your cat’s dark hair.

Some black cats will end up with white hairs on their chest. 

There is no specific reason for this, and so your cat may have a few white hairs hidden away on his chest that you might not have noticed until he got older.

The white hair on your cat’s chest is simply there to make your cat unique! Unfortunately, if you want a cool and mysterious reason why your black cat has some white hair, you’re going to have to make up your own tale! 

Why Does My Black Cat Have Little White Hairs

While some black cats have patches of white hair on their bodies, little white hairs can have a negative meaning, and it is something you should pay attention to. 

Your cat’s hair is black because of the pigment in the hair follicles, but the hair can lose its color when your cat is unhealthy.

When you start finding white hairs on your black cat that used to be back, that could mean that your cat is dehydrated or has an electrolyte imbalance. 

These two issues are easy enough to manage if you catch them early.

One issue that can be a little more difficult to solve is obesity. 

Believe it or not, your cat may start to get white hair when your cat is obese. 

Although obesity does not go away easily, this is a warning sign; you may be able to change your cat’s diet sooner rather than later.

Why Does My Black Kitten Have Random White Hairs

Random white hairs could also be an alert to more serious medical issues. 

White hair can be a sign that your cat has issues with his spinal cord, pelvis, or nerves.

White hair on a black cat doesn’t mean that your cat has issues with his spinal cord or pelvis, but if there are changes like this in your cat, then you should start to talk to your vet.

You will not be able to tell if your cat has neurological issues from spinal cord disease or nerve dysfunction, so you will need to work with your vet for tests on your cat. It may take a little bit of time for your cat to be diagnosed.

You may be able to tell easier if your cat has a pelvic injury because his walking may not be the same as it usually is. 

Why Do Black Cat With White Hair Underneath

You may notice that even black cats have white hair underneath; that is what is called your cat’s undercoat.

All cats have an undercoat that is not exactly visible. 

Your cat’s undercoat grows particularly thick in the winter to keep your cat warm, so you might notice that your cat is looking a little fluffier.

You’ll really start to see your cat’s undercoat and white furs when your cat is blowing his winter coat and, therefore, his undercoat. The hair that your cat sheds will be black if he’s all black, but you might notice that the hair comes in grey or even white as well.

The undercoat of your cat is entirely natural, so you should never be concerned if your cat starts shedding white hair!

Will My Black Kitten Lose Their Little White Hairs

You do not know what your kitten is going to look like until he is born, but you might be surprised to see that your black cat had a kitten with white hair. 

If you see little white hairs on your kitten, then they might be there to stay. 

Most cats do not have fur that changes color as they get older. Your cat is usually born with the fur that he will have when he is older too. 

On the other hand, your kitten could lose the white hairs that do not match the rest of his black hair. 

Unfortunately, you’re not going to know if your cat will lose his white hair until he grows up! 

Do Black Cats Get White Hairs As They Age

As your black cat gets older, you might notice that they start to get white hairs.

Even cats are exempt from getting white hair in their old age.

Unlike human hair, your black cat may not turn completely white. Your cat probably won’t become completely white like snow even at his oldest age. 

Your black cat will start to have more white hair as he gets older. 

Your cat will start to have white hairs on his body but most commonly on his face. Again, his face will not turn white, but the number of hairs will be more and more. 

You will notice the most white hair around your cat’s nose and mouth, especially on his chin and snout. 

My name is James, and welcome to FAQCats!

Along with our  team of cat owners, expert pet enthusiasts, and pet professionals, we aim to write engaging helpful, engaging content about cats. At FAQCats we strive to provide content that’s accurate and fun to read. Our team writes about everything related to cats; even the most complex of topics. Through extensive research and caring for our own fur-pals, we’re able to provide something cat owners worldwide will love. Have a look around, and leave us feedback anytime!

Why is my cat getting random white hairs?

White hair can be a sign that your cat has issues with his spinal cord, pelvis, or nerves. White hair on a black cat doesn't mean that your cat has issues with his spinal cord or pelvis, but if there are changes like this in your cat, then you should start to talk to your vet.

Why does my cat have some long hairs?

Longhaired cats are the result of a genetic mutation, and researchers have narrowed down the gene to the fibroblast growth factor 5 or FGF5, for short. That's why it's not unusual to see some kittens from the same litter with short hair and others with long.

Why is my cat growing grey hairs?

Cats that are sick, underfed or neglected can begin to lose pigment in their fur as their body labors to keep up. Gray fur that shows up due to an area being groomed too much, is wiry or more dirty than the rest of the cat, or is matted beyond reason can be the result of a sickness in the cat.

Why are my black cats whiskers turning white?

Most likely your cat's gray whiskers are due to the natural changes of aging. But if your cat should show any symptoms of illness, including behavior changes (like being grumpy or hiding a lot or not eating his food), make sure you call your vet.


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