Can you tell the size of a man by his hands

Sorry boys, but it does seem the size of your fingers is a pretty good guide to your manhood.

Long regarded as a myth and source of much amusement, scientists have now confirmed that the length of a man's index finger relative to his ring finger can reveal his penis size.

Korean scientists studied 144 men and discovered that the ratio between their second and fourth fingers - known as digit ratio - was directly linked to penile length.

While previous studies have indicated links between digit ratio and prostate cancer, none have revealed why men who undergo normal puberty have different penis sizes.

Each of the men who took part in the Korean study were all aged over 20 and had been admitted to hospital for urological surgery.

After having their height, weight and fingers measured the size of their flaccid and fully stretched penises were recorded while the men were under anaesthetic.

The scientists discovered that while each man's height, ring finger length and digit ratio were all associated with the size of his penis, the digit ratio was the sole "significant predictive factor" for stretched penile length.

Reporting their findings in the Asian Journal of Andrology, the scientists said the individual lengths of the ring and index fingers had nothing to with penis size.

"However the results ... did show that stretched penile length correlated with digit ratio, as men with a lower digit ratio tended to have a longer penile length," they wrote.

"This means that it is not finger length but digit ratio that can predict adult penile length."

Many researchers investigating various behavioural and physiological conditions have in the past examined links between digit ratio and hormone activity.

Some believe the digit ratio is a predictor of personality traits such as aggression.

The Korean scientists said that the ratio of the index and ring fingers was thought to be fixed early in development, in a similar way to how penile growth is influenced by a baby's exposure to testosterone while in the womb.

They said based on their findings, they believed that higher prenatal exposure to androgen hormones like testosterone could be responsible for both the lower digit ratio and longer penile length.

"Based on this evidence, we suggest that digit ratio can predict adult penile size and that the effects of prenatal testosterone may in part explain the differences in adult penile length," they wrote.

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Can you tell his size by his hands?

I am convinced that you can tell a thing or two about a mans penis by his hands! Yep!My hypothesis is that you can gather important information such as length and girth by checking out his fingers.

i.e long, skinny fingers hint at a long but slim penis while short and wide fingers say you’re dealing with a shorter but thicker penis. Now the ideal hands you want to look for are the manly hands — big, strong looking hands that look like they have their own work out routine! Just know with those hands um… lets just say he’s good to go. You may be laughing by now, you may think I’m silly for this but I’ve only ever been completely wrong once!

You’re probably looking at your or your partners hands right now…. So I did some research:

Dare you to not look at your hand after reading this: Guys with shorter index fingers than ring fingers tend to have bigger penises than guys with the opposite digit scenario, finds a new study in the Asian Journal of Andrology.

Scientists measured 144 consenting patients’ penises, who came in to Gachon University Gil Hospital in South Korea for urological surgery and were anesthetized. Other researchers measured the patients’ index and ring fingers. The connection: The testosterone men get exposed to while they’re still fetuses controls both penis and finger length, the researchers explain. The bigger the difference between a man’s index and ring finger, the bigger his penis was likely to be.

This index to ring finger difference is also associated with an overall more attractive male face. A study from the University of Geneva in Switzerland found that the ratio between a man’s index and ring finger is a good sign of how masculine his facial features are, and this of course nearly always predicted male attractiveness.

“What we found was that 2D:4D ratio can predict face attractiveness. The more masculine the 2D:4D is, the more attractive is the face,” Camille Ferdenzi, a researcher on the study, told LiveScience. The ratio is also linked to voice frequency, body odor,quality of sperm and even what diseases you may be prone to.

How to measure your 2D:4D finger ratio

Measure your index and ring fingers, base to tip. (Most of the studies used the right hand.) Divide the length of your index finger by the length of your ring finger to determine the digit ratio, or finger quotient (Fq). A longer ring finger results in an Fq of less than 1 and a more “masculine” hand shape.

So the fact is fingers can tell you a thing or two about the guy. But in all seriousness just go and find out! And my best advise for… men just keep your hands in your pockets. Ha!

Sketch by Min Lui: //

Can you tell a guy's size by his hands?

Sorry boys, but it does seem the size of your fingers is a pretty good guide to your manhood. Long regarded as a myth and source of much amusement, scientists have now confirmed that the length of a man's index finger relative to his ring finger can reveal his penis size.

Does hand size correlate with size?

Hand sizes vary according to a variety of factors, including biological sex and age. Males tend to have larger hands than females. Adults have larger hands than children. There is also evidence that hand size is closely related to a person's height.

Can you tell the size of a man by his feet?

Two British urologists measured the stretched penile length of 104 men and attempted to relate it to their shoe size. Despite the widespread myth, however, they found there was no significant correlation between the men's shoe size and penile length.


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